Herpes is dangerous because this virus is transmitted in all possible ways: airborne, sexual, generic and contact. According to global statistics, its carriers are 90% of the inhabitants of the globe. Another danger: the disease does not manifest itself in any way. But only until such time as your immune system weakens for some reason.
Most often, herpes affects the mucous membranes and skin. The most common location of its appearance is the nasolabial fold, toes, torso. But herpes on the thigh (on the inside) is not rare either. It is called encircling. We will talk about the causes of this disease, its characteristic symptoms, diagnosis, therapy and prevention.
Separation of pathogens
Today, scientists know eight types of causative agents of this infection. But the first three are the most common:
- The first type. Appears on the lips in the form of bubbles filled with liquid. Also known as the "cold on the lips".
- Second type. The appearance of rashes in the perigenital area.
- Third type. The second name is the Varicella-Zoster virus. Its symptoms are similar to chickenpox andshingles.
As for herpes on the thigh, legs, feet, it is caused by pathogens of the third type. Differs in the latent course of the disease. The patient does not suspect for a long time that he is a carrier of the virus. However, herpes on the thigh begins to manifest itself with a number of risk factors. Which ones, we will find out later.

Let's get acquainted with the causes of herpes on the thigh. The most common is household contact with a carrier of this virus. What could it be? Close, sexual contact with someone suffering from herpes on the inside of the thigh.
Genital herpes can also "spread" to the thigh if the patient does not take good care of the emerging sores: you need to carefully treat not only the vesicle itself, but also the areas around it with a solution.

Risk factors
Herpes on the thigh may not make itself known for a long time. Risk factors can provoke its active, open stage:
- Severe physical fatigue.
- Chronic stress.
- A set of bad habits: addiction to alcohol, tobacco, drug addiction.
- Serious chronic diseases: diabetes, SARS, HIV, AIDS, etc.
- Intoxication of the body.
- Long exposure to ultraviolet rays.
- Painful periods.
- Violation of wakefulness and rest.
- Unstable, impaired immune system activity.
- Stronghypothermia/overheating.
- Wrong diet.
- Medication for autoimmune diseases.
- Frequent colds.
- Taking drugs that somehow suppress the strength of immunity.
Main symptoms
Let's imagine the symptoms, a photo of herpes on the thigh. The main signs of the disease are as follows:
- The appearance of reddened skin. Over time, they increase in size, become covered with bubbles, blisters filled with a colorless liquid. Then the latter darkens. When the bubbles burst, sores appear in their place.
- High temperature (this is the body's reaction to the spread of non-cellular agents).
- Feeling aching in the body.
- General deterioration of well-being.
- Dry mouth.
- Itching in affected area.
- Swelling, pain, burning at the site of the rash.
- Lack of appetite.
- Increase in the size of the lymph nodes (or one of them).
- Nausea.
- Feeling of heaviness in the spine.
Symptoms begin to manifest themselves both on the second day and after 2-4 weeks from the onset of the active phase of the infection.

Features of rashes
Herpes on the thigh (photos are presented in the article) can manifest itself in three variations:
- Appearance of single, separate rashes and spots. The mildest form of infection.
- Nonshingles on the inside of the thigh (in women, men and children). Bubbles and soresare some distance apart.
- Girdle rash. The most difficult and painful form of the disease.

Specific symptoms
In some patients, herpes on the thigh (the photo shows the characteristic features of such rashes) can only manifest itself as signs characteristic of a viral lesion in general:
- Increase in size of lymph nodes.
- Increased body temperature.
- Headache and sometimes dizziness.
- Deterioration of appetite.
- Nausea, vomiting.
- Sleep problems.
If the patient's body is highly sensitive, then in response to the infection, postherpetic neuralgia or neuralgic pain may develop. Against the background of changes taking place with the body, the general state of he alth is deteriorating.

The appointment of treatment for herpes on the thigh is possible only by a qualified specialist. To make sure of the diagnosis, he needs to carry out a number of diagnostic measures. The simplest and surest is a visual examination of the patient. But to confirm the diagnosis (in particular, the causative agent of the infection), tests are prescribed:
- PCR. This is a polymerase chain reaction.
- ELISA. Stands for enzyme immunoassay.
- REEF. The name of the analysis is the immunofluorescence reaction.
In laboratory conditions today it is possible to clearly determine both the type of pathogen and the stage of its activity, the concentration of the virus in the body.
In some cases, additional diagnostic tests may be prescribed:
- Immunogram.
- Serological analysis.
- DOT hybridization.
- Serological analysis.
- Vulvocolocervicoscopy.
They are mainly chosen if the patient has an unusual, complex form of infection. Or the doctor has doubts about the treatment regimen.
Therapy Schedule
Treatment of herpes on the thigh (you can see a photo of the rashes in the article) is necessary, since the disease causes a strong deterioration in the quality of life. Moreover, its neglected forms are fraught with the development of complications.
Usually the doctor prescribes the following therapy program:
- Testing, periodic visits to the doctor.
- Acceptance, use of prescribed antiviral drugs - tablets, ointments, injection solutions.
- Use of immunomodulators (drugs that stimulate the body's defenses).
- Taking antihistamines.
- Compliance with bed rest, referring the patient to a balanced, he althy diet. Exclusion from the diet of foods that can have an irritating effect on the body - caffeinated drinks, sweets, muffins, etc.
- Regular change of bath accessories, bed and underwear.
The dosage of drugs, the duration of the treatment program is calculated by the medical specialist individually for each patient. In the most general case, therapy takes approximately one month.

Medicated treatment
In the article we consider the symptoms, photos, treatment of herpes on the thigh. As for drug therapy, the following drugs can be distinguished here:
- Drugs that inhibit the activity of the pathogen itself.
- Immunomodulating agents. Medicines that activate the body's production of interferons. Here you can select "Cycloferon", "Amiksin", "Viferon".
- Painkillers.
- "Zelenka". A popular remedy is applied to wounds to dry them, as well as to disinfect sores.
- Ointments that have a depressing effect on the herpes virus. These are "Gerpevir", "Zovirax" and others.
Folk remedies
As an adjuvant therapy, you can turn to a number of proven folk remedies:
- Taking baths with sea s alt. According to the instructions, a s alt solution is diluted in water. The patient should lie down in the bath for at least 20 minutes. Or dip your feet for this time up to the areas affected by herpes.
- Taking a bath with hawthorn tincture. Soaking in the water for at least 30 minutes is recommended.
- Internal use of lemon balm decoction will strengthen the immune system, and lungwort decoction will prevent recurrence of the disease.
- Such complementary therapies as tinctures of Schisandra chinensis, golden root, and eleutherococcus prickly have also proven to be excellent.
All of the above can be used only with the permission of the attending doctor! Otherwise, you can aggravate the movecourse of the disease, cause its complications.
Complications of the disease
In most cases, the active form of the herpes virus successfully responds to complex therapy. But if the patient's immunity was severely suppressed, the following consequences are possible:
- Pneumonia.
- Encephalitis.
- Meningitis.
- Inflammation of a number of internal organs - kidneys, digestive tract.
- Herpetic arthritis.
- The defeat of both the urinary and reproductive systems.
- Violation of the work of blood vessels, heart muscle.
- Conjunctivitis.
One of the most common complications is neuralgia. This is a severe itching, excruciating pain in the areas of the body affected by the virus. Antiviral agents are not able to eliminate such a problem. The patient is additionally prescribed painkillers, antidepressants, vitamin complexes, physiotherapy.

Disease prognosis
It is important to remember that there is no cure for this infection. Once in the body, the causative agent of herpes remains there forever. "Lives" in various branches of the nervous system (in particular, in the nerve ganglia).
But despite the fact that the number of people infected with herpes is quite large, only 5% of carriers of the virus are on average sick with it in an active form. The body's defenses are able to restrain the impact of the infectious agent on the body.
The best prevention for both herpes and the whole range of infectious diseases is to strengthen yourimmunity. These are very simple recommendations:
- Return to a balanced diet, eating enough vital minerals and vitamins with food.
- Balanced work/life mode.
- Lack of systematic emotional overstrain, stress.
- Moderate physical activity on the body.
- Following simple rules of personal hygiene: wash your hands before eating, after the street, use only your bath accessories, toothbrush, cosmetics, etc.
- Giving up bad habits: smoking, addiction to alcohol, constant overeating.
- Returning to an active lifestyle - from constant long walks in the fresh air to playing sports.
If we talk specifically about herpes, then the following can be added to the list of preventive procedures:
- The use of "Zoster". This is the name of the herpes vaccine. Be careful - it has a large list of contraindications. In particular, it should not be administered for acute respiratory viral infections, a tendency to allergies, during pregnancy.
- Reception of immunomodulators. If for some reason you have a systematically weakened immune system, you can turn to taking these funds. But only an immunologist can prescribe them. Before this, you must undergo a general examination and pass the tests prescribed by your doctor.
Summarize. Herpes on the thigh is caused by pathogens of the third type virus of the same name. Most often, it can be recognized by the characteristic rashes (vesicles andsores) on the inner thigh. However, to prescribe treatment, you must definitely come to the doctor! An individual therapy regimen will be drawn up - both local remedies and tablets, injections. With the permission of the doctor, you can also turn to auxiliary, alternative therapy.