Alcohol overdose: symptoms, first aid, treatment, consequences

Alcohol overdose: symptoms, first aid, treatment, consequences
Alcohol overdose: symptoms, first aid, treatment, consequences

Long feast, protracted holidays, stress relief after busy working days, parties with friends - all this is often accompanied by the intake of alcoholic beverages. Many people lose control over the quantity and compatibility of the products they use. The result is an overdose of alcohol.

What is the condition?

Pathology develops with the uncontrolled use of products containing ethanol.

alcohol poisoning
alcohol poisoning

Often this phenomenon leads to sad consequences. Even death is possible. The most reliable prevention of an overdose of alcohol is to control the amount of alcohol consumed. But if the excess of the permissible amount nevertheless occurred, you must immediately provide first aid to the poisoned person. To do this, you should be able to clearly recognize the signs of pathology.

Dangerous dose

How many alcohol-containing products can be lethal? According to experts, mana male who is not prone to drinking such drinks can ruin three hundred and fifty milliliters of vodka. And for individuals suffering from chronic alcoholism, the lethal dose is 600 ml. However, for a fatal outcome, it is necessary that the product be drunk within a short period of time (faster than 5 hours). As a rule, in such cases, a protective reaction of the body is triggered - the gag reflex. A large amount of food rich in lipids increases the likelihood of an alcohol overdose. After drinking with a plentiful snack, a person does not lose consciousness, he does not feel sick, so the risk of death increases. If the intake of alcohol-containing products is accompanied by moderate consumption of food, the victim vomits, and some of the toxins leave the body. Thus, the protective reflex will save the life of the patient.

vomiting from alcohol poisoning
vomiting from alcohol poisoning

The lethal dose of alcohol for a person in ppm is 5-6 units. Severe intoxication occurs in the case of the use of 2.5 units. ethanol.

Other causes of poisoning

Pathology may be associated with the reception of low-quality products. Such drinks do not contain ethanol, but other alcohols that pose a danger to he alth and life.

methyl alcohol
methyl alcohol

These include:

  1. Methanol.
  2. Acetone.
  3. Isopropyl alcohol.
  4. Butyl.

Signs of pathology

When an alcohol overdose is observed, the symptoms are as follows:

  1. Pain in the head.
  2. Feelingnausea and bouts of vomiting.
  3. Nervousness.
  4. Increased need for sleep.
  5. Pale or bluish skin tone.
  6. Frequent and loose stools.
  7. Trembling of the hands.
  8. Impaired consciousness.
  9. Slow down the breathing process.
  10. Disorders of coordination of movements.
  11. Lower body temperature.
  12. Violations of the functions of the visual apparatus (in case of poisoning with low-quality products, such as methanol).
loss of consciousness due to alcohol poisoning
loss of consciousness due to alcohol poisoning

Stages of development of intoxication

Specialists identify three phases in the development of pathology:

  1. Mild poisoning. It is characterized by increased sociability, impatience, decreased concentration, poor coordination of movements, and emotionality. Breathing becomes rapid, the face becomes red.
  2. Second phase. Speech becomes confused, mental activity worsens. There is disorientation in space and time, aggressive behavior, unsteady gait. The drinker has a feeling of nausea, vomiting. The skin turns pale.
  3. The third degree of pathology is characterized by fainting, a decrease in pupil volume.

Can you die from an alcohol overdose? Lethal outcome is very likely. This condition can lead to cardiac arrest. Patients with alcoholism in the case of the development of the third degree of intoxication often retain consciousness and are able to contact with others. Timely provide the necessary assistance to the victim,unfortunately, not all.

How to alleviate the patient's condition?

In the presence of pathology, it is necessary to take care of human safety. The further condition of the victim and even his life depends on how quickly and correctly first aid is provided in case of an overdose of alcohol. So what should others do?

First, you should wash the patient's stomach. A person is given to drink a large volume of clean water (about one and a half liters). After that, you should place two fingers in your mouth, press on the root of the tongue. It should be remembered that in the process of vomiting, pressure rises. For patients suffering from hypertension, this condition poses a threat, as it can cause a heart attack. Therefore, the victim must be periodically given to inhale ammonia. In order to quickly remove toxins from the body, the patient should drink lemon juice with sugar.

In violation of consciousness, vomiting cannot be provoked. It is necessary to place a person in a horizontal position, turn his head to the side, provide access to fresh air. There should be no foreign objects in the patient's mouth.

Many people get lost when someone close to them overdoses on alcohol. What to do in such cases? These measures will help alleviate the patient's condition, but he needs the help of doctors and, possibly, therapy in a hospital.

treatment in a hospital
treatment in a hospital

If symptoms of poisoning occur, call an ambulance and report the suspected diagnosis.

Prohibited treatments

In case of an overdose of alcohol, medicines should not be given to the patient, since many of them, coming into contact with ethanol, cause damage to the body.

alcohol and drugs
alcohol and drugs

If you need to constantly take drugs, drinking alcohol is unacceptable.

Also, you should not let the poisoned person go to bed. Rest in such a situation negatively affects the patient's condition and can even lead to death. Drinking coffee in case of intoxication is also prohibited. After all, the patient's heart muscle experiences a double load. Of course, you should not give the victim additional portions of alcohol. It is unacceptable to take a cold shower in this state.

Methods of therapy in a hospital setting

In case of an overdose of alcohol, the doctors who arrived on call begin to save the victim even before they arrive at the medical facility. Medical interventions include being connected to a ventilator (in case of breathing problems), a drip to remove toxins from body cells. In a hospital setting, some patients undergo a hemodialysis procedure. A person with this pathology is in the intensive care unit for about twelve hours, in the usual department for at least two days.

In the case of dependence, it is often necessary to set up a dropper for alcohol intoxication at home. This procedure allows you to improve the well-being of the victim within 60 minutes after its completion. A person is given medications that reduce cravings for ethanol, drugs that normalize blood pressure and the functions of internalorgans, as well as drugs that help remove toxins from body cells.

Poisoning from poor quality products

In the case of using surrogate alcohol, a person needs the help of medical professionals. You can not carry out therapy at home, you should immediately call an ambulance. Poor quality products adversely affect the activity of the myocardium, urinary and nervous system. The only thing that relatives of the victim can do is to wash his stomach. Giving the patient any medication is strictly prohibited. Any, even a harmless agent, such as activated charcoal, will not improve the individual's condition. On the contrary, pills can aggravate the course of the pathology.

A person who does not have special knowledge is not able to recognize surrogate alcohol. How to protect yourself from intoxication? First, the most reliable preventive measure is a he althy lifestyle. A person who does not use alcohol-containing products is not likely to develop this pathology.

giving up alcohol
giving up alcohol

Secondly, you need to buy alcoholic drinks only in specialized stores.


Intoxication with alcohol-containing products is a serious pathology that requires immediate medical attention. The consequences of an overdose of alcohol can be very dangerous, up to a coma or death. With moderate poisoning, the patient, as a rule, does not need hospitalization. In case of addiction, it is recommended to resort to the servicesspecialists in the field of narcology. Doctors who work in private clinics can offer alcohol intoxication drips at home to rid the victim's body of harmful substances.

As a rule, within a week after poisoning, the patient's he alth is restored. His body is cleared of toxic compounds. During this period, you must follow a diet. The patient's diet should include boiled chicken meat, cereal dishes, vegetable soups.

vegetable soup
vegetable soup

You should also eat fruits and juices to provide the body with vitamins. To improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines, kefir, yogurt, curdled milk and other fermented milk products are useful. Black tea is better to replace with green tea.
