Treatment of foot fungus with effective drugs and folk methods

Treatment of foot fungus with effective drugs and folk methods
Treatment of foot fungus with effective drugs and folk methods

Despite the absence of an extreme he alth hazard when the skin of the feet is affected by a fungal infection, other rather unpleasant pathologies can develop against the background of the problem. Therefore, it is important to identify the problem in a timely manner and resort to appropriate therapy. What are the signs of the formation of mycosis of the legs? How does infection occur? What is the treatment for foot fungus? You can find out the answers to these questions by reading our article.

Clinical picture

Before considering the fastest ways to treat foot fungus, I would like to say a few words about the characteristic signs of pathology. When the skin is infected with pathogenic spores, a person may experience absolutely no discomfort for a long time. However, when the protective functions of the body are weakened, the disease will definitely make itself felt.

The first sign of a fungal infectionthe epidermis of the lower extremities is the appearance of a sensation of overthrow. In parallel, there may be a burning sensation in the interdigital space. Over time, microscopic cracks appear on the skin, which cause the development of inflammatory processes and serve as a gateway for pathogenic bacteria to enter the body.

Ignoring the above symptoms necessarily leads to the spread of infection to large areas of the skin. Not only the feet are infected, but also the nail plates, which coarsen and acquire a brittle structure. The superficial layers of the epidermis begin to peel off strongly. At the same time, the sensation of itching becomes simply unbearable. In the future, blisters may form, which cause pain during movement.

Reasons for the development of the fungus

foot fungus inexpensive treatment
foot fungus inexpensive treatment

Foot fungus is formed as a result of contact with the skin of pathogenic spores of the genus Trichophyton. By themselves, such microorganisms are in a state of suspended animation. The infection is activated only under certain conditions. Among the provoking factors it should be noted:

  • Presence of lesions on the skin of the feet.
  • Wearing ill-fitting, tight shoes.
  • Sweaty feet.
  • Unwillingness to follow the generally accepted rules of hygiene regarding the care of the skin of the feet and nails.
  • The development of diseases in a chronic form, the course of which negatively affects blood circulation in the tissues of the lower extremities.
  • Hypocooling of the feet.
  • Decrease in the protective functions of the body.
  • Using someone else's shoes, towels, beauty tools.
  • Refusal to use personal slippers when visiting public places, in particular, baths and saunas, swimming pools, showers in gyms.


"Amphotericin" is a drug that can be used to carry out the most inexpensive treatment for foot fungus. This antibiotic inhibits the vital activity of pathogenic spores, preventing self-replication of the infectious agent. Unfortunately, the remedy is not very effective, since the active components of the drug are active only against yeast-like and mold fungi. As for the dosage of the drug, the dosage of the drug is determined by the attending physician, depending on the individual nature of the problem and the characteristics of the course of the disease.


foot fungus home remedies
foot fungus home remedies

Inexpensive treatment of foot fungus can also be performed using Zalain ointment. When the skin and nails of the lower extremities are affected by pathogenic spores, the agent is applied to the infected areas twice a day. Therapy is performed for a month. This time is sufficient for the final destruction of the protein structures of pathogenic microorganisms.


The ointment is used in case of infection of the epidermis with fungal spores of the genus Trichophyton. The main active ingredient in the composition of the drug is a substance called clotrimazole. The active element rendersdestructive effect on the membrane structures of pathogenic microorganisms, which causes their destruction.

What is the treatment of foot fungus using Candide ointment? The agent treats the infected areas of the epidermis 2-3 times a day. Treatment is continued for 3 weeks. If during this time it is not possible to completely eliminate the characteristic symptoms of the disease, in this case, a short break is performed. Then repeat the course of therapy.


foot and nail fungus treatment
foot and nail fungus treatment

"Lamisil" is a tool that allows for an inexpensive but effective treatment of foot fungus. The drug is available in the form of ointment and tablets. If preference is given to the agent in the first form, the drug is applied several times a day to the infected skin of the feet and nail plates. When using tablets, the medication is taken orally 250 mg once a day. Therapy is performed for a month.


How effective is Exoderil in the treatment of foot fungus? Reviews of doctors show that the drug is able to destroy the pathogen at the cellular level. The main active ingredient of the drug - naphthinine - slows down the self-replication of pathogenic spores, has an antibacterial effect on tissues. The result is the prevention of the spread of infection to adjacent areas, as well as the elimination of the likelihood of the formation of other infectious pathologies against the background of mycosis.

Treatment of foot and nail fungus with the help of the remedyin the following way. Ointment "Exoderil" is applied to previously cleansed, disinfected skin. The procedure is resorted to 2-3 times a day. To exclude the possibility of progress of the disease, the agent covers not only the infected areas, but also neighboring, he althy areas.

The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease. With minor fungal infections, the course of therapy is at least 2 weeks. Serious mycoses, which lead to the formation of ulcerative manifestations in the skin structures, require the use of an ointment for up to six months.


foot fungus treatment at home
foot fungus treatment at home

The drug is available in the form of capsules intended for internal use. The medicine is highly effective. The tool inhibits the vital activity of the bulk of fungal infections that can affect tissues in the lower extremities. The effectiveness of the drug is due to the ability to damage the membrane structures of pathogens.

How is foot fungus treated with Itraconazole? The drug is taken one tablet shortly before meals. Use the pharmacological composition 2-3 times a day. In the presence of a fungus in a neglected form, the dosage may increase. In such situations, specific norms are determined by a dermatologist.


An effective drug for the treatment of foot fungus is available in the form of tablets, syrup and solution. The active substances of the drug suppress the nutritional processes of pathogenicmicroorganisms at the cellular level. The result is a rapid death of the infectious agent.

Treatment of foot fungus with "Fluconazole" is carried out according to the following scheme. Since the medicine is extremely effective, it is used once a day, regardless of the form of release. In the presence of a minor infection, the remedy is used for a week. If foot fungus is noted in an advanced stage, therapy is continued for a month.


foot fungus treatment
foot fungus treatment

"Nizoral" belongs to the category of inexpensive drugs. Treatment of foot fungus with the help of the remedy, despite the affordable cost, is quite effective. In order to destroy the infection, the cream is applied to the infected areas of the skin and adjacent areas several times a day. Therapy is continued for 1-2 months, depending on the severity of the problem. If the treatment of the fungus starts when the first signs of the disease appear, as a rule, unpleasant symptoms can be eliminated for several weeks.

Salicylic ointment

Quick treatment of foot fungus at home can be done through the use of salicylic ointment. The agent is applied to the infected skin once a day shortly before going to bed. Before performing the procedure, the feet are washed with high quality, treated with any available disinfectant and wiped dry. Therapy is continued for 20 days.

It is worth noting that the active substances in the composition of the ointment do not have a destructiveeffects on pathogenic fungal spores. However, the tool has the ability to soften tissues. The result of treatment with the use of a medication is the disappearance of flaky and coarsened areas of the epidermis. For this reason, it is reasonable to use salicylic ointment in combination with other pharmacological compounds that prevent the self-replication of pathogens.

Garlic oil

foot fungus treatment drugs inexpensive but effective
foot fungus treatment drugs inexpensive but effective

Garlic is considered an effective natural antibiotic. The juice of the plant contains substances that have a binding effect on infectious agents. In turn, caustic components contribute to the creation of an environment unsuitable for the active life of pathogenic microorganisms.

How to prepare a remedy for the treatment of foot fungus? Several large cloves of garlic are crushed with a crusher. The base of the medicine is combined with butter in equal proportions. The composition is thoroughly mixed. The resulting product is applied to the skin and nail plates infected with the fungus. The procedure is performed several times a day until the infection is completely eliminated.


The plant has been used by folk healers for centuries to treat dermatological diseases. The juice of such a grass is distinguished by pronounced caustic properties, due to which a special environment is created where it is extremely difficult for pathogens to multiply.

How is foot fungus treated with a folk remedy? Take a fresh harvest of the plant. The grass is carefully ground. Raw material inthe amount of 3-4 tablespoons is poured with one and a half liters of boiling water. The composition is allowed to brew for several minutes and cooled to a comfortable temperature. The resulting liquid is poured into a basin and the legs infected with the fungus are placed there. The feet are kept in a hot bath for half an hour. Treatment is carried out in the morning and in the evening. As a rule, 20 procedures are enough to get rid of the fungus.


foot fungus treatment drugs inexpensive
foot fungus treatment drugs inexpensive

One of the easiest and most affordable options for treating foot fungus is to use an onion-based remedy. Such raw materials are carefully ground on a grater. The resulting mass is placed in a piece of gauze and the juice is squeezed out. The substance is used to treat infected skin areas. After drying, the onion juice is not washed off. They resort to such actions only if an unbearable burning sensation is felt.


Treatment of foot fungus with a folk remedy consists in the preparation of healing baths. The use of a composition based on vinegar contributes to the creation of a pronounced acidic environment in which it is difficult for pathogens to carry out their vital activity. The use of such a therapeutic solution seems especially appropriate when the first signs of infection appear. If the development of the fungus has caused the formation of an abundance of wounds and sores on the skin, it is not recommended to resort to the method.

The way to treat foot fungus is as follows. About 150 ml of table vinegar is used per liter of boiling water, the concentration level of which is 9%. The composition is stirred andcool to a comfortable temperature. Then the fungus-infected feet are dipped into the product. If a pronounced tingling of the skin is felt a few minutes after the start of the procedure, then the concentration of the active substance is reduced by pouring about one glass of water into the pelvis. This solution avoids the occurrence of chemical burns to the skin.

Sea s alt

Application of the method allows you to eliminate the problem if the infection is not in an advanced stage. To prepare the remedy, use a teaspoon of sea s alt for each glass of water. The resulting composition is poured into a basin, where the infected feet are dipped. Here the legs are held for half an hour. At the end of the procedure, cotton swabs are soaked in saline solution. The latter are applied to infected areas of the skin and left to dry completely.


Healing clay is a good helper in the fight against fungus. The substance can be purchased at almost every pharmacy. The tool is prepared as follows. Powdered clay is diluted with boiled water until a consistency similar to thick sour cream is formed. The medicine is applied to the infected feet and covered with a piece of natural tissue.

The compress is removed shortly before the clay dries completely. The legs are thoroughly washed under running water, after which the skin is treated with a composition based on a tablespoon of lemon juice dissolved in a glass of water. Such therapy is resorted to several times a day until the signs of the disease disappear completely.

In conclusion

As you can see, in order to treat foot fungus,apply a wide range of pharmacological solutions and traditional medicine. In order for the therapy to be as effective as possible, it is extremely important to carry out high-quality foot hygiene, change socks regularly, and stop using old shoes, which can become a source of re-infection. Compliance with such simple rules along with the use of effective methods of therapy will significantly speed up recovery and avoid relapses.
