Practically everyone has heard of ephedrine as a psychostimulant. A large number of drugs for weight loss, as well as syrups and cough tablets contain this substance. The alkaloid has been known since ancient times, but at present, many countries, including Russia, have banned its storage, equating it with the storage of drugs or the means used to manufacture them. In addition, this tool is included in the list of prohibited doping drugs. The effect of ephedrine on the body can be positive and negative.

Ephedrine belongs to the group of stimulants, and it is a natural substance of plant origin. It is obtained from trees of the ephedra family growing in China and Western Siberia. Ephedrine can also be obtained through chemical synthesis. Chinese folk medicine has been using ephedrine extract for the treatment of bronchial asthma for 5 thousand years, and in the MiddleIn the East, they treat pathologies accompanied by fever.
Many people who want to lose weight actively use it to reduce body weight. But you should know that the substance has a different effect on the human body. The benefits and harms of ephedrine have been thoroughly studied, and the International Olympic Committee has banned it. You can buy the drug in pharmacies only on a special form, which is certified by the seal of the institution.
Ephedrine action
This substance has a certain effect on the body. It affects adrenoreceptors, which leads to the release of hormones and neurotransmitters, due to which various metabolic and functional changes begin to occur in the body. Blood pressure rises sharply, blood circulation accelerates, heart contractions and respiratory rate increase, body temperature rises, blood glucose levels jump. And this is not all the processes that ephedrine stimulates.

The effect on the body of a substance is such that as a result, metabolism is enhanced. As you know, this usually happens in two cases - as a result of excessive physical exertion and sudden danger, when a large amount of adrenaline is released into the blood. Such a situation can be considered as a critical state of the body due to the activation of all its vital forces. Increases stamina and performance, so training becomes more productive.
Mood improves, a person seeks to communicate, he hasan irresistible urge to talk to someone. At the end of the action of ephedrine, mood begins to drop sharply, severe depression occurs, irritability, anger, weakness, lethargy, weakness appear.
Use of ephedrine in sports
Athletes get the maximum benefit from the use of this substance. The effect of ephedrine on the body is such that many athletes use preparations based on it before competitions. This is due to the fact that the stimulant allows you to increase physical activity and at the same time not be so tired, plus it helps to burn fat.

Ephedrine is very popular in bodybuilding. The effect on the body of this substance is that it increases the metabolic rate, leads to stimulation of the heart rate, promotes the breakdown of fat and causes protein synthesis in skeletal muscles. The ability to exercise increases several times. Due to the fact that the body is not so tired, training becomes more intense and productive. But do not forget that the drug in sports is considered doping.
Benefits of ephedrine
The substance is also used to treat certain diseases. The effect of ephedrine on the body of a patient with bronchial asthma, rhinitis, sinusitis and bronchitis is very beneficial: it alleviates the condition of a person, as it helps to expand the bronchi. This stimulant has been used since ancient times as an effective remedy for various lung diseases. As a bronchodilator, ephedrine helps relieve seizures.asthma. As a result of long-term use, the effectiveness of the drug decreases, so combined treatment is often practiced.

In ophthalmology, ephedrine solution allows you to narrow the blood vessels of the eye and dilate the pupil. It has also been found that this substance well eliminates the consequences in case of poisoning with sleeping pills. As medical practice shows, ephedrine contributes to an increase in blood pressure in the event of a sharp decrease during anesthesia. Doctors also prescribe it to treat chronically low blood pressure.
All stimulant products are available by prescription only.
Ephedrine use and consequences
Despite all the positive characteristics, this alkaloid cannot be called harmless. Preparations based on it can bring not only benefits, but also harm. Since the main component is considered a narcotic substance, long-term use of the drug can cause addiction. The effect of ephedrine on the body, therefore, is twofold: along with the therapeutic effect, it can provoke the development of negative side reactions. Improving the performance and endurance of a person, the drug simultaneously contributes to the appearance of headaches, vomiting and nausea, while the respiratory and cardiovascular systems suffer greatly.

Ephedrine is not in vain recognized as a dangerous substance. Experts warn: even a short intake of such drugs provokes the developmentdiarrhea, and men may suffer from impaired urination and potency.
Thyroid disease, heart problems, frequent high blood pressure should refrain from taking this drug. Since the action of ephedrine on the human body leads to stimulation of the central nervous system, an overdose is possible. Its symptoms are rapid breathing, palpitations, panic, nausea, diarrhea, abnormal blood pressure, trembling, loss of consciousness, extreme anxiety, hallucinations.
It is forbidden to take ephedrine in combination with antidepressants, in particular serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors. Taking these two drugs at the same time contributes to the occurrence of side effects, since the level of norepinephrine in the blood serum rises sharply.

People suffering from hyperthyroidism, adrenal dysfunction, diabetes, having diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as hypoxia, acidosis, hypercapnia, prostatic hypertrophy should take the drug very carefully.
Ephedrine is strictly prohibited in pheochromocytoma, allergy to this stimulant, angle-closure glaucoma, obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. The impact of ephedrine on the body of a pregnant woman can be extremely negative, so it is also contraindicated for ladies in position.
Preparations containing ephedrine
This substance is found in various preparations sold inpharmacies, and many of them are sold without a prescription. As a rule, drugs with ephedrine have antitussive and anti-inflammatory effects, and also contribute to vasoconstriction. They are produced in the form of solutions for injections, tablets, syrups of plant origin and are used for bronchitis, whooping cough, bronchial asthma.
In addition, ephedrine is found in medicines used to treat high blood pressure, depression, allergies, myasthenia gravis, as well as medicines that normalize heart function.

Ephedrine banned for free sale. Nevertheless, it is not possible to completely abandon drugs based on it in some cases. Many patients, to whom the doctor prescribed drugs with the mentioned alkaloid, spoke about it in a positive way, noting that taking such drugs contributes to a significant improvement in their he alth. Professional athletes especially love ephedrine. But you should not abuse this substance, as it is often addictive, and discontinuation leads to adverse effects. Such drugs should be taken under the strict supervision of a physician.