Psoriasis in the ears (pinnas): causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

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Psoriasis in the ears (pinnas): causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Psoriasis in the ears (pinnas): causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Video: Psoriasis in the ears (pinnas): causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Video: Psoriasis in the ears (pinnas): causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Video: What causes the sclera to change color in children? - Dr. Sunita Rana Agarwal 2024, July

What is psoriasis in the ears? This isolated form of the disease is quite rare, but still diagnosed in some patients. Psoriasis usually affects several areas of the body at once. The ears, therefore, are only one of the foci of the disease.

About illness

Psoriasis in the ears is by its nature a form of seborrheic dermatitis. It usually affects the scalp first. Then it spreads to the auricles, the back of the head, and the forehead. In some cases, it may occur on the nasolabial folds, chest or back.

Psoriasis is a chronic disease, the development of which is characterized by a violation of cell division of skin tissues. This is reflected by the formation of rashes that bring the patient both physical and moral, aesthetic discomfort. However, at the present stage of development, medicine makes it possible to prolong the remission stage of this disease for a long time. This means that for a long time to leave the patient's skin he althy, free from rashes.

This also applies to psoriasis in the ears. Consider the reasons for thisdiseases, characteristic symptoms, directions for diagnosis, therapy, prevention, possible consequences.


Even modern doctors cannot answer the question of why psoriasis develops in the ears. It has been established, however, that genetic predisposition plays an important role here. The influence of external factors is also important. The basis of pathogenesis (that is, the development of the disease) here is too accelerated cell division of the epidermis.

Psoriasis in the ears is a rather multifactorial disease. We list its main known causes:

  1. Frequent, systematic skin injuries.
  2. Hereditary predisposition.
  3. Past chronic infectious diseases.
  4. Frequent stressful situations.
  5. A sharp change in climatic conditions.
  6. Long and massive drug therapy.
  7. Alcoholism.
  8. psoriasis in the ears
    psoriasis in the ears

Features of the form of the disease

How to identify psoriasis in the auricles? Just like other forms of this disease, the symptoms will be similar. The difficulty is that this type of psoriasis is often confused with seborrheic eczema. But there is still a difference.

As for psoriasis in the auricles, it affects both one and both organs of hearing. Basically, patients note an additional extensive lesion of the hair zone of the head, the area both near the ears and in the folds of the auricles. Sometimes rashes are fixed in the auditory canal. Psoriasis here can affect the following:

  1. Earlobe.
  2. Outer edges of the ears.
  3. Whiskey.
  4. Hairlines.

Since the pathology is accompanied by an accelerated division of the affected cells, rashes from the ear area move to larger areas of the skin on the head. Starting at the earlobes, hit further on the face, neck.

General symptoms

Can there be psoriasis in the ears? Yes, this is one of the common locations that is affected by this disease. Psoriasis can be recognized by the following characteristic symptoms:

  1. Rashes are dry plaques covered with silvery scales of the skin. The phenomenon is also called "stearin stain". Such a plaque looks like a speck of stearin or wax.
  2. Where the skin scales slough off, the skin turns red. This effect is called "terminal film".
  3. If you accidentally touch or scratch such a stain, it will also damage the terminal film. Small droplets of blood appear on its surface, somewhat resembling dewdrops.

Behind the auricles, psoriasis manifests itself in the form of eczema. These are the so-called papules with reddish infiltrative elements. On the skin, you can also see the layering of festering crusts. Weeping cracks appear in their place over time.

psoriasis in the ears than to treat
psoriasis in the ears than to treat

Specific symptoms

How to identify psoriasis inside the ear? Focus on the general and specific symptoms of this disease. In the early stages of skin lesions, patients report the following:

  1. Skin irritation.
  2. Itching.
  3. Pain in both the superficial and deep layers of the skin.

At the stage of exacerbation of psoriasis, the following may additionally occur:

  1. Feeling of discomfort in the affected areas of the skin, which can turn into severe pain.
  2. Puffiness.
  3. Redness of affected skin areas.

When an infection occurs on the skin affected by psoriasis, it manifests itself in the following:

  1. The location becomes warm, hot to the touch.
  2. Suppuration appears.
  3. Both the auricle and adjacent areas swell.
  4. There is a feeling of swelling of the ear, pulsations in it.
  5. hydrocortisone ointment instructions for use for skin
    hydrocortisone ointment instructions for use for skin

Stages of the disease

Only the attending physician can prescribe pills for psoriasis. When prescribing drugs, he first of all focuses on the stage of development of the disease in the patient:

  1. Early. It is characterized by the appearance of primary elements - pinkish papules in white scales, nodular rashes. Usually they do not appear on the ear, but on the hairy area. At this stage, an urgent appeal to the doctor is required! In the early period, a protracted exacerbation of the disease can be avoided. There are no intense manifestations - they can only be caused by infection, prolonged mental stress. In this case, the rash acquires a bright red color, begins to itch strongly, spreads over all the skin of the head, passing to the neck, chest and further along the body.
  2. Progressive. Sometimes this stage is combined withthe previous one. The skin begins to be covered with a layer of plaques with silvery scales, the spots increase, merge with each other. The disease spreads to the area behind the ears, the auricles themselves, the lobes and even the ear canal. If the patient scratches, injures these rashes, this leads to the appearance of new spots. Sometimes weeping plaques appear, which can easily get infected.
  3. Stationary. At this stage of the development of the disease, it seems that psoriasis seems to have receded. Plaques cease to form, the patient does not complain of itching. The formations begin to peel off.
  4. Regressive. Inflammation of the skin weakens, the clinical picture becomes more and more blurred. The spots on the ears disappear, dissolve, the rashes become discolored, the skin stops flaking.

But when the symptoms disappear, the disease does not leave the patient. There is only a period of remission. But the disease can come back at any moment. Without the lack of proper treatment of psoriasis behind the ears, it makes itself felt the very next month. Therefore, a visit to a medical facility cannot be ignored.


You should not prescribe psoriasis pills on your own anyway! The treatment regimen is compiled only by a specialist on the basis of a number of diagnostic measures. They begin with a doctor's visual examination of the patient's scalp. Seborrheic psoriasis develops from this zone, after which it moves to the auricles.

To confirm this diagnosis, a plaque scraping is taken. This sample is sent for histological If the pathology is confirmed, it already makes sense to talk about the treatment of psoriasis.

can it be psoriasis in the ears
can it be psoriasis in the ears

Therapy directions

How to treat psoriasis in the ears? Therapy here is the same as in other forms of this disease. Stand out with the main techniques:

  1. Topical treatment. Main way. Various creams, ointments, lotions, emulsions, etc. are used.
  2. Systemic treatment. It is prescribed when the symptoms in a particular patient are very pronounced. Or with the ineffectiveness of the previous method of therapy. Here we are talking about the appointment of sedative, anti-inflammatory, hormonal drugs, drugs that inhibit the division of skin cells.
  3. Physiotherapy. This treatment is addressed when the exacerbation of psoriasis has passed. As for the specific form of the disease that affects the ears, UV radiation is used here.

Essential Therapies

If you read the instructions for using the Hydrocortisone ointment for the skin, you will also find psoriasis among the indications for use. Is this remedy effective in localizing the disease specifically on the ears? In this case, doctors usually prescribe the following drugs to patients:

  1. Hormonal corticosteroids. Among them are "Belosalik", "Diplosalik", "Elocom S". These drugs are taken in combination with salicylic acid - for better penetration into the skin.
  2. Skin restoration. To restore a he althy look to damaged skin, funds with calcipotriol are prescribed ("Daivobet" and a number of itsanalogues).
  3. Keratolyki. These drugs contribute to the exfoliation of plaques, their softening. In general, moisturize the skin, help it recover. The main component here is salicylic acid.
  4. Anti-inflammatory drugs. Naphthalene, zinc, sulfur-tar, ichthyol ointment, as well as such products as "Akrustal", "Colloidin", "Hydrocortisone" ointment for the skin. Instructions for use for these drugs contain such an indication as psoriasis. They not only normalize blood supply in damaged areas, stabilize metabolic processes, but also have an antipruritic, antifungal effect.
  5. Antibiotics. These funds are prescribed in the event that all of the above drugs were powerless. In particular, cephalosporins, penicillins, macrolides are prescribed.
  6. Antihistamines. Discharged when the patient complains of severe swelling, unbearable itching in the ears. Erius, Suprastin, Zirtek are effective.
  7. Shampoos. If psoriasis, in addition to the ears, has also damaged the scalp, then therapeutic shampoos containing tar, zinc and other beneficial substances can be prescribed. The most famous here: Skin-Cap, Nizoral, Bioderma.
  8. psoriasis in the ears
    psoriasis in the ears

"Granny's" ways

A considerable number of patients are interested in how to treat psoriasis with folk remedies. However, this disease is serious enough to carry out such risky experiments with its therapy. The only thing is that you can use folk medicines as an additional, auxiliary treatment. Of course, with the approval of your doctor.

Fight itching and inflammation with the following:

  1. Ointment of birch tar, honey and egg yolk.
  2. Propolis and butter ointment.
  3. Applying a lotion with sea s alt.
  4. Ingestion of valerian tincture, which relieves irritation, excitability.
  5. psoriasis inside the ear
    psoriasis inside the ear

Ear care

Since this form of the disease damages the auricles, ear canals, they need special care during treatment:

  1. Always clean and dry your ears gently.
  2. Try not to injure damaged skin.
  3. Stay away from conventional shampoos - use only medicated shampoos prescribed by a doctor.
  4. Don't push the wand far into the ear canal if it is already damaged by psoriasis.
  5. Open affected surfaces as much as possible to fresh air, direct sunlight. For example, collect long hair in a pigtail or ponytail.
  6. Stop dyeing your hair, perming and using a hair dryer. If you still need the latter, try not to direct the jets of air to the injured ear.
  7. Avoid air-conditioned rooms.
  8. pills for psoriasis
    pills for psoriasis


If the patient ignores the need for therapy for a long time, begins to self-medicate, psoriasis on the ears will inevitably give complications. itsuch consequences:

  1. Severe inflammation, penetration of the infection deep into the ear canal.
  2. Deep injuries on the ears, discoloration of the skin, scars.
  3. Hearing loss (due to ear canal swelling).
  4. Generalization of the process - a rash can cover all the skin of the body.
  5. The formation of so-called keratonic hair cylinders. They are freely removed from the head when combing or accidentally touching.

Prevention of the disease is quite simple: you need to turn to a he althy lifestyle, build the right diet, avoid nervous overload and stress, treat chronic diseases and infections in time, say goodbye to alcohol and smoking. It is also necessary to carefully select cosmetic products, take vitamin complexes prescribed by the doctor. Try not to injure the auricles, stop using air conditioner and hair dryer.
