Probably, everyone knows the sensations that one has to experience if the neck is blown. Acute pain is not only unpleasant - it also limits mobility. Naturally, anyone wants to get rid of it as soon as possible. That is why now we will talk about what to do if your neck suddenly blew out, and also about symptoms and signs.

Everything is clear here. The cause of the disease, which is also known as myositis, is a draft. It can blow even in the warm season. A light breeze or a wave of coolness from the air conditioner is enough. In order to cause local hypothermia of the neck, this is enough.
As a rule, myositis appears in the morning of the next day. Everyone who has faced the problem remembers what a wild pain it is to try to lift his head from the pillow after waking up. We have to return it to its original position so that the sensations subside.
However, other symptoms can become signs of myositis. They usually appear before acute pain. So the disease canidentify "in advance", and immediately begin to implement measures to cure it, which can also minimize the consequences of being in a draft.

Signs of pain syndrome
There are several manifestations that indicate that a person's neck is blown out. Symptoms are as follows:
- When you tilt your head or try to turn it, there is a sharp pain.
- Even light pressure on the neck causes discomfort.
- Strange sensations are observed, manifested in the appearance of pain on one side and its subsequent transition to the other.
- The skin over the inflamed area turns red. Even swelling is possible.
- When a person eats and chews something, aching pain is felt in the neck.
- There is strong muscle tension.
- Any sudden or careless movement is accompanied by pain in the neck, which radiates to the shoulder blades, temples, forehead, shoulders and even ears.
- Slight chills possible.
In very rare cases, body temperature rises. But this is also observed in the morning of the next day.
Many people choose to ignore the fact that their neck hurts. It blew - and okay, it's just some kind of draft … Doctors strongly recommend throwing such thoughts out of your head. After all, myositis, if it is started, can lead to such consequences as:
- Inflammation of a purulent form.
- Cervical herniation.
- Inflammation of the laryngeal muscles and esophagus.
- Chronic choking due to edema.
- Subluxationintervertebral joints.
The most common complication is persistent headache. It is caused by pinched vessels due to muscle swelling.

The Road to Recovery: The Right Mode
So, what to do if your neck is blown? We will talk about drug treatment a little later, but for now it’s worth talking about how important it is to organize the right regimen that promotes recovery. Here's what you need:
- Give maximum rest to sore neck muscles.
- Refuse active movements.
- Sleep on a small pillow of medium firmness. The ideal option would be an orthopedic model.
Still, no matter how strange it may sound, you will need to reconsider your diet. This is not about some special diet, but simply about the fact that you will have to add to the list of consumed foods that will help fight the inflammatory process. And also give up fried, fatty, too s alty.
The diet is recommended to be enriched with trace elements, vitamins and antioxidants, the sources of which are nuts, seeds, fruits and fresh vegetables. It is worth eating more tomatoes, lettuce, beets, carrots, sweet peppers, seafood and fish, dairy products, cereals and legumes.

Medicated treatment
Well, you need to act immediately if your neck is blown. How to treat such an unpleasant disease? You can go to the pharmacy for drugs. But they must be prescribed by a doctor!Self-medication is not safe. However, the most commonly prescribed:
- Painkillers "Pentalgin" and subcutaneous injections "Analgin".
- Anti-inflammatory drugs without steroids. These include Dicloberl and Ketarol (shots).
- Ibuprofen and Nurofen tablets can become an alternative. They effectively stop pain, reduce inflammation and swelling.
- Anspasmodics. The best are drugs such as Spazmalgon and Mydocalm.
- Vascular agents that improve blood flow. These are Trental and Pentoxifylline.
Many people don't want to take pills and injections when their neck is blown out. Ointment in this case will be an excellent alternative. As a matter of fact, the majority decides to use them. So what about these funds can be told in more detail.

They are good because they have an analgesic and warming effect. The best are:
- "Fastum-gel". It needs to be applied three times a day. It is recommended to tie the neck with a cotton scarf.
- "Apizartron". This ointment relieves muscle tension and spasm, warms up the sore spot. It is used twice a day. And the neck is insulated after rubbing.
- Voltaren. An excellent anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent. It is allowed to apply this ointment up to five times a day. It is not necessary to warm the neck.
- "Capsicam". This remedy effectively warms the neck and relieves pain. It just needs to be rubbed in thoroughly. Use three times a day. It is highly recommended to tie a woolen cloth around the neck.
- "Diclofenac". This drug has a triple effect. It relieves inflammation and pain, and restores the he alth of damaged muscles. If you need to get rid of myositis as soon as possible, then you can resort to this ointment. However, due to the presence of a whole list of contraindications, not everyone is allowed to use it.
If there is no ointment, then you can resort to such a remedy as Menovazin. This is a combination drug that is rubbed on the neck to relieve pain. Not the most effective remedy, but it has a certain anti-inflammatory effect.

Folk remedies
They should be listed under the topic of how to treat the neck at home. Blown out? You can try well-known folk remedies. Here are some of them:
- Vodka compress. A well-known alcoholic drink is a good substitute for warming ointments. You only need to fold a section of a wide bandage or gauze into several layers, soak it with vodka and attach it to your neck. Cover with cling film on top. It's also a good idea to wrap a shawl or scarf around your neck for extra warmth.
- Laurel compress. You will need a liter of warm water and bay leaf oil (8-10 drops). Mix the ingredients and soak a towel in this solution. Fold in several layers and place on the affected area of the neck.
- Cabbage/burdock compress. Another good method. Well washed and scalded with boiling water leaves of burdock or white cabbage are applied tosore spot and fix them with a warm cloth. Wear for 3-5 hours.
- Potato compress. Several tubers need to be boiled and mashed without peeling. Put the mass on one part of the canvas, cover with the second half on top. Put a compress on the neck, cover with something warm. When the potato has cooled, the bandage can be removed and the neck rubbed with alcohol or cologne.
And most importantly - after any procedure, insulate the damaged area. Wear a turtleneck sweater, wrap yourself in a scarf, or both.

Finally, it is worth talking about this effective method of dealing with myositis. If the neck is blown, massage will help. It just won't be very pleasant. After all, even a slight pressure causes additional pain to the neck, to be sure about the massage.
However, it improves blood flow to the site of inflammation, and removes muscle tension. You just need to choose the right technique. The best option if the neck is blown out is confident, but not strong massaging movements. It is necessary to do the procedure using ointment. An alternative would be:
- Rosemary oil. It relieves pain.
- Cedar oil. Quickly copes with inflammation and positively affects blood flow.
- Cinnamon oil. Warms up muscles and relieves spasms.
- Camomile and juniper oil. Increases blood flow and reduces inflammation.
Only before using the oil, it is better to check if there is an allergy to it. Otherwise, massage will not help, but will aggravate the situation.