High fever and cough: what to do, how to treat

High fever and cough: what to do, how to treat
High fever and cough: what to do, how to treat

High fever and cough - evidence that an infectious inflammatory process is developing in the body. And do not be deceived about exactly where it develops: if there is a cough, then patients think that the cause of the ailment is the lungs. This is not always the case, coughing can only be an accompanying symptom. For example, a person in the body can develop inflammation in the tissues of one kidney or both at once, as a result of which the immune system becomes unable to fully resist viruses. Such a patient will complain of a high fever and cough, while his kidneys will not hurt, since they do not have nerve endings.

It should be remembered that only a qualified doctor can make an accurate diagnosis after receiving the results of the tests. This article lists the most likely causes of fever, cough, and pain, as well as suggested treatments for these symptoms.

Dangerous symptoms: what to look out for?

How to understand when you need urgentlyconsult a doctor or even call an ambulance, and when can you limit yourself to standard flu treatment at home? In fact, at first glance and on the basis of the totality of symptoms, even an experienced qualified doctor will not be able to make a diagnosis. It is necessary to take blood and urine tests, but even after that it is not always possible to reveal the true clinical picture. Often, a lung scan is also required, as well as an ultrasound or MRI examination of the state of the abdominal organs.

First of all, you should describe the symptoms present to the doctor as accurately as possible - high fever, headache, cough, runny nose, the presence of other pains and their intensity. If you hide any of the symptoms from the doctor, this may affect the accuracy of the clinical picture, as a result of which an incorrect diagnosis will be made. Severe cough and high fever are quite dangerous symptoms, and the patient's condition should not be left to chance.

high fever and cough
high fever and cough

When is it time to call an ambulance?

You should call an ambulance in the following case:

  • body temperature rose your 38.5 degrees;
  • when coughing up contents with streaks of blood;
  • the patient is so weak that he cannot get to the clinic by himself;
  • the presence of other dangerous symptoms - blood in the urine or feces, nausea with bile or ichor, etc.

If the patient is only concerned about a relatively small increase in temperature (up to 38 degrees), and if, in addition to a sore throat, he does not suffer from other pains, then treatment can be allowedat home. Similar symptoms indicate infection with a simple SARS. In this case, it is better to lie down at home for about a week, and also to be treated with the usual methods of treating a cold (they are described at the end of the article).

The most common causes of these symptoms

The most common causes of fever, cough, snot, muscle pain:

  • pharyngitis, laryngitis and other diseases of the nasopharynx and larynx of an inflammatory nature;
  • pneumonia;
  • cold (SARS, flu);
  • pyelonephritis or cystitis;
  • some types of allergic reactions can also produce similar symptoms.

High fever and cough may indicate an inflammatory process not only in the lungs or nasopharynx. Often, due to inflammation of the organs of the urinary system, general immunity decreases, and the body becomes highly susceptible to a variety of viruses. As a result, some people suffer almost constantly from the symptoms of SARS, and stubbornly continue to treat colds. But it is necessary to get rid of the underlying disease, along the way to restore the impaired function of the body's defenses. After such complex therapy, the state of he alth will improve, and colds will not be terrible.

severe cough and high fever
severe cough and high fever

Pharyngitis: causes and symptoms

The reasons why pharyngitis, laryngitis and other inflammatory diseases of the larynx develop:

  • deviations in the structure of the mucous membrane of the larynx, individual structural featureslarynx;
  • long-term exposure of the mucosal cavity to cold or chemicals;
  • pharyngitis can also develop as a result of exposure to excessively hot temperatures - not always the disease appears after exposure to cold;
  • presence of hormonal disorders (diabetes mellitus, menopause, hypothyroidism);
  • getting pathogenic bacteria on the surface of the mucosa;
  • deficiency in the body of vitamin A, as well as essential minerals and amino acids;
  • Smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • kidney failure;
  • difficulty in nasal breathing due to sinusitis, chronic rhinitis, etc.;
  • lung failure;
  • regular use of nasal drops with a vasoconstrictive effect.

Symptoms of pharyngitis:

  • temperature rises to 38-38.5 degrees;
  • lymph nodes on the neck increase;
  • sore throat when swallowing;
  • depending on the stage of development of the disease, dry cough may or may not be present.

Treatment methods

If the results of the tests showed that the cause of high fever, dry cough, sore throat with pharyngitis was infection of the surface of the mucous membrane with pathogenic microbes, then the doctor prescribes drugs with an antibiotic effect.

If other factors have become the cause of the disease, then you can take Fervex, Theraflu and other drugs to reduce fever and relieve flu symptoms. Usually enough dailytake these drugs for 4-6 days, as a result of which the patient ceases to feel symptoms. High fever and cough disappear already on the second or third day and, as a rule, do not return after stopping the drugs.

therapy for colds
therapy for colds

Symptoms of pneumonia: how not to miss the development of a serious illness

Compared to SARS, pharyngitis and influenza, pneumonia (pneumonia) is a very serious disease, which in the future can even lead to death. In order not to bring the matter to complications, it is better to see an otorhinolaryngologist or even an ordinary therapist. Medical experience, as a rule, in the totality of the patient's redneck, will not misfire. Pneumonia can be distinguished even by the description of the patient's state of he alth. The symptoms are:

  • temperature rises up to 39-40 degrees;
  • cough at first dry, and on day 3-4 - with profuse sputum discharge;
  • chills, fever;
  • muscle pain, body aches;
  • cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle;
  • blood pressure is low, heart sounds are muffled.

In medicine, focal pneumonia is also isolated, which usually develops as a result of an acute respiratory viral infection. It differs from ordinary pneumonia in the presence of mucopurulent sputum, the patient also has sweating, weakness, when breathing - pain in the chest on inspiration and coughing, acrocyanosis. With focal confluent pneumonia, the patient's condition slowly but inevitably worsens: severe shortness of breath and cyanosis appear.


Methods of pneumonia therapy in modern medicine

We found that the main symptoms of pneumonia are fever and cough. What to do if you suspect pneumonia, is it possible to get rid of this disease at home? Doing this is highly discouraged, as pneumonia can cause serious complications in case of incorrect treatment. Complicated is the course of pneumonia, accompanied by the development in the bronchopulmonary system and other organs of inflammatory and reactive processes caused directly by inflammation of the lungs. The course and outcome of pneumonia largely depend on the presence of complications.

In hospital treatment, a number of drugs with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects are used. Often a course of droppers or intramuscular injections is required. The patient must comply with bed rest for the duration of treatment, exclude physical and psycho-emotional overload.

Pyelonephritis as a cause of cold-like symptoms

As mentioned above, high fever, cough, pain and runny nose can occur with pyelonephritis. It would seem that this is a kidney disease - what does cough and runny nose have to do with it? However, chronic pyelonephritis develops imperceptibly, the patient feels only weakness and a decrease in vitality for weeks and even months. Then manifestations of a seemingly common cold may begin: high fever and cough, runny nose, severe weakness. Some people may feel pulling pains in the lumbar region at the same time - this is the body hinting at trouble in the areaorgans of the urinary system.

If there is a suspicion of pyelonephritis, it is necessary to take tests. In a biochemical blood test, you need to pay attention to the indicators of creatinine and urea, in the analysis of urine - for the presence of protein, sediment, leukocytes.

cystone at temperature
cystone at temperature

Methods of treatment of pyelonephritis and similar diseases

If pyelonephritis, cystitis or other inflammatory or infectious processes in the tissues of the kidneys became the cause of the ailment, then a long and serious treatment will be required. You need to take a course of antibiotics. Moreover, only a doctor can prescribe a medicine - not all microorganisms are sensitive to any antibiotics.

In parallel, you should take drugs to restore immunity. During an exacerbation of the disease, the patient should observe bed rest, avoid physical exertion.

ARVI - the cause of fever and cough in the presence of the virus

In the autumn and spring season, most people's immunity decreases. As a result, symptoms of viral diseases are observed: high fever, barking cough, runny nose, sputum discharge. A cold can go away on its own, but it is still better not to start this process. It is fraught with the development of complications.

If a person has a strong cough during a cold, then inflammation can go to the lungs - this is fraught with the development of pneumonia. A strong dry cough and high fever are already a reason to be wary and consult a doctor. Perhaps the cold has already passed into the stage of pneumonia. If there is severe pain in the throat, lymph nodes in the neck are enlarged -there is a high risk of developing angina.

causes of dry cough
causes of dry cough

Methods of treating SARS: what to do at home?

How to treat high fever and cough at home? Here are simple ways to improve the patient's condition in a short time:

  • steam your feet in a mustard bath;
  • rub the chest at night with badger fat;
  • drink hot milk with honey and a little butter;
  • after taking a hot bath, lie down under a warm blanket and wait for profuse sweating.

After such manipulations, the next morning the patient will feel significant relief. You can also use Fervex or Theraflu to quickly get rid of cold symptoms.

fervex on temperature
fervex on temperature

Are drugs effective for preventing SARS?

Today, the pharmacological market offers a variety of drugs that strengthen the immune system and thus can prevent infection with viral diseases. These are Arbidol, Kogacel and many others. Their effectiveness is very doubtful: many doctors are negative about such drugs, since laboratory studies have not proven their high effectiveness.

However, patient reviews are different. Many people buy drugs every fall to prevent viral diseases. With regular intake, it is really possible to avoid infection, even if a person regularly communicates with"Voral carriers" - already sick people. If there is a suspicion of the development of complications, then it is better not to take risks and not take drugs intended for prevention, but immediately start drinking medicines for sore throats, coughs, etc.
