The term "radiation dermatitis" refers to a disease, the course of which is accompanied by damage to the skin by radioactive waves. Not a single person is immune from the negative impact of the latter. Interaction with harmful rays occurs not only during the period of specific therapy, but also while in the solarium and under the open sun. If the first signs of pathology occur, you should consult a doctor. Ignoring the symptoms of radiation dermatitis (a photo of the affected area is presented below) leads to the development of all kinds of complications. The most dangerous consequence is oncology.

Radiation dermatitis is never the result of exposure to internal negative factors. Causes are always external causes.
The following categories of people are at risk:
- People whomost of the day is spent in the open sun. The most aggressive rays are at lunchtime.
- Persons who frequent the solarium. An excessive dose of ultraviolet radiation also often leads to the development of pathology.
- People whose professional activity is related to work on devices that generate ray waves. A striking example is the devices found in medical institutions and beauty salons.
- Patients who are forced to receive appropriate treatment. Radiation dermatitis after radiation therapy is one of the side effects.
It is important to know that the disease does not develop as a result of a single exposure to a provoking factor. To start the process of development of inflammation, the human body must be regularly exposed to harmful radiation.
The danger of the disease lies in the fact that the first clinical manifestations may not occur immediately. Signs of skin lesions sometimes appear after several months.
Acute disease
This is an early stage of pathology. It is characterized by rapid damage to the skin. The formation of a focus of pathology occurs in the first 24 hours after receiving a dose of 3 Gy or more.
Acute radiation dermatitis has the following symptoms:
- Severe itching.
- Burning skin.
- Pain.
- Presence of small open wounds.
- Redness of the skin.
In some cases, there is hair loss.
Treatment of radiation dermatitis in this case involves external usemedical means. With a timely visit to the doctor, the progression of the disease can be stopped.

Bullous stage
Develops after the end of the acute form. At this stage, the symptoms of radiation dermatitis are as follows:
- Severe redness of the skin.
- Severe itching.
- Pain.
- Feeling tight skin.
- Puffiness of tissues.
- The formation of bubbles. Their other name is bulls. After the negative impact of rays (12-20 Gy), the skin begins to exfoliate. The resulting space is gradually filled with pathological fluid. Most often it is transparent or has a yellowish tint.
- Erosion.
As healing progresses, crusts form on the lesions. They fall off on their own after about 2 months. At this stage, the course of radiation dermatitis may be accompanied by hair loss, fever, an increase in the size of the lymph nodes.
The bullous form of the disease requires immediate medical attention. The specialist will carry out diagnostic measures - and, based on their results, will select the most effective drugs.

Necrosis stage
This form of the disease is the most severe. It develops with regular exposure to 25 Gray or more. The necrotic stage is a reason for immediate contact with a medical facility. In most cases, treatment is carried out in a hospital.
Forthe necrotic stage is characterized by the following symptoms:
- Severe pain that is almost impossible to endure.
- Increase in body temperature, often to critical values.
- Severe weakness.
- Insomnia.
- Severe redness and swelling of the skin.
- Rashes.
- Open wounds.
The necrotic form is characterized by a chronic course. At this stage, conservative treatment is usually ineffective. The most commonly prescribed surgery.
Necrotic radiation dermatitis poses a danger not only to he alth, but also to human life. This is due to the fact that it often leads to the development of skin cancer.

Information on how to treat radiation dermatitis (on the nose, forehead, cheeks, trunk, limbs, etc.) can be provided by a dermatologist. To make an accurate diagnosis, it is enough for a doctor to establish a connection between external manifestations and exposure. To this end, the doctor takes an anamnesis and conducts a physical examination.
In more severe cases, a comprehensive examination is prescribed, including:
- Advanced fluid connective tissue analysis.
- Studying the composition of urine.
- Study under a microscope of biological material taken from the focus of pathology.
- Consultation of other narrow specialists (allergist, infectious disease specialist, endocrinologist, etc.).
Radiation dermatitis after radiation therapy develops in 2 cases:
- patient received too much radiation once;
- the human body was regularly exposed to it, but the dosages were minimal.
In this regard, the dermatologist may have good reason to believe that dermatitis is a secondary sign of an oncological pathology.

Conservative therapies
The treatment regimen is developed by a dermatologist, taking into account the clinical picture of the disease, the general condition of the patient and the individual characteristics of his he alth.
The classic therapy plan consists of the following items:
- Taking medication. Doctors prescribe antihistamines and antioxidants.
- Vitamin therapy.
- Local treatment of foci of pathology with hormonal ointments, regenerating creams and panthenol-based products.
- Laser treatment. This is a physiotherapeutic method that improves blood circulation, contributes to the rapid relief of the inflammatory process and increases regenerative capabilities.
- Hyperbaric oxygen therapy. The procedure is carried out in pressure chambers. The essence of the method is the use of oxygen under high pressure. This forms new blood vessels and increases the amount of fluid connective tissue.
This treatment regimen is relevant only for patients with acute form of radiation dermatitis. Pathology in the chronic stage requires only the use of nourishing ointments and creams, as well as products containing the blood of dairy calves.("Solcoseryl", "Actovegin"). In addition, it is important to eliminate the provoking factor.
In more severe cases, a doctor may prescribe chemotherapy and a blood transfusion.
Surgical treatment
Surgical excision of the lesion is indicated if there is a high risk of developing skin cancer. If part of the skin is not removed, the likelihood of oncology increases significantly.
After the operation, a person should in no case allow contact with a provoking factor, follow all the doctor's instructions and inform him of any changes that occur during treatment.

Forecast and recommendations of experts
The outcome of the disease depends not only on the frequency of receiving the dose of radiation, but also on the timeliness of the visit to the doctor. Complications are most often diagnosed in patients with a chronic form of the disease. The most negative consequence is squamous cell skin cancer.
In order to prevent the recurrence of the disease, the following recommendations must be observed:
- Do not be under the open sun at the time of the peak of the aggressiveness of its rays.
- Do not go to the solarium.
- Don't have an x-ray unless necessary.
- Observe all precautions if professional activity is related to work with provoking agents.
In addition, it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the skin. Any changes should be reported to the doctor.

In conclusion
Radiation dermatitis may occur against the background of the negative effects of radioactive waves. When warning signs appear, you should contact a dermatologist as soon as possible. This is due to the fact that ignoring the pathology can lead to the development of complications that pose a danger not only to he alth, but also to the life of the patient. Treatment of radiation dermatitis involves taking medications, treating foci of pathology with topical preparations, as well as conducting physiotherapy. In severe cases, surgical excision of the affected area is indicated.