Lobe is a part of the organ of hearing, consisting of soft tissues, which are penetrated by a network of nerve endings and small capillaries. Due to this, this zone is characterized by increased sensitivity to the influence of both external and internal factors. If the earlobe is swollen, it is necessary to find out the cause. This pathological condition can develop under the influence of many provoking factors. The most likely ones are described below.
Ear piercing is the most common cause of hearing loss. Moreover, after the puncture, the inflammatory process in the tissues can develop both in a child and in an adult.
The causes of the pathological condition are as follows:
- Use of non-sterile instruments by a specialist. Due to this, pathogenic microorganisms penetrate into the wound.
- Inadequate treatment of the puncture site at home. If the earlobe is swollen, it mayindicate that an infection has been introduced into an unhealed wound. The master always warns that at home it is necessary to treat it with antiseptic agents until it is completely healed. If the child's earlobes are swollen after the puncture, most likely he touched the wounds with dirty hands.
- Violation of lipid metabolism of a local nature. Against the background of this condition, a blockage of the sebaceous glands occurs around the wound, due to which the development of the inflammatory process starts in them.
If the earlobe is swollen after the piercing, you should contact the specialist who performed the procedure. He will examine the affected area and recommend anti-inflammatory ointments.
In order to speed up the healing process and prevent the recurrence of the pathological process, it is necessary to treat the lobe as often as possible with medical alcohol and hydrogen peroxide. If swelling and soreness do not disappear during home treatment, you need to contact a surgeon. The doctor will open soft tissues and cleanse them of purulent accumulations.

Insect bites
Mosquitoes, gadflies, midges, etc. often choose sensitive parts of the body. After their bites, soft tissues swell and turn red. If the earlobe is sore and swollen, you should always pay attention to the accompanying symptoms. As a rule, after a bite, a person feels itching and burning of the skin in the affected area.
In most cases, swelling and other unpleasant conditions go away on their own in a short period of time. ForYou can use medication to make you feel better. Currently, a large number of drugs are being produced on the pharmaceutical market to relieve symptoms after insect bites. The most popular are: "Moskitol", "Fenistil", "Nezulin", "Psilo-balm".

Often, abscesses cause a change in the size of the hearing organ and the occurrence of uncomfortable and painful sensations. If the earlobe is swollen in a child or an adult, it is necessary to exclude the presence of a boil, since this pathological process most often requires medical intervention.
The following symptoms are alarming:
- When soft tissues are palpated, a lump is felt.
- The skin in the area of inflammation becomes red.
- The earlobe is swollen and hurts continuously.
- As the inflammatory process progresses, body temperature rises locally.
- Purulent contents can be seen in the center of the swelling. It gradually accumulates, then the boil opens on its own (but not always).
Even if the clinical manifestations have disappeared, there is still a small amount of pathological content inside the soft tissues. In this regard, it is necessary to continue to apply drugs topically.
The treatment regimen includes the following items:
- Treatment of the affected area with chlorhexidine raster, boric alcohol or zinc ointment. These funds have an antiseptic effect.
- Using antibacterial ointments. Examples of funds: "Gentaksan", "Levomekol".
- Treatment of the lobe with anti-inflammatory drugs. Most often, doctors recommend using the following remedies: Diklak, Desitin, Sinaflan.
- Treatment of the lesion with ointments based on nystatin. This is necessary in order to prevent the accession of other pathogenic flora.
If conservative methods of treatment do not lead to a positive result, surgical intervention is indicated. During the operation, the doctor opens the soft tissues, cleanses them of pus, sanitizes and sews up the lobe.

With this disease of the skin, the shell and the area behind the ears can also swell. With dermatitis, you should immediately consult a doctor. If, against the background of the course of the disease, the earlobe is swollen, only a specialist can tell what to do with it. This is due to the fact that the development of the disease can be triggered by the vital activity of viruses, fungi and bacteria. Depending on the infection, the treatment regimen may also be different.
Symptoms of dermatitis include the following conditions:
- The skin turns red.
- Severe puffiness.
- Itching.
- The affected area seems to be on fire.
- Bubbles form on the surface of the skin in the area of the pathology focus. Over time, they burst, and a weeping surface remains in their place.
- Gradually, the sores become covered with crusts, which subsequently completely dry out andfall away.
To identify the pathogen, the doctor collects cells from the affected area by scraping. Based on the results of laboratory diagnostics, the dermatologist draws up an antibacterial, antifungal or antiviral treatment regimen.

Allergic reaction
As soon as a swelling of the earlobe appears (after a puncture or a change of jewelry), you must immediately exclude the contact of soft tissues with jewelry. Many women suffer from contact allergies that require them to wear gold, platinum or silver all the time.
An undesirable reaction to jewelry is as follows:
- The earlobe is swollen at the puncture site.
- The skin turns red.
- Disturbed by severe itching and urticaria.
The main measure in treatment is the change of jewelry to earrings made of precious metals. If the discomfort does not recede, it is recommended to take an antihistamine for 5 days, for example, Zirtek, Zodak, Claritin.

This term refers to a pathological process accompanied by the growth of a cyst against the background of clogging of the sebaceous ducts. Atheroma is very easy to confuse with a boil. The main difference is that the growth of the cyst is not accompanied by painful sensations. On palpation, you can feel a small capsule. For a long time, it does not cause any discomfort to a person.
If the atheroma becomes inflamed, the clinical manifestations are as follows: swelling, redness, painfulsensations.
Unlike a boil, a cyst cannot open on its own. It is possible to get rid of it only in the process of surgical intervention. The doctor opens the soft tissues, cuts out the atheroma, sanitizes the cavity of the pathology focus and sutures the lobe.

Acne occurs when excess fat and dead cells begin to accumulate in the pores. Pathological contents are a favorable environment for the vital activity of bacteria. In this regard, acne often becomes inflamed, which is accompanied by swelling and pain.
The patient may be confused: what to do, swollen earlobes with acne? First of all, pay special attention to these places when carrying out hygiene procedures. In addition, the lobes should be treated regularly with salicylic acid. In severe cases, it is necessary to consult a therapist. He will prescribe retinoids and antibiotics.
The earlobe may swell as a result of a violation of the integrity of the skin. Bruises, cuts and abrasions often cause swelling and pain.
In most cases, unpleasant symptoms disappear on their own within a few days. If the wound is deep, it is necessary to treat it regularly with medicines or go to the hospital to avoid the development of an inflammatory process. As it heals, it is necessary to treat the lobe with antimicrobial and antibacterial drugs.
Bruises also should not be leftwithout attention. If the resulting hematoma is not treated, it can lead to disruption of normal blood circulation and deformation of the lobe and cartilage tissue. The natural result is a change in the appearance of the auricle. If, after receiving an injury, the lobe is not only swollen, but also becomes too red or, on the contrary, white, hurry to the clinic.

In conclusion
The outer part of the ear is an extremely sensitive area. The lobe can become inflamed and swollen under the influence of many provoking factors. If such a condition occurs, it is necessary to regularly treat the skin with antiseptic agents. If pain, redness and swelling do not disappear within a few days, you should consult a doctor. The specialist will conduct diagnostic measures and prescribe appropriate medications. The reason for going to the doctor is also discharge and dense neoplasms.