Ulcers on the labia: causes and treatment

Ulcers on the labia: causes and treatment
Ulcers on the labia: causes and treatment

Any, even the most insignificant changes in the sexual sphere, can frighten a woman. Quite often, patients find such a problem as ulcers on the labia, vulva and perineum. There are quite a few reasons for such manifestations, which will be discussed below.

Under the ulcers are understood significant violations of the integrity of the skin or mucous membrane. There are quite a few factors that provoke their appearance. This may be due to infectious, physical or chemical effects, circulatory disorders, etc.

sore on labia
sore on labia

So, what does it mean if a sore appears on the labia?

Genital herpes

Another name for it is genital herpes. The disease is a lesion of the mucous membranes of the genital organs and the skin in the perineum with the herpes virus of the second type. It should be noted that more than half of the population of our planet are its carriers. Not in every case, herpes is activated. This process depends on the stability of human immunity.

Infection occurs through direct contact with the sick through mucus, semen, sweat, particles of mucous membranes, skin, etc. The virus can also enter the human body through microcracks in the epidermis. At the same time, he can live in the body for years without showing himself in any way. What else can a sore on the labia mean?


Popularly, this disease is called "thrush". This is a very common pathology among women of any age group. Candidiasis quite rarely leads to the formation of ulcers on the labia, but in the absence of treatment and weakened immunity, this is quite possible. Thrush is accompanied by severe itching, which leads to scratching, cracks and damage to the skin. Often in this case, you can notice white sores on the labia.

Primary type syphilis

This is the initial stage of the development of the disease, the appearance of which is provoked by a pathogen called "pale treponema". Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease and has been known for centuries.

It is for its primary type that the appearance of ulcers on the mucous membrane and skin is characteristic. This symptom occurs 5-6 weeks after infection. Transmission of syphilis occurs most frequently through sexual contact and quite rarely through the use of personal hygiene items of an infected person.

Hard chancre, otherwise called "syphilitic ulcer", is formed at the site of direct penetration of the causative agent of pale treponema. Ulcers on the labia are painless, have dense edges. The size of the formations ranges froma few millimeters up to 4 cm.

an ulcer appeared on the labia
an ulcer appeared on the labia


It refers to sexually transmitted diseases. The appearance of a chancre is due to the multiplication of bacteria from the category of hemophilic rods. Infection occurs in a similar way to syphilis.

There are a number of differences between soft chancre and hard chancre, they are as follows:

1. An ulcer occurs a week after intercourse without barrier contraceptives with an infected person. At first it looks like a red spot.

2. The ulcer has soft edges and a bottom.

3. She is painless.

4. Pus exudes from the soft chancre.

5. It heals on its own, forming a scar in about 2-3 weeks.

Venereal granuloma

This disease is a type of infection caused by chlamydia. Small sores a few millimeters in diameter appear on the external genitalia, as well as in the anus and vagina, 3-14 days after intercourse without using a condom. Ulcers on the labia do not cause discomfort and are painless in themselves. A few days later, lymphadenitis joins the disease, accompanied by an inflammatory process and lesions of the lymph nodes of a purulent nature.

pathology treatment
pathology treatment

The disease develops rapidly, with pain, signs of poisoning the body with bacterial decay products and an increase in body temperature.

What else can be sores on smalllabia?


The appearance of ulcers in cancer is typical for women during menopause. This occurs as a result of atrophy of the vulva and vagina, which is called "kraurosis" in medicine. The mucous membranes and skin on the genitals become thinner and dry, leading to defects in the form of erosions and ulcers. Such formations are painless, but tend to grow in breadth and depth.

The most common form of skin cancer is squamous cell, other types are much less common. The appearance of ulcers in squamous cell carcinoma indicates an advanced form of the disease, radical treatment in such cases is no longer applied.

Photos of sores on the labia look very unattractive, regardless of the cause of the disease.

sores on the labia minora
sores on the labia minora

Trophic ulcers

They are understood as a defect of the mucous membrane or skin, which occurs as a result of malnutrition of tissues or innervation. Quite often, trophic ulcers form as a result of varicose veins or venous insufficiency in a chronic form.

On the external genitalia, they appear quite rarely. Trophic ulcers occur quickly, but their appearance is due to the prolonged course of vulvar varicose veins.

Trophic ulcers cause pain, they are characterized by the release of pus or serous matter. Such sores on the labia in women are poorly scarred and gradually grow deeper into the tissues.

sores on the labia in women
sores on the labia in women


When ulcers are found on the genitals, you should contact the appropriate doctor to determine the cause of their appearance. Specialists dealing with such problems are gynecologists and venereologists.

After taking a detailed history and visual examination, the doctor takes swabs from the surface of the ulcers, and also makes scrapings, cultures and prints for bacteriological and microscopic examinations. Through these tests, most infectious diseases are diagnosed, as well as scabies and oncological pathologies.

In addition to microscopic studies, serodiagnosis is also carried out, which consists in identifying the amount of antibodies in the blood produced by the body to a particular disease. To diagnose syphilis, for example, the Wassermann reaction or RW is used.

In some cases, more modern genetic-molecular studies are used, such as PCR, that is, polymerase chain reaction. In this way, herpes infection and various sexually transmitted pathologies are diagnosed.

If all of the above studies did not give a positive result, an analysis is made for allergic reactions and an ultrasound examination of the vessels. When a doctor suspects cancer, a histological and cytological examination of a biopsy of ulcers and scrapings is performed.

white sores on labia
white sores on labia


Treatment is prescribed only after a thorough examination has been carried out and an accurate diagnosis has been confirmed. Antibacterial therapy is prescribed for ulcers, the appearance of which is provoked by chlamydia, pale treponema and pathogenic microbes. It should be borne in mind that each pathogen has its own antibiotic.

Herpes involves taking antiviral drugs such as Acyclovir. Immunomodulatory drugs are also often prescribed.

If the appearance of ulcers is due to an allergic reaction, then the specialist will prescribe antihistamines. Also in this case, it is important to identify the allergen and avoid contact with it.
