Many people are forced to work in dangerous or harmful conditions. Often this leads to the appearance of occupational diseases in them. Illnesses must be correctly registered in the company, since if they exist, the employer must offer employees easier working conditions, as well as provide certain payments and benefits. At the same time, employees often have to deal with acute occupational diseases. They appear when the human body is exposed to radiation. If such diseases are detected, the employer is obliged to conduct an investigation, as well as pay for the treatment of the employee.
What are occupational diseases?
They are represented by various diseases that appear in a person as a result of working in harmful or dangerous conditions. This does not include overwork or deterioration in he alth due to long shifts.
Is notoccupational disease injury received at work for various reasons. It is represented by a functional disorder resulting from the contact of a citizen with various harmful or dangerous factors and substances. This contact must be made in the course of performing work duties.
The management of different companies should apply different measures aimed at reducing the harmful effects on workers in order to reduce the number of occupational diseases. This requires competently equipping all workplaces with the necessary equipment and protective equipment.

What could it be?
Occupational diseases can be presented in several forms. These include:
- Chronic. It occurs when the human body is exposed to various harmful factors for a long time, represented by loud noise, work with chemicals or other factors.
- Acute occupational disease. It lies in the fact that a person is affected by various factors, leading to significant and rapid negative he alth consequences.
Each case at work must be thoroughly investigated to understand why this or that ailment arose, what factors influenced its occurrence, and the investigation reveals other important information.
For example, damage to the respiratory organs, detected in welders, as they are constantly forced to work with different aerosols, can be attributed to a chronic diseaseor other substances containing aluminum, nickel, iron or other elements.
What is meant by an acute occupational disease? It can be attributed to the impact on the human body of radiation for a short period of time. As a result of such a process, a worker is diagnosed with radiation sickness, which leads to numerous negative consequences.
Features of the disease
Every employer should know what disease is called an acute occupational disease. It is quite easy to determine it, since certain he alth problems of an employee should arise due to exposure to harmful factors for a short time period. If such an impact is detected, it is required to eliminate it promptly. As a result, the employee faces the following negative consequences:
- temporary disability, therefore sick leave is issued, after which the employer often offers easier working conditions;
- persistent disability, as a result of which a citizen can no longer cope with labor duties, so he draws up a certain disability group and receives benefits.
The most common acute occupational disease leads to the fact that the employee of the company loses his ability to work. Often such effects on the body lead to the death of an employee. This is possible if during the performance of labor duties he has to deal with dangerous factors.

Signs of an acute occupational disease
There are certain signs by which such a disease is detected. They depend on the source of the lesion. Most often, employees of various enterprises have to deal with radiation or chemical exposure. It is they who become the causes of an acute occupational disease.
Often, employees of industrial enterprises are diagnosed with radiation sickness. This is due to the fact that a person is constantly exposed to radiation during work. The result of such exposure depends on the duration of exposure and the dose received. Even if a person can recover, he will still face cancer after a certain period of time.
The concept of the register of occupational diseases
The Ministry of Social Development approved a special classifier of occupational ailments. It contains information about the name of each disease, its code, the cause of its occurrence and the factors that lead to its occurrence.
All ailments are divided into several groups depending on the different influences leading to the onset of the disease, which can be chronic or acute. These impacts include:
- physical working conditions that may affect the ability of workers to work;
- biological effects;
- significant physical activity, which leads to changes in the functions of organs;
- chemical effects, and these include not only radiation, but alsopoisoning.
This registry is regularly updated with new chronic and acute occupational diseases.

Types of occupational ailments
Heads of industrial enterprises should understand what is meant by an acute occupational disease, how an investigation is conducted and what payments and benefits should be assigned to employees.
Medical workers divide all diseases into two large groups:
- common ones that a person has before the moment when he starts to perform work duties, but due to the impact of negative factors at work, the condition of the body worsens;
- professional, the causes of which are directly related to the work of a citizen.
It is in the second case that an employee can count on various types of assistance from the head of the company.
How is the investigation done?
The procedure for establishing the presence of an acute occupational disease is a preliminary investigation. It is on the basis of this process that it can be established whether a certain ailment found in a company employee is really professional.
During the investigation of acute occupational diseases, the following persons are required:
- district doctor or other employee of a medical institution;
- representative of the FSS, since payments for an accident or professional ailments are assigned precisely fromthis fund;
- other stakeholders;
- administration of the specific enterprise where the employee works.
An investigation is initiated by the direct employee of the company who has this disease. To do this, they perform the following actions:
- if you have any pain or other symptoms of the disease, you should immediately consult your doctor;
- lists all symptoms and explains the possible cause of the disease;
- describes all working conditions in the company.
Other actions depend on the decision of the attending physician.

What should a doctor do?
Every doctor should know what disease is called acute occupational disease or poisoning. Therefore, if the patient has the appropriate symptoms, then the attending doctor must send a special notification to the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities. The specific form of the disease depends on the rate of flow:
- if severe symptoms are detected within a day after exposure to certain factors at the place of work, then this form is acute;
- if the disease develops within three days, then its form is chronic.
As soon as the notification is received by the sanitary and epidemiological supervision specialists, they will check the company in which the patient works.
How is an organization verified?
Based onan application received from a doctor, an unscheduled inspection of the company by employees of sanitary and epidemiological supervision is carried out. The procedure for establishing an acute occupational disease is that specialists perform the following actions in the company:
- the employer is requested an act containing the results of the assessment of employees' jobs and other documents related to labor protection and the activities of employees of the enterprise;
- the situation that has arisen is analyzed, for which the workshop where the injured citizen worked is visited and inspected;
- the final act is being drawn up.
The act, formed by the specialists of sanitary and epidemiological supervision, is sent to a medical institution where an employee of the company is being treated. The information received is studied by the management of this organization, after which a document is issued against the signature of the patient. For the report, a copy of this act is sent to the FSS and the employer.

As soon as it is proved that an employee has an acute or chronic occupational disease at the place of work, an investigation is necessarily carried out in the company. Its main goal is to identify the causes of the disease, as well as the conditions for its occurrence.
A commission to investigate an acute occupational disease must be created. The head of the company can act as its chairman, and another official working in the company can also be selected. The employee is given the necessarypowers as a result of the issuance by the head of the corresponding order. Additionally, the commission includes the chief physician of the hospital where the employee is being treated, a representative of the FSS and other government agencies.
The collegiate body performs the following actions:
- all documents related to the work of the company are studied, but especially much attention is paid to papers related to labor protection at the enterprise;
- all working conditions in which the sick employee worked are being studied;
- witnesses being interviewed;
- examines the premises where the victim worked;
- the final act is being prepared, which specifies the conditions and causes of an acute professional illness in an employee of the enterprise;
- perpetrators are identified, if any;
- recommendations are made for the management of the company regarding the elimination of the causes of an occupational illness.
The head of the company is obliged to transfer to the commission all the necessary documents for study. It is allowed to request even papers from the archive. The employer must provide any assistance to this collegial body, since it is in his interests to determine the cause of the occupational disease.

What documents are required?
To draw up a notice of an acute occupational disease, the commission must prepare a special act of investigation. To do this, members of the collegial body study numerous documents requestedat the employer. These include the following papers:
- characteristics of the workplace of the victim;
- order on the basis of which a citizen gets a job;
- medical certificate containing information about the he alth status of an employee of the company;
- Excerpts from occupational he alth or safety journals that must confirm that the worker has been instructed;
- special documents confirming that the citizen was issued personal protective equipment or other safety equipment;
- protocols of interrogation of the direct victim, his colleagues, witnesses and responsible persons;
- conclusions of medical experts, which confirm that the employee really has an acute occupational illness;
- other documents required by committee members.
Based on all this documentation, an investigation report is being drawn up. A copy of it must be kept in the archives of the company for at least 75 years, as it contains personal data about the employee of the company. It must contain the opinion of the commission as to who is to blame for the situation, what disease was discovered, and also what measures will be taken in the company to prevent the appearance of such ailments in other employees. It is determined whether the employee is at fault, and the information in the act must be agreed with the trade union.
If it turns out that an employee of the company is independently guilty of the situation, then he will not be able to receive benefits from the FSS.

What is the allowance?
Acute occupational disease is a serious and complex illness that leads to negative consequences for human he alth. It is often the cause of death of an employee of the enterprise over the next 10 years.
When such an ailment is detected, people partially or completely lose their ability to work, so they are assigned the appropriate allowance paid at the expense of the FSS. The money is transferred through the employer. The amount and types of payments depend on the state of the citizen. The law does not provide for a specific list of payments and preferences, so they may vary slightly in different regions, as many benefits are offered by local authorities in different regions.
In the event of an occupational illness, a one-time assistance is paid to a citizen, the maximum amount of which is 85 thousand rubles. Additionally, a monthly allowance is assigned, and its size depends on the average earnings of a citizen. At the place of work, a payment related to disability is transferred, otherwise, it is maximum 270 thousand rubles.
A person who has received an acute occupational disease, regardless of his age, can count on retirement. For this, it is important that he has an experience of 9 years, and the number of points on the PF must exceed 13.8.
All workers working in difficult or hazardous conditions should be aware of what is called acute occupational disease and poisoning. If there are signssuch an ailment, it is important to competently deal with its design by contacting your doctor. Based on the citizen's application, an investigation begins at the place of his work, designed to determine the conditions and causes of the onset of the disease.
People who have experienced an acute occupational illness can count on various preferences from the employer and the state. They consist of various payments and benefits.