Measles what kind of disease? How to recognize in time, what are its consequences, how is it treated? We will talk about everything in this article.
Measles is a viral disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets, directly from an infected person.

A bit of history
When did a disease like measles start? The history of the disease will help us to understand that issue. The first case that was recorded occurred in the 9th century, and was described by an Arab physician, Rhazes. The doctor mistakenly thought that the patient was suffering from a mild form of smallpox. Therefore, at first, measles was called "small disease" (morbilli), and smallpox - morbus, which means "great disease".
Measles what kind of disease? What symptoms does it have and how does it proceed? This was established only in the 17th century, thanks to Sydenhom (England) and Morton (France). But these doctors could not establish the cause of the disease, and only in 1911 experiments were carried out on monkeys, and it was possible to establish that measles is an acute viral disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets. The causative agent of the disease was identified only in 1954. Measles is a disease that everyone should be aware of.
From the middle of the 19th century toAt the beginning of the 20th century, measles was the most dangerous childhood disease, which often ended in death. It was only after the development of a vaccine that the epidemic of the disease was reduced. Mandatory vaccination has been able to reduce the activity of the disease, and in some countries even eliminate it altogether. However, cases of the disease are recorded and today, annually, according to WHO statistics, about 30 thousand people die.
Symptoms in children
First of all, it is worth noting that children aged from one year to 7 years are most susceptible to infection, cases of infection of children over 7 years of age and adults are less often recorded.

Important to know: Measles starts to show up after 7-14 days.
Measles what kind of disease? How to diagnose it? In order to start treatment on time, you need to be able to recognize the disease.
Measles disease symptoms in children are as follows:
- Feeling unwell.
- Sleep disturbance.
- Sluggishness.
- Fatigue.
- Headache.
- Bad or no appetite.
- Temperature increase.
The catarrhal stage lasts from 3 to 5 days. Symptoms are as follows:
- Sore throat.
- Cough appears.
Further worse. The disease begins to affect the vessels, small capillaries in the eyes and skin begin to burst. A runny nose with purulent discharge begins. Puffiness appears on the face, the eyes become swollen. An infected child develops a fear of light, from which he constantly squints his eyes. The temperature rises to 40 degrees,gradually the cough becomes stronger, vomiting may occur.

Only after the child has the main symptoms of measles, he is given an accurate diagnosis. To make a diagnosis, the doctor must prescribe:
- Complete blood count.
- Complete urinalysis.
- Analysis for the isolation of the virus in the blood.
- Chest x-ray.
- In some cases, electroencephalography.
Main symptoms of the disease: measles in children
- Small rashes, the size of a grain, on the inner surface of the lips and cheeks. If these symptoms are present, the child must be isolated.
- Unlike other childhood diseases, measles rash does not appear in a chaotic manner, but in stages. First of all, pink spots appear on the scalp and behind the ears. Then they move to the bridge of the nose, and gradually spread over the entire face. On the second day, the rash begins to spread over the upper body (arms, chest). Third day - legs.
- From the moment the rash appears, body temperature rises sharply to 40 degrees.
The loose period lasts from 4 to 7 days.
Signs of measles in adults
Although measles is considered to be a childhood disease, adults are still not immune from infection. How does the disease progress in adults, what symptoms indicate the disease?
We will look at the main signs of the disease. Measles is something not to be ignored!
- First of all, the state of he alth worsens sharply, appetite disappears,terrible headaches and insomnia appear. The patient feels as if he has a cold, his throat tickles, a runny nose appears, the temperature rises sharply, and the lymph nodes increase.
- After 2 - 5 days, all symptoms disappear, strength and vigor appear.
- A day after the improvement, the disease comes with renewed vigor. All symptoms return, but more acutely and painfully.
- The next step is the rash. Many spots appear, which subsequently combine and turn into one continuous spot. The rash appears in a certain sequence: behind the ears, head, upper body, lower body.

A very insidious disease - measles. Treatment must begin immediately. How should it happen in children?
After the doctor ordered tests and the diagnosis was confirmed, treatment is prescribed. Unfortunately, to date, no single cure for measles has been developed, so all efforts are directed towards treating the symptoms.
- Prescribed antipyretic drugs for children based on ibufen and paracetamol.
- High fever and vomiting lead to dehydration, so be sure to follow the drinking regimen.
- Since the child has a fear of light, the windows in the room where he is located must be curtained with dark thick curtains. Use a night light in the evening.
- Antihistamines are used to relieve swelling and itching from rashes.
- The doctor prescribes expectorants, whichhelp relieve coughing fits.
- Drops were put in the nose (vasoconstrictor) and in the eyes (for conjunctivitis).
- The throat and oral cavity are treated with chamomile.
- Antibiotics being taken.
- Chapped lips from high temperatures must be lubricated with a damp handkerchief.
An infected child should not be in contact with other children, he is prescribed bed rest and complete rest.
In addition to medicines, it is imperative to ventilate the room, do wet cleaning 2 times a day, and humidify the air.
A prerequisite for treatment is diet. All the food that the child eats should be high-calorie, since the body needs a lot of strength to fight the virus. But at the same time, food should be easily digestible, natural.
Hospitalization for measles is rare, only in cases where the symptoms of the disease are very acute. Basically, patients stay at home and follow all the doctor's instructions.
Treatment of measles in adults
The first thing to do is to alleviate the patient's condition. Antibiotics are used to fight inflammation. If the disease is mild, then there is no need for hospitalization. In order to make up for the loss of fluid in the body, you need to drink plenty of water, syrups, tea, compotes.

Since measles inflames the mucous membranes of the mouth, it is necessary to pay special attention to hygiene. The throat must be gargled with chamomile infusion and water-s altsolution. Also, the treatment necessarily includes cough medicines with an expectorant effect, prednisone, and antipyretics.
Measles complications
The most dangerous and common complications that measles can cause:
- Pneumonia is an infectious inflammation of the lungs.
- Impaired vision, rarely total blindness.
- Otitis media is an inflammatory process in the ear.
- Laryngitis is an inflammatory process in the mucous membranes of the larynx.
- Encephalitis - inflammation of the brain.
- Stomatitis - inflammation of the oral mucosa.
- Polyneuritis - multiple lesions of nerve fibers.
- Broncho-pneumonia is an acute inflammation of the bronchi.
Complications in adults
In most cases, measles does not leave any consequences, but still, although rarely, the disease does not let you forget about itself after treatment.
So, why is measles dangerous? The consequences of the disease in adults may be as follows:
- Bronchiolitis is an acute inflammation of the bronchioles, transmitted by airborne droplets.
- Croup - inflammation of the airways.
- Bronchitis.
- Mild myocarditis is damage to the heart muscle.
Sometimes the disease leaves an imprint on vision, can lead to complete blindness.

There are two types of prevention: emergency and planned.
Emergency prophylaxis is carried out if the fact of contact with an infected person is precisely established. However, it must be known for certain thatThe child has never had measles before and has not been vaccinated. In such cases, immunoglobulin is administered. The drug must be administered within 5 days of exposure.
Planned prevention is nothing more than a vaccination. What is a vaccination? This is an artificial introduction of a virus so that the body can develop immunity. According to the vaccination schedule, the child receives the first routine measles vaccine at 1 year old, the second - at 6 years old.

After a routine vaccination, every mother is warned about the possible consequences and reactions of the child's body. Therefore, the mother must carefully monitor the condition of the child after vaccination. There are symptoms, upon the appearance of which parents should immediately respond and seek medical help. Among them:
- Rhinitis.
- Conjunctivitis.
- Temperature increase.
- Cough.
Special vigilance must be exercised from 5 to 20 days after the introduction of the virus. Any rash on the body is a reason to go to the doctor. After all, it is better to make sure once again than to risk the he alth of the child.
Any mother should know that each vaccine is given only to a he althy child. It should be 1 to 6 weeks since the last illness.
Vaccination against measles can be obtained by anyone, for this you need to contact the clinic at the place of residence. You must have a card with records of previous vaccinations with you.
Unpleasant disease - measles. The photos clearly demonstrate this. The patient's body itches and itches.

Rubella, chickenpox, measles are infectious diseases most common in children. However, an adult can also get sick with them. Measles is much more difficult to tolerate in this case. Photos of infected adults are not much different from images of the manifestation of the disease in children, but the child's he alth is an order of magnitude better during the entire period of the disease.
It is very important to isolate the patient from he althy people, especially children. But as we know, infected patients are admitted to the hospital only in special cases, so it is necessary to allocate a separate room at home. If this is not possible, then he althy children should be taken to relatives for a while. In the room where the patient is located, wet cleaning and ventilation must be done. All windows must be covered with thick curtains so that the room is twilight. It is very important to allocate separate cutlery to a sick family member: plates, mugs, spoons. It is important to wear a gauze bandage, both for the sick and those who care for him.
A vaccinated or recovered adult should care for a sick child. Be sure to remember that childhood measles is highly contagious.
Measles during pregnancy
What if a pregnant woman gets measles? How dangerous is the disease for the baby and the expectant mother?
Any viral diseases (measles, chickenpox or rubella) are extremely dangerous during pregnancy. As for measles, if a woman catches the virus in early pregnancy, it is fraught withvarious malformations in the development of the fetus. And despite all the modern diagnostic methods, doctors have no way to establish how much the disease managed to affect the brain of a child. It can only be revealed after birth. If a pregnant woman becomes ill with measles at a later date, the probability of infecting the child is very high. And it means only that the child will be born with a virus. This is fraught with the fact that a child's, still fragile body, most likely, will not be able to endure the disease.
Despite all the danger, measles is not an indication for abortion, for example, as is the case with rubella. But still, if a woman falls ill with measles at an early date, the doctor must warn the expectant mother about possible irreversible consequences. But the choice always remains with the woman.
Naturally, any mother-to-be does not want her child to have any disease. Therefore, during pregnancy, a woman should not only eat right and take all the necessary vitamins, but also carefully monitor her he alth.
Summary of the above
Measles what kind of disease? This is a dangerous disease that spreads by airborne droplets, has an acute course. The disease is quite ancient, however, there is no cure for measles. Only the symptoms of the disease are treated. Fortunately, the signs of children's diseases (measles) are pronounced, it will not be possible not to notice them.

Children of preschool and primary school age are most often affected by measles, but this does not mean that adults are protected from infection. The bestprophylaxis is a timely vaccination: the first - at 1 year, the second - at 6 years. Further as desired.
A sick family member must be isolated from he althy relatives.