Fungus on the feet is a fairly common problem among various segments of the population. After all, picking up such an infection is quite simple, and in the most unexpected way. How to get rid of foot fungus? Today, there are many solutions to combat the disease. I would like to talk about the most effective methods in our publication.
Types of fungal infection

Researchers of the problem identify several varieties of fungus that develops on the feet. Depending on the localization, the following types of infection are distinguished:
- Damage to the nails - manifests itself in the form of a compaction of the structure of keratinized plates and a change in their shade from flesh to yellow-brown. If you do not pay due attention to the problem, the nail will begin to thicken over time, then it will turn black, deformed andwill lag behind soft tissues.
- Infection of the interdigital spaces - the disease is characterized by significant reddening of the skin, peeling of the epidermis and unbearable itching. The development of the disease is accompanied by the appearance of puffiness, the formation of microscopic cracks, which become a springboard for other infections to enter the body.
- Foot fungus - the manifestations of the disease in this form are similar to the above cases. The skin of the legs begins to itch a lot. Then its compaction occurs, edema occurs and extensive areas of peeling are formed. The patient has to constantly experience quite noticeable pain. If left untreated, a very unpleasant odor emanates from the feet.
Causes of disease development

Before considering how to get rid of the fungus on the feet, I would like to say a few words about the prerequisites for the development of the disease. Infection with a fungal infection of the genus Candida or dermatophytosis can occur in the following situations:
- During visits to public saunas, baths, swimming pools, and other places where you need to take off your shoes and walk barefoot. You can also catch a fungal infection in the locker rooms and showers of gyms, where surfaces are rarely cleaned and disinfected.
- The cause of infection may be contact with a loved one who is a carrier of the disease. For this reason, it is not recommended to use other people's things, such as wearing other people's room slippers.
- Lead to the development of fungus on the legs canuncontrolled intake of pharmacological drugs. The abuse of all kinds of drugs often leads to a decrease in immunity. The result is a low resistance of the body to infectious agents, including fungal ones.
- Some people regularly suffer from the problem because they have a bad heredity. The predisposition to develop fungal infections can be a real problem, especially at the household level, which has to be fought throughout life.
- You can catch the causative agent of the disease with leg injuries and refusal to urgently decontaminate the wound. In this case, a person actually invites various kinds of infections into his own body. Often, this behavior leads to the development of inflammatory processes, which become aggravated and create the basis for infection with a fungal infection.
What is the danger of foot fungus?
One of the main troubles in the development of the disease is the formation of microscopic cracks in the structure of the skin. At first, such damage is not dangerous. However, over time, their size increases significantly. Through wounds, contaminants enter the body, which contain an abundance of pathogenic bacteria. Thus, the patient has to fight not only with a whole host of unpleasant manifestations of a fungal infection, but also treat inflammation, suffer from the appearance of suppuration, the formation of erosive phenomena.
If a person practically does not pay attention to the question of how to get rid of the fungus, in this case, thethe likelihood of developing plantar warts on the feet. The appearance of such neoplasms causes not only aesthetic discomfort, but also discomfort during movement. Avoiding suffering, the patient prefers to walk less. The result of low activity is often the development of atrophic processes in muscle tissues.
Given the above, it is easy to understand why it is so important to seek information on how to quickly get rid of foot fungus in a timely manner. Further in the article, I would like to highlight a number of effective medical solutions and folk methods that will eliminate the problem in a short time.

How to quickly get rid of the fungus? One of the most effective drugs on the market for drugs for this purpose is the pharmacological agent "Lamisil". The obvious advantage of this option is the destructive effect not only on fungi of the genus Candida and dermatophytosis, which most often affect soft tissues and nails, but also the destruction of other mycotic organisms.
Lamisil is available as a cream, tablet, ointment, disinfectant solution and spray. The choice of a particular option depends on the individual preferences of each patient.

To eliminate a fungal infection with a remedy, it is enough to apply the medicine several times a day. The duration of therapy is determined by the degree of tissue damage by infection, as well as the presence of complications.

The medicine is practically in no way inferior to the previous version. "Fluconazole" perfectly copes with the destruction of infectious pathogens of the genus Candida. Convenient in everyday use is a cream. However, doctors recommend giving preference to tablets. Indeed, in this case, the active ingredients of the drug quickly reach the foci of infection in the blood.
How to get rid of toenail fungus and eliminate soft tissue pathogens with this medicine? "Fluconazole" is a fairly powerful tool. It is necessary to take the drug once a day for a week, not exceeding the dosage of 150 mg of the substance. Usually, the medicine makes it possible to completely eliminate the trouble within a month and a half, regardless of the degree of spread of the infection.
A good option for getting rid of foot and nail fungus is the use of the pharmacological drug "Sertaconazole". The medicine has the widest spectrum of action, destroying a wide range of infectious pathogens of mycotic nature. Moreover, the product contains active substances in the structure that have a devastating effect on pathogenic bacteria of the genus Staphylococcus and Streptococcus. The drug is available in the form of a cream and a disinfectant solution.
Potassium permanganate

How to get rid of foot fungus with folk remedies? An effective solution here is the treatment of infected areas with a solutionpotassium permanganate. It is immediately worth noting that it is necessary to use such a remedy of traditional medicine, observing extreme caution. After all, overdoing it, you can get quite noticeable chemical burns. For this reason, it is recommended to use a slightly diluted solution.
Potassium permanganate has excellent disinfecting properties. The tool allows you to eliminate discomfort in the shortest possible time and remove a whole host of unpleasant symptoms. Among other things, potassium permanganate solution helps to eliminate inflammatory processes and slows down the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms of various nature.
How to get rid of the fungus in this way? To begin with, a weak solution of the substance is prepared. It is necessary to ensure that potassium permanganate is evenly dissolved in water. A gauze swab or cotton pad is impregnated with the agent. In this form, the medicine is applied to the areas affected by the fungus on the legs. In order to quickly eliminate the infection, the procedure is performed 2-3 times a day. Before proceeding with the treatment of the skin with the composition, the legs are pre-steamed in hot water. As a rule, the duration of therapy with this method is about 2 weeks.

How to get rid of foot fungus at home? This will help the use of propolis, infused with alcohol. This medicine has long been used by traditional healers in the fight against fungal and bacterial infections. The agent contributes to the destruction of the structure of pathogenic spores andprevents them from spreading.
You can use alcohol tincture of propolis in the form of lotions and compresses. However, the most effective solution seems to be adding the product to foot baths. The procedure is recommended to be performed at least several times a day.
In order to prepare baths against the fungus, use about 2 teaspoons of tincture. The agent is dissolved in several liters of boiled hot water. The legs are placed in such a liquid and held for 15-20 minutes. The procedure is best performed shortly before going to bed. Before going to bed, it is worth applying a night compress, treated with the same propolis tincture, on the feet affected by the fungus.

Those who want to learn how to get rid of the fungus with folk remedies in the shortest possible time should adopt such a potent remedy as vinegar. A good option is the use of not only ordinary, but also wine and apple solution. As practice shows, the most effective solution is to use just plain 9% vinegar.
In preparation for the treatment of fungus-affected areas, it is important to dilute the product with water in a ratio of 1:8. In such a bath, you need to lower your legs. However, before that, it is recommended to thoroughly steam the limbs and clean the skin from peeling. The procedure should be repeated 5-7 times a day. If you do everything right, positive changes can be noticed already after a few days.
How to get rid offrom the fungus with the help of celandine? To prepare a product based on such a herb, take 4 tablespoons of the dry collection of the plant. The basis of the medicine is poured with water in an amount of not more than one liter. The liquid is put on a small fire and brought to a boil. Then the remedy is allowed to brew well.
Strained decoction of celandine is used to prepare baths. In such a composition, it is necessary to lower the legs affected by the fungus daily, keeping them in solution for half an hour. Treatment should be continued for 3 weeks.
Oddly enough, regular coffee is a pretty good remedy for treating foot fungus. To start treatment, it is enough to brew a stronger solution and immerse the affected limbs in it. It is enough to keep your feet in such a bath for 20-30 minutes. It is better to resort to the procedure before going to bed. The use of the product will destroy the infection after several such events, as well as eliminate the accompanying discomfort and make the skin smooth.