Dandruff in a child: possible causes and features of treatment

Dandruff in a child: possible causes and features of treatment
Dandruff in a child: possible causes and features of treatment

In this article, we will look at the causes and treatment of dandruff in children. How does this disease manifest itself? How to prevent it?

If parents saw dandruff in their child, you should understand the cause of this pathology, because often the factor that provoked it in childhood is a fungal disease. In adolescents, this problem is mainly not associated with pathological abnormalities in the body. In any case, if a similar problem appears, you will need to consult a dermatologist. What are the main causes of dandruff in a child? How should this problem be treated? We will talk about all this further.

dandruff in children, causes and treatment
dandruff in children, causes and treatment

What is dandruff?

These are dead cells of the epidermis that accumulate on the surface of the skin. The main reason for their appearance is the imbalance in the production of sebaceous secretions. In this case, an accelerated division of epidermal cells occurs, as a result of which they quickly accumulate and begin to deliver mass to the child.inconvenience. Specialists distinguish between the following two types of dandruff:

  • Dry dandruff. In this case, the scales, which are white and small in size, scatter in all directions at the slightest contact. This type of dandruff appears as a result of the slow work of the sebaceous glands.
  • Faty dandruff in a child. In this situation, dandruff flakes have a yellowish tint, while they themselves are sticky and can stick together into large flakes. Oily dandruff literally sticks to a child's hair, and getting rid of it can be much more difficult than dry dandruff. This problem occurs due to the increased work of the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

In a separate group, experts distinguish yellow tubular dandruff in infants. As a rule, there will be no particular difficulties in treating this problem, all that is required is attention to the child along with strict adherence to the recommendations of the attending doctor.

Symptoms of disease

The first symptoms of dandruff in a child are as follows:

  • Hair becomes brittle and brittle.
  • The ends of the hair split.
  • Itches along with discomfort.
  • White motes become visible among the hair.
  • There is reddening of the skin.
  • Hair can quickly become greasy and look messy and unkempt.
  • Probably the formation of wounds and suppuration.

Now find out what usually causes dandruff in a child.

how to treat dandruff in a child
how to treat dandruff in a child

Why does dandruff appear in the babyaged

The causes of dandruff in a child are very diverse. Therefore, in the event that it is not possible to cope with it for a long time, parents should think about it and go to the doctor, who will assess the condition of the body and send it for additional research. Among the factors that provoke this disease, the most common are the following causes of dandruff in children:

  • Improper care of the scalp. In infants, the process of secretion of the sebaceous glands is not established, and when, against this background, parents acquire inappropriate detergents, the likelihood of dandruff increases.
  • Manifestation of an allergic reaction. In the event that the baby has peeling on the head, accompanied by redness and itching of the skin, then it is likely that the body reacts this way to an irritating allergen. When the baby is breastfeeding, the mother will need to review her diet and remove suspicious allergenic foods.
  • Infestation is another reason why a child may develop dandruff. This can happen due to helminthic invasion, and in addition, due to infection with pediculosis. Such a nuisance can be found in children at any age.
  • Dandruff in a child at the age of 11 can be formed under the influence of stress. In the event that the child is nervous, unbalanced and in constant tension, the disease can manifest itself even at two years old. Often, the trigger is considered stress as a result of a change of scenery, when a child, for example, first comes to kindergarten or school.institution.
  • The appearance of endocrine disorders. Such deviations quite often occur in adolescence, when the guys have a change in hormonal levels, in connection with this, the activity of the sebaceous glands is disrupted. Having dandruff in a teenager during this time is quite common.
dandruff in a child
dandruff in a child

Other reasons

How to treat dandruff in a child - many are interested.

The disease, in fact, is a peeling that occurs on the scalp. In addition to the above reasons, there are other factors that affect the appearance of dandruff in children:

  • Regular malnutrition. In the event that the child's diet is unbalanced, many he alth problems appear. Severe dandruff in this situation occurs as one of the first problems. In this regard, it is very important to enrich the child's menu with products that will contain enough vitamins C, D and B.
  • A child may develop dandruff due to bad habits. Often a fifteen-year-old teenager is interested in trying alcohol or has an interest in other harmful things. Such actions can also provoke a malfunction and secretion of the glands, causing the formation of dandruff, which will later be quite difficult to get rid of.
  • Skin pathologies in the form of eczema, seborrhea and psoriasis can often occur in children in adolescence.
  • Problems associated with the work of the digestive organs. Fighting dandruff does not make any senseif you do not eliminate problems with digestion. Similar pathologies in the work of the digestive system are more likely to affect older children - from ten years old.

Features of the appearance of dandruff in infants

Dandruff in newborns can be quite common, mostly harmless. For example, in a one-year-old child, such a pathology disappears, as a rule, on its own. Often this problem occurs due to the unformed activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands. True, as the baby grows older, the process of functioning is getting better, and the deviation itself disappears.

But it is worth noting that this factor is not always the cause of dandruff in a child. It happens that crusts on the head appear as a result of overheating, and in addition, allergic reactions or the use of inappropriate hygiene products. In the event that the baby's dandruff does not go away for a long time, it would be better to visit a pediatrician in order to find out the cause of this condition.

How is the diagnosis made?

So, in the event that a child has dandruff, it would be better to consult a dermatologist. The main diagnostic measures are to conduct a general blood test. In addition, a scraping is taken from the skin of the head. As soon as the main cause of the problem is established, the doctor will select a remedy that needs to be treated for a small patient. How should dandruff be treated in a child? This should be discussed separately.

why does baby have dandruff
why does baby have dandruff

Dandruff in children: treatment of pathology

Treatment of this unpleasant pathology in humans can be carried out in three directions:

  • Systemic treatment of dandruff.
  • Performing local therapy.
  • Using folk remedies.

When the problem concerns children, the doctor and parents need to focus on the characteristics and vulnerability of a fragile body.

Providing systemic treatment

To save the baby from such a problem as dandruff, systemic treatment will help to eliminate the root cause of the pathology, which will consist in following the following recommendations:

  • First of all, a proper and balanced diet is required, in which all he althy products of plant and animal origin must be present in the amount required for a certain childhood.
  • It is important to observe the regime of wakefulness and rest, which will make it possible to calm the nervous system and recover from the pathology faster.
  • Application of supplemental homeopathic medicine regimens that will allow you to get rid of problems associated with digestion, and in addition, help to increase the overall resistance of the body to external stimuli.

Performing local therapy

In the event that children develop severe dandruff, parents should be responsible in choosing hygiene products. It is very important to use hypoallergenic soap and shampoo. If the doctor has prescribed a special drug, then you should use it according to the proposed scheme. You can wash your hair as followsanti-dandruff shampoos for children sold in pharmacies: Friederm, Bubchen, Mustela, Sulsena and Nizoral.

How long to heal?

As a rule, as a result of using shampoo, the ailment disappears after a month of regular washing. Within seven days, the hair should be washed two or three times, but if the head itches a lot, then it is recommended to use a medicated shampoo, in agreement with the doctor, more often. Despite the proven effectiveness and safety of dandruff cleansers, you should not buy and use them yourself, especially when it comes to treating a baby’s scalp pathology.

dandruff in a child 10 years old - treatment
dandruff in a child 10 years old - treatment

Also, traditional medicine recommends more than one effective remedy for dandruff for children.

Using folk and natural remedies

Today, there are many folk remedies for dandruff, which are used together with the medicine. So, natural remedies in combination with special pharmaceutical preparations will help to cure the scalp and eliminate unpleasant flakes of dandruff. For example, various vegetable oils have proven themselves well, which are hypoallergenic and are great for treating scalp problems, even in the smallest children. Thus, it is advisable to use almond, linseed, sesame, cedar, burdock or castor oil. In addition, the use of walnut and grape seed oils is excellent.

Using this or that herbal remedy for the treatment of dandruff in children is quite simple: for a couple ofhours before the hygiene procedure, the hairy skin is lubricated with a certain oil, then they wash their hair with the help of a pharmaceutical preparation. As practice shows, within one month the condition of the child's scalp noticeably improves, peeling with irritation disappears completely, and with oily seborrhea, pustular rashes disappear.

baby has dandruff
baby has dandruff

Among other things, you can rinse the affected hair with chamomile infusion. Also for these purposes, a string or nettle is perfect. To prepare the rinse, take the proposed remedy in equal proportions, which is poured with boiling water and allowed to brew for twenty-five minutes. After each wash, use the infusion as a rinse. It is important to note that every time before washing your hair, you need to prepare a fresh infusion.

Prevention of dandruff in children

In addition to following the above schemes for local and systemic treatment of dandruff in a 10-year-old child, it is recommended to adhere to special preventive measures that will help prevent such a relapse and save the child from the unpleasant symptoms of such a disease. So, preventive recommendations include the following measures:

  • Each child should have their own personal hair care items such as combs, rubber bands, hats and so on.
  • It is very important to use baby shampoos that do not contain harmful substances and dyes.
  • Children must wear hats according to weather conditions.
  • Wash your baby's hair with water at a comfortable temperature.
  • It is extremely important to treat diseases of the digestive system in a timely manner, and in addition, monitor the normalization of hormonal levels.
how to get rid of dandruff in a child
how to get rid of dandruff in a child


How to get rid of dandruff in a child, all parents should know. In the event that treatment is started in a timely manner, it will certainly be possible to painlessly get rid of the problem. The main thing in this situation is not to ignore the symptoms, and at the first appearance of dandruff, go to a dermatologist, and then carry out treatment according to the recommended scheme. Then the child will not have problems with the scalp, he will be he althy and happy.

We looked at the causes and treatment of dandruff in children.
