Pathology of the joints is often caused by arthrosis and arthritis. Their symptoms are manifested in constant pain, manifested in the limbs. These diseases have become much “younger”: if earlier they were mainly characteristic of the elderly, now they can easily be found in young people. Therefore, it is important to know the causes and symptoms of this disease, and take care of your body.
Arthritis concept
This disease manifests itself as an inflammatory disease of the joints. However, it can attack adjacent tissues, causing damage, resulting in an increase in temperature, which can cause fever.
Arthritis can occur due to age-related reasons. After the transition through the age of 40, the cartilage in the body begins to wear out and wear out, as a result of which the joints become unprotected, compressed. Injuries and bruises provoke the occurrence of severe pain. The result is painful hardening that reduces joint flexibility and leads to less mobility.
Symptoms of arthritis,caused by age-related changes, as a rule, are less pronounced, since in this case deformation of the body, an increase in temperature and inflammation are rarely observed.
Dangerous is rheumatoid arthritis. In this case, the process develops due to swelling inside the joint. Cartilage and bone are deformed and can be completely destroyed.
Classification of arthritis
Depending on the etiology, form and stage of the inflammatory process, there are several varieties of this disease. The most common ones are:
- arthrosis (osteoarthritis) - deformation of the joints, accompanied by discomfort with lignification of the limbs; is divided into primary (occurring in violation of the regeneration of cartilaginous tissue) and secondary (causes - bruises and injuries); found in 15% of humanity;
- Bekhterev's disease (ankylosing spondylitis) - constant inflammation of the soft tissues of the ridge and cartilage; can be inherited; more often diagnosed in men; the first signs of arthritis appear in the form of tension and pain in the back after being in one position; accompanied by aches in the body, back, chest, fever, can worsen the work of the heart and give complications to vision;
- rheumatoid arthritis - may result from infection in the body or allergic inflammation of the joints; limbs are most often affected, making movement difficult; in case of complications, internal organs may be affected;
- rheumatism of the joints is a chronic disease with a severe course,occurs after severe infectious diseases suffered by a person; causes complications in the form of lesions of internal organs, the activity of the immune system is disrupted.
Also, arthritis is divided into acute and chronic. The first has a rapid development with sharp pain and inflammation, lasting 2-3 days. Chronic arthritis progresses gradually.
In addition, as a result of the development of pathology, one joint may be affected, in this case they speak of monoarthritis, or a group of joints. The last disease is called polyarthritis.
Also, the disease, depending on the severity, is divided into 4 degrees. Arthritis in the first two of them is almost invisible: the articular tissue is not affected, the joints are not limited in mobility, however, when diagnosing, their damage is detected.
At 3 and 4 degrees there is a significant soreness. At the onset of stage 3, a person may be assigned a disability. 4 degree is characterized by complete destruction of the joint; tissues that have taken its place connect the bones into an immovable whole.
Arthritis symptoms
Depending on the specific disease, they may be different. However, it is possible to single out the main signs that are characteristic of most ailments of this group:
- formation of seals under the skin and nodules;
- swelling and swelling in the joints;
- crunching sensation while driving;
- manifestation of pain is more typical when at rest, physical activity can lead to subsidencediscomfort;
- allergic rashes, skin irritations;
- insomnia and general weakness;
- pain syndromes can occur in different parts of the body;
- trembling limbs, aches, chills, cold sweat;
- tight joints and itching;
- weight loss for no apparent reason;
- sitting in one position for long periods causes pain in the hip, knees and back;
- an increase in body temperature and inflammation of the skin in areas affected by arthritis;
- feeling tight in the limbs;
- there is stiffness in the joints that does not go away within a few hours after waking up;
- one of the first signs is a sharp ache and pain that occurs in the middle of the night;
- discomfort in the joints during rest and sleep.
Different types of arthritis diagnosis may present with specific symptoms such as:
- tense straight back;
- sharp pain that manifests itself on the bones of the legs, ridge, knees, passing after a few days;
- disturbances in the digestive tract;
- genital discharge not found in he althy people;
- rashes on lower limbs;
- inflammatory processes in the internal organs.

The most characteristic manifestation of the pathology in question is in the upper limbs. Symptoms of hand arthritis may include, in addition to those listed above:
- reaction to weather conditions(changes in air temperature, pressure, humidity);
- appearance of redness in the area of the wrist joint or on the knuckles with a local increase in temperature in this area with tingling and burning sensations;
- thickening of the joints of the wrist and fingers without the possibility of returning to its original state (the process is suspended for the duration of treatment and remission);
- Squeaky feeling when moving fingers.
Causes of disease
Today the etiology of the pathology has not been fully elucidated. The main ones include hereditary predisposition, as well as external factors:
- monotonous work, leading to a constant load on a certain group of joints;
- disturbed metabolism due to malnutrition;
- great physical activity;
- wearing tight shoes and clothes;
- malfunctions of the immune system;
- infectious diseases leading to joint inflammation;

- injuries, bruises;
- sedentary lifestyle;
- lack of muscle corset;
- overweight;
- gender - Back pain and spinal inflammation are more common in men, although arthritis is more common in women in general;
- age.
Diagnosis of disease
Arthritis in adults is detected by x-ray. In the first two stages, the disease can only be detected by it.

Diagnosis of arthritis of the 3rd degree is carried out by increased andswollen joints, to which there is an increased inflow of synovial fluid. Movements are constrained, the patient experiences acute pain when leaving a state of rest. In case of damage to the knee joint during movement, the patient feels severe pain, which leads to spasm of the leg muscles, which contribute to the displacement of the bones relative to each other. Also, the joint can no longer support the bones in the places that they were originally defined. If arthritis is observed in the shoulder joint, then it becomes almost immobile. When you try to carry out the movement, a clearly distinguishable click is heard. The skin around the joint becomes inflamed. On palpation, there is a feeling of acute pain.
Diagnosis of arthritis of the 4th degree, carried out by X-ray, reveals the almost complete destruction of the bones and cartilaginous tissues of the joints. The ankle joint becomes immobile, the patient cannot move independently. The joints of the fingers also lose the ability to move. Its tissues are replaced by immobile muscle-tendon joints. The same is seen in knee and shoulder arthritis.
Treatment of disease
The disease is treated comprehensively. It is important to follow all the doctor's recommendations.
Basic rules during treatment:
- it is necessary to do therapeutic exercises, visit physiotherapy rooms for appropriate procedures, take medications prescribed by a doctor;
- rest and work should be combined rationally, avoid physical overload and stress;
- reduce stress on those limbswho experience pain syndromes; if it is necessary to perform various movements with the limbs affected by the disease, it is better to choose another job;
- give up bad habits;
- follow a special diet as recommended by a doctor;
- drink plenty of fluids;
- do not self-medicate.
Eating for arthritis does not include the following foods:
- raspberries;
- canned food;
- candy and chocolate, chips and other fast food;
- foods high in omega-6 fatty acids;
- broths and rich borscht and soups;
- strong tea and coffee;
- liquor;
- spicy dishes;
- spices, seasonings, pickles;
- fat;
- mushrooms;
- bean seeds;
- meat offal;
- buffets;
- high-fat dairy products;
- meat and, above all, fried and smoked.
Arthritis must necessarily imply weight loss in the presence of excess weight. This is due to the fact that a large mass presses on all the joints of the body, which contributes to the progression of this disease. The diet should be low in calories, but contain all the necessary macro- and microelements, as well as vitamins.

Nutrition for arthritis should include the following foods:
- ginger in the form of juice consumed after meals, for this it is 1 tsp. pour two glasses of water and boil;
- broth,cooked on bones, jelly, cold, containing collagen and gelatin, giving strength to cartilage and bone tissues;
- 1, 5-2 liters of pure liquid, preference is given to green tea (the risk of developing an illness is reduced to 60%);
- dietary meat: chicken, turkey, rabbit;
- fermented milk products (cottage cheese, cheese, kefir) - preferably low-fat, give preference to products with the presence of bifidobacteria;
- cereals, bran, wholemeal bread, it is advisable to use lentil and sunflower seeds containing selenium, a deficiency of which can contribute to the disease in question;
- vegetable oils (linseed is best);
- nuts;
- fatty fish with a high content of omega-3 fatty acids - contributes to the restoration and strengthening of cartilage tissue - in rational quantities, without abuse;
- fruit and vegetable products are green, yellow and bright orange in color because they are high in natural antioxidants;
- pineapples, pomegranates, lemons, oranges, bell peppers;
- freshly squeezed vegetable juices: celery, cabbage, tomato, pumpkin, carrot.
Vitamin K and calcium are essential for bone formation.

Arthritis injections are most effective against inflammation in the shoulders, knees, feet and hips. They are usually prescribed when other medical treatment has not brought relief to the patient. Sometimes they are used for osteoarthritisfor injection into the joint or in the form of intramuscular and intravenous injections.
After a course of injections, they continue to take the same drugs in a different form. This method does not lead to side effects, since the arthritis injection has a local effect. For the shoulder joint, sometimes the length of the syringe needle may not be enough.
The most commonly prescribed injections of glucocorticoids, hyaluronic acid, chondoprotectors and gas injections.
The first of these drugs help relieve pain, and also prevent stagnation in the joint cavity fluid.
For the treatment of arthrosis of the legs, hyaluron-based products are mainly used. They contribute to the relief of inflammation of the hip joint, foot and knee joint. Their use contributes to the restoration of synovial fluid, while friction between the bones does not occur. Substances in this group include the following:
- "Ostenil";
- "Sinocrom";
- "Crespin" gel.
They are used after removing the process of inflammation from the sore spot.
As chondroprotectors injections of "Don", "Alflutop" can be used.
Gas injections allow you to stop painful symptoms, as well as normalize metabolic processes. For injections with carbon dioxide, it is necessary to accurately determine the place for injection.
If it is necessary to quickly and effectively relieve the patient of discomfort in arthritis of small joints, shoulder, knee joints, drugs are administered intramuscularly. For this, analgesics are used,for example, "Tramadol" or anti-inflammatory ("Chondroitin sulfate").
Injections of B vitamins can be used to innervate the joints.
For rheumatoid arthritis, Methotrexate injections or tablets are prescribed, which inhibits inflammation and prevents malignant neoplasms from developing.
Other drug treatment
In addition to injections, medicines in the form of tablets, powders and other forms provided for the corresponding drugs can be used.
Treatment of pain in arthritis is carried out by the following groups of medications:
- vitamin complexes;
- antibiotics;
- expanding vessels with strengthening of their walls;
- restoring the structure of cartilage tissue;
- painkillers;
- anti-inflammatory.
The doctor must monitor the patient's condition. If within one month there is no improvement from the prescribed drug, then the treatment should be changed. Corticosteroids or antimalarials are prescribed. They have many side effects and should only be used as a last resort.
Physiotherapy treatments
It is prescribed in combination with other applied methods of treatment. They stop the damaging effects of arthritis on the joints and improve metabolism.

The following are mainly prescribed as physiotherapeutic procedures:
- acupuncture;
- quartzing;
- electrophoresis (exposure to a magnetic fieldhigh frequency current);
- ultrasound (helps relieve spasm and return mobility; used after pain relief).
If the pain syndrome is minor and the disease is in the initial stages, manual therapy can be used, including massage to eliminate congestion, relieve soft tissue swelling and spasms.
Therapeutic gymnastics
Arthritis exercises should be performed in the most comfortable position. They should not hurt, while their implementation is provided at a certain pace with the necessary amplitude.
For knee arthritis, exercises are done at a slow pace. They begin to be performed with a small number of times, gradually increasing to 20. You can not make sudden movements, jumping and running.
Lying on your back, perform the following exercises:
- inhale - stretching the spine while sipping, exhale - pulling the toes towards you, during the break - circular movements with the feet;
- touch the heel of each leg alternately buttocks, keeping the feet on the floor;
- move legs alternately to the side;
- lightly lifting the legs off the floor;
- raised limb stretches fingers away from you while inhaling, while exhaling - away from you;
- knee pulls to chest;
- they touch the stomach, after which they straighten above themselves, bend and straighten on the floor;
- knees of bent legs spread apart;
- "bicycle" with each foot and both.
Being in a chair:
- wigglefeet back and forth;
- straightening the limb forward with a delay of 5 seconds, alternately and with both legs at the same time.
On the stomach:
- foot lifts up and rotates, then lower leg joins;
- slow flexion with pulling the foot with the heel to the buttock.
The following exercises are recommended for the shoulder girdle.
On the back:
- raising-lowering hands;
- palms on shoulders: exhale - breeding to the sides, inhale - again on the shoulders;
- twisting elbows, hands on shoulders;
- hands at sides, turn, one hand is placed on top of the other.
Sitting on a chair:
- twisting arm above head;
- palms down, moving up and down and twisting the shoulders;
- palms - on the shoulders, elbows - to the body, turning them in front of you and raising them higher.
- cross your arms, putting your hands on your shoulders and raise your elbows with a delay at the top;
- palm - on the opposite shoulder, with the other hand - bringing the elbow to the body;
- hands grab the opposite elbow behind the back;
- hands - in the lock behind the back, bring the elbows closer, straightening the arms.
For the upper limbs, you can perform such a simple complex, as described below.

- clenching-unclenching fists with a certain amplitude;
- spread fingers;
- connecting the tips of the thumb with others;
- rubbing hands;
- palms on a flat surface, lifting fingers;
- brush at the top, circular movements with it while bending the fingers into a fist;
- squeezing soft expander.
Folk methods
With an exacerbation of arthritis in the initial stages, you can use folk remedies:
- applying mummy cream;
- whipped egg yolk with apple cider vinegar;
- warming with s alt bags;
- applications of wax and propolis;
- chalk with yogurt as a compress for 30 minutes;
- burdock or nettle wraps at night.
In addition, various decoctions can be used as a folk treatment for arthritis:
- bay leaf - 2 tbsp. powder is poured with boiling water (1 l), taken in the morning on an empty stomach, 1 cup for about a week;
- ginger tea (several times a week);
- nettle tea (a cup a day for three weeks).
In conclusion
The symptoms of arthritis for each form of the disease are different, although there are common signs. This ailment progresses and, if appropriate types of treatment are not carried out, it can completely immobilize the joints. It is necessary to carry out drug treatment with predominant injections for severe pain, combined with physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises and folk remedies.