Risk factors and prevention of arterial hypertension. Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of arterial hypertension

Table of contents:

Risk factors and prevention of arterial hypertension. Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of arterial hypertension
Risk factors and prevention of arterial hypertension. Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of arterial hypertension

Video: Risk factors and prevention of arterial hypertension. Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of arterial hypertension

Video: Risk factors and prevention of arterial hypertension. Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of arterial hypertension
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In the modern world, diseases of the cardiovascular system are very common. One of these is hypertension. This pathology is getting younger every year. If earlier middle-aged and elderly people were more and more at risk, now arterial hypertension is also diagnosed in young people. This disease is called the "silent killer" because it can be asymptomatic for many years. Next, let's talk about who is at risk. What is the prevention of arterial hypertension. And, of course, we will consider the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of this disease.

What is hypertension

The disease arterial hypertension is a chronic pathology with persistent high blood pressure.

A little about how our cardiovascular system works. The heart works like a pump that pumps blood and maintains a constant blood pressure in the vessels. Many factors influence the work of the heart, such as:

  • Physical activity level.
  • Emotional state.
  • Hormonal background.
  • Blood volume andcapacity of the vascular bed.
  • prevention of arterial hypertension
    prevention of arterial hypertension

The vascular bed is a system of branched channels through which blood returns to the heart. Its volume is not constant, because the smallest vessels that are in the walls of arterioles, in muscle tissue, contract, narrow the lumen of the vessels and can redirect blood flow depending on the needs of the body. The regulation of vascular tone directly depends on the nervous and hormonal systems. The force that acts on the walls of blood vessels during blood flow is called pressure.

Arterial hypertension is an increase in systolic pressure up to 140 mm Hg. Art. and more, and diastolic up to 90 mm Hg. and more. The norm is considered to be the pressure in an adult 120/80 mm Hg. st.

Disease classification

There are two degrees of arterial hypertension:

  • Primary.
  • Secondary.

Primary is divided into several degrees. Namely:

  • First degree. In this state, the organs are not affected, and a hypertensive crisis can occur in very rare cases. The indicators in this case are up to 159/99 mm Hg. Art. The pressure can then drop to normal levels, then rise slightly above these.
  • Second degree. Blood pressure up to 179/109 mm Hg. and above these values. Decreases to normal levels briefly and infrequently.
  • Third degree. Blood pressure is between 180/110mm Hg. Art. and above.
  • secondary arterial hypertension
    secondary arterial hypertension

Hypertension 2 degrees and 3, as a rule, already give complications in the form of such violations:

  • Atherosclerosis of vessels.
  • Asthma.
  • Heart disease.
  • Pulmonary edema.

Secondary arterial hypertension is accompanied by pathology of internal organs. It is violations in the operation of these systems that provoke stable pressure surges:

  • Pathology of the heart and aorta.
  • Brain tumors and consequences of TBI.
  • Kidney disease.
  • Endocrine pathologies.
  • Tumor of the adrenal and pituitary glands.
  • Removal of two kidneys.

Also, excessive use of certain drugs can cause arterial hypertension. What are these drugs:

  • "Ephedrine".
  • history of hypertension
    history of hypertension
  • "Phenacetin".
  • Hormonal contraceptives.
  • Glucorticoids.

Therefore, people who suffer from arterial hypertension should definitely consult a doctor before taking a new drug.

Symptoms of disease

Different degrees of arterial hypertension are characterized by different symptoms. The history of arterial hypertension often begins with the fact that the patient did not have any serious complaints. However, you should pay attention to frequently repeated states:

  • For headaches.
  • diagnosis of arterial hypertension
    diagnosis of arterial hypertension
  • On periodic flashing of flies before the eyes.
  • Dizziness.
  • A state of weakness.
  • Face redness.
  • Heavy sweating.
  • Frequent nosebleeds.

There may be other symptoms. For the first degree of arterial hypertension, damage to internal organs is not characteristic. However, in order to stop the deterioration of the situation in a timely manner, it is necessary to pay attention to the above symptoms.

Arterial hypertension of the 2nd degree can provoke the following conditions:

  • Spasm of the fundus vessels.
  • The walls of the left ventricle may be enlarged.
  • Protein may appear in the urine.
  • There are signs of damage to the walls of large vessels by the atherosclerotic process.

Arterial hypertension of the 3rd degree is characterized by the involvement of the affected organs in the process of pathological processes. The following diseases may appear:

  • Heart failure.
  • Swelling of the optic nerve.
  • Angina.
  • Myocardial infarction.
  • Development of atherosclerotic processes narrowing and obstruction of blood vessels.

Arterial hypertension of the 3rd degree has a significant number of complications.

Manifestations of the secondary form of pathology are more pronounced. The following phenomena are possible:

  • Edema.
  • Pain in the lumbar region.
  • Dysuric phenomena.
  • Signs of inflammatory processes in the blood test.
  • Changes in urinalysis.

Causes of arterial hypertension

This disease cannot occur without a cause, as well asany other. To name a few reasons:

  • Heredity.
  • Overweight.
  • High cholesterol.
  • Systematic drinking.
  • High s alt intake.
  • Psychoemotional stress.
  • Stress.
  • arterial hypertension of the 3rd degree
    arterial hypertension of the 3rd degree

However, it is worth noting that the above causes are only suitable for primary hypertension. The secondary form develops due to an already existing disease that provokes an increase in blood pressure. These are usually such diseases:

  • Kidney disease.
  • Tumors of the adrenal glands.
  • Late toxicosis during pregnancy.
  • Use of certain drugs.

How is hypertension diagnosed

In order to make an accurate diagnosis of arterial hypertension, it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis. And at the first visit to the doctor, such a diagnosis is not made. Where to start? Diagnosis of arterial hypertension begins with an examination and questioning of the patient. It is necessary to identify hereditary diseases, past illnesses, what lifestyle is being led and much more.

High blood pressure needs to be measured and recorded. It is necessary to measure three times, observing all the rules of measurement

Getting a medical history, arterial hypertension, as the diagnosis is at first in doubt. The next record of the doctor's visit will not be earlier than in 2 weeks. Stopping for a short periodtime can create a false picture. If the measurements have borderline figures, then in this case, it is recommended to measure the pressure daily. In this case, the values are recorded. Such a system allows you to select the necessary drugs to normalize the condition.

After determining the blood pressure, it is necessary to determine how seriously the target organs are affected. Diagnosis of arterial hypertension includes the following additional examinations:

  • Ultrasound of the heart, kidneys and thyroid.
  • Complete urinalysis.
  • Blood biochemistry.
  • Daily proteinuria.
  • X-ray examination of the lungs.
  • Fundus examination.
  • Electrocardiogram.
  • arterial hypertension of the 2nd degree
    arterial hypertension of the 2nd degree
  • Dopplerography of vessels of the lower extremities.

This diagnosis will help the doctor to correctly diagnose and prescribe the appropriate treatment. The doctor should also tell you what the prevention of arterial hypertension is.

Risk factors for primary hypertension

There are several risk factors for primary hypertension:

  • A lot of s alt in the diet. This factor is especially reflected in the elderly, those who are obese with kidney disease, and those who have a genetic predisposition.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Pathology of the arteries. A decrease in their elasticity leads to an increase in pressure. This is typical for people with obesity, low mobility. Also in the elderly and in people withincreased s alt intake.
  • Excessive production of renin by the kidney apparatus.
  • Inflammatory processes contribute to jumps in blood pressure.
  • Obesity increases the risk of high blood pressure by 5 times. Over 85% of those with hypertension have a body mass index over 25.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • There are observations that snoring can also be a risk factor for arterial hypertension.
  • Age factor. With age, the number of collagen fibers in the vessels increases, as a result, the walls of the vessels thicken, and their elasticity is lost.

Hypertension prevention is needed to reduce risk factors. Recommendations we will consider a little later.

Risk factors for a secondary form of pathology

We know that secondary hypertension is associated with pathology of organs and systems. These are diseases such as:

  • Narrowing of the renal artery.
  • Chronic kidney disease.
  • Tumors of the adrenal glands.
  • Metabolic syndrome.
  • Obesity.
  • arterial hypertension disease
    arterial hypertension disease
  • Thyroid disease.
  • Coarctation of the aorta.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Using certain drugs.

It should be said that secondary arterial hypertension can contribute to kidney disease in the same way that kidney disease can provoke an increase in pressure. The risk of arterial hypertension can be reduced through preventive actions, which we will discuss a little later. And nowlet's move on to the methods of treatment.

Methods of treating arterial hypertension

Therapy of arterial hypertension at the first stage does not involve the use of drugs. Your doctor may prescribe you a diet, reduced s alt intake, increased physical activity, weight loss.

However, if high blood pressure persists or increases when you return to the doctor, the doctor may prescribe the following medications:

  • Beta-blockers are prescribed. They help lower your heart rate, thereby lowering your blood pressure. However, people with heart disease and asthma should not use them.
  • Diuretics are used in conjunction with other drugs. Promote the removal of s alt and water from the body.
  • Drugs that limit calcium access to muscle cells.
  • Antogenesis receptor blockers allow vasoconstriction as a result of aldosterone production.
  • For heart failure and kidney disease, ACE inhibitors are prescribed.
  • Drugs that constrict arterioles and affect the central nervous system.
  • Combined with other drugs, centrally acting drugs are prescribed.

Prevention of arterial hypertension

If you experience high blood pressure periodically, you need to take action. Contacting a doctor should be immediate. But there are some things you can do to make yourself feel better too. These actions can be qualified as prevention of arterialhypertension.

  • Control your weight. Dropping extra pounds, you can immediately notice a slight decrease in pressure.
  • Move more, walk, exercise.
  • Reduce s alt in your diet. Refuse semi-finished products and canned foods.
  • Stop drinking alcohol.
  • Eat more vegetables and fruits that contain potassium.
  • Eradicate the bad habit of smoking.
  • Restrict fatty foods. This will help you lose weight and lower your blood cholesterol levels.
  • Constantly monitor blood pressure. Visit a doctor and take prescribed medications. It is also necessary to inform the doctor about the changes that have occurred while taking the drugs.
  • It is worth remembering that even if the pressure has normalized, the medication should not be stopped. They must be taken regularly.
  • Also avoid stressful situations.

Peculiarities of treatment and prevention in the elderly

The older the person, the more difficult it is to treat arterial hypertension. For several reasons:

  • Vessels are no longer so elastic and easily damaged.
  • Already has atherosclerotic lesions.
  • Pathological changes in the functioning of the kidneys and adrenal glands can cause hypertension.
  • Drugs are prescribed very carefully in small doses.
  • With coronary heart disease, it is impossible to reduce the pressure to normal.
  • Blood pressure should be taken while sitting and lying down.

Preventionarterial hypertension in the elderly is also:

  • Keeping a he althy lifestyle.
  • Maintaining normal cholesterol levels.
  • Move more, walk, exercise.
  • Eat right.

We looked at what arterial hypertension means. The risk factors and prevention listed in the article will help you take timely measures to improve your he alth so that you do not have to deal with this disease.
