Foot sprain - signs and treatment

Foot sprain - signs and treatment
Foot sprain - signs and treatment

A foot sprain is an ankle injury characterized by a tear in one or more ligaments. As a rule, people who are very actively involved in sports are most affected by this disease. This is especially true for those who need to jump, change direction abruptly, accelerate and then stop abruptly, because all this is a very strong load on the ankle.


foot ligament sprain
foot ligament sprain

A first-degree foot ligament sprain can be characterized by the occurrence of pain in the joint area. Also, a small hematoma or edema may appear at the site of the lesion. In this case, the pain in most cases will be pulling, and after a while it will completely subside.

More noticeable in terms of pain will be a sprain of the ligament of the foot of the middle (second) degree. In this case, edema or hematoma will necessarily appear at the site of injury. While moving the leg, the pain will increase more and more and become acute. If the leg is provided with peace, then it will subside a little.

The most severe degree of foot sprain threatens to completedysfunction of the joint. The presence of severe pain can lead to dizziness. And with the slightest movement, the pain increases dramatically.

How to treat a foot sprain:

how to treat a sprained foot
how to treat a sprained foot
  1. The first thing the patient needs to do is rest. When walking, do not use the injured leg, and it is even better to give up independent movement for a while.
  2. To reduce swelling and pain, put the ankle on chairs or pillows so that it is above the level of the heart.
  3. It is necessary to apply cold to the affected area for about 15 minutes. After 1.5 hours, repeat this procedure. And so on for several hours.
  4. If joint stabilization is required, an elastic bandage is recommended. But keep in mind that if you apply a tight bandage, then the time of its use should not exceed 2-3 hours. Otherwise, the resulting hematoma will progress and compress intact vessels.
  5. According to the doctor's recommendations, the next day (if there are no severe pains), it is necessary to start performing physical therapy (rotation, flexion and extension in different directions).
  6. Anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed if necessary. On the first day, injections are prescribed, on the subsequent days - tablets. You can also use various ointments that are rubbed into the hematoma.

Also, if possible, it is recommended to take an x-ray, with which you can exclude the presence of damage to the bone tissue and learn more about the nature of theinjury.

foot sprain
foot sprain

Foot sprain - prevention

The main measure to avoid sprains is to strengthen them. To do this, you need to perform foot movements in a circular arrow and squats on your fingers. Women should refrain from wearing shoes with high and thin heels. The main rule that allows you not to get a foot ligament sprain is to be more careful and careful during physical exertion.
