Causes, symptoms and treatment of a compression fracture of the spine

Causes, symptoms and treatment of a compression fracture of the spine
Causes, symptoms and treatment of a compression fracture of the spine

Many people who play sports or have been injured are interested in the question of what is a compression fracture of the spine. It appears as a result of strong and sharp physical exertion, not a very successful fall, blow, or strong sudden compression of the spinal column. At the same time, it does not break at all. Most often, such phenomena can occur in the lumbar and thoracic region.

treatment of compression fracture of the spine
treatment of compression fracture of the spine

Treatment of a compression fracture of the spine depends on what causes it. The fact is that such a condition can also occur due to diseases of the skeletal system, as well as due to metastases in malignant diseases. In this case, the fracture occurs very easily and quickly. Moreover, some patients are not even aware of this condition for quite a long time, attributing everything to back pain from fatigue.

Before starting the treatment of a compression fracture of the spine, it is necessary to determine the symptoms of the disease. First of all, sharp painful sensations that can be felt even inlimbs. Often, signs of a fracture include numbness in the arms or legs and weakness in the muscles.

what is a compression fracture of the spine
what is a compression fracture of the spine

Treatment of a compression fracture of the spine is prescribed only after a thorough examination of the patient. First of all, an external examination, radiography, computed tomography, and MRI are performed. An analysis is also carried out that allows you to determine the presence of osteoporosis of the bones.

Compression fracture of the thoracic spine can be called quite complex, and it is fraught with many dangers. Therefore, it is urgent to limit the mobility of the injured person, as well as to stop the pain syndrome with the help of medications. Naturally, the affected spine is fixed with the help of special corsets. In some cases, doctors may prescribe surgery.

It can take up to 90 days to cure this problem, although more severe cases take much longer. At the same time, monthly X-ray control of the state of the damaged department is carried out.

compression fracture of the thoracic spine
compression fracture of the thoracic spine

Treatment of a compression fracture of the spine involves bed rest and restriction of mobility. Thanks to this, he can grow faster. It is advisable to follow any advice of doctors very responsibly. Of the modern methods of treatment, one should name vertebroplasty (introduction of special therapeutic cement into a damaged vertebra) and kyphoplasty (restoration of normal heightspine).

If the presented fracture is not stable, then surgery will have to be resorted to to prevent neurological complications. The procedure involves the gradual decompression of the elements of the body of the spinal column.

The presented damage must be treated, because otherwise you can get complications that are difficult to eliminate, up to paralysis of the body. In addition, permanent deformity of the spinal column is possible.
