Diseases and conditions
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Man is an upright creature. Symptoms of a cold in the lower back are constant companions of some people. In order for a person to walk straight, his spine makes a huge amount of effort, is constantly in tension, and sometimes it may not even withstand the load, which will immediately be signaled - back pain
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
If nits or lice are wound up, treatment should be started urgently, without delay. You can deal with the problem at home, although it is better to consult a doctor - it will be more reliable
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
In the modern he althcare system, all diseases are grouped according to certain symptoms, severity of the course and other signs. Pathologies of the lower extremities are no exception. In our article, we will consider what classification of venous diseases exists
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Soporous state is commonly referred to as a functional impairment of the cerebral cortex and the inhibitory effect of the reticular section. The state of subcoma can be triggered by damage to the nervous tissue of a different nature
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Capillary mesh on the legs is a fairly common problem, which consists in the pathological expansion of subcutaneous small vessels. Statistics show that in about 10 percent of cases, such a violation leads to the development of varicose veins
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Burns are the most common household injury and are very painful. Burns damage the layers of the skin and cause redness. Minor burns will heal quickly without much medical treatment, but severe burns require special treatment to prevent infection and reduce the risk of scarring. This article will help you cure the burn from "Dimexide" and other types of burns
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Many patients are interested in information about what is dysbacteriosis. The fact is that patients, regardless of gender and age, face a similar problem. Many people, unfortunately, associate the first symptoms of the disease with general fatigue and nutritional errors, so they turn to the doctor already in the later stages
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Many are interested in the causes of heavy breathing in children. Any, even a slight change in the child's condition causes anxiety among parents. Babies do not breathe like an adult: they sigh during sleep, the tummy and chest move more often, but this is a physiological norm. Any respiratory disorder is called difficulty breathing, and it is this factor that is decisive when choosing treatment tactics for respiratory diseases
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
If you do not pay due attention to the treatment of even the most seemingly common cold, you can get complications in the form of laryngitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, and so on. In the fight against such ailments, medications are excellent, which should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor, but traditional medicine should not be discounted. In this article, we will consider such an ailment as laryngitis, the treatment at home of which is quite possible and very effective
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There are dangers at every step, and it is impossible to predict what will happen in the next moment. Almost everyone has experienced burns in their lives. Home care for burns will help avoid complications and alleviate the condition of the victim
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Every living organism adapts to its environment and looks for the easiest ways for its existence. In the process of evolution, such a species as an animal-parasite was formed. Parasitism is highly developed in nature
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Bad smell in the mouth can appear for various reasons. However, in any case, you need to understand what this means: there is some kind of inflammation in the body. And basically it's always a sign of some kind of disease
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
For most people, all knowledge about the rabies virus ends with the fact that if you are bitten by a stray dog, then you will be given forty injections in the stomach. Is it really? How long does the rabies virus live in the external environment, and how can it enter the human body? How dangerous is this viral infection, and what are the modern methods of dealing with this disease - we will answer these questions in this article
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Enteritis in children is diagnosed quite often. This is a very common disease that is accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the small intestine. The development of such a disease is associated either with the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, or with other diseases of the digestive tract. In any case, the child needs therapy
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Von Willebrand disease is a serious bleeding disorder. Most often, the disease develops over the years, which is why the pathology is diagnosed in the later stages of development. The disease is characterized by an anomaly in the structure and function of the von Willebrand factor vWF
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Yellow diarrhea is primarily a violation of the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract). You should not treat this disease negligently, as this can lead to dehydration of the body. And after the first signs of a weak stool, you need to find its cause. Further treatment depends on this
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Diarrhea is a pathological process associated with impaired stool. The causes of diarrhea can be varied. An accurate diagnosis will be made by the doctor on the basis of laboratory and hardware studies, the clinical picture. Self-medication can lead to the development of serious complications
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
According to doctors, every person at least once in his life was struck by helminths. The treatment is complex, it uses drugs with high toxicity. Therapy is implemented after a thorough diagnosis, the main task is to determine the localization of infection and the type of parasites
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Over the past few decades, medicine has developed many new ways to diagnose infectious diseases, as well as methods for their treatment. This also applies to those infections that are sexually transmitted and entail big he alth problems. One of the pathogenic microorganisms that lead to the development of STDs is mycoplasma, the types of these microorganisms live in nature for more than two hundred, but only four of them provoke the development of infection
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A subcutaneous tick in a cat is a problem that every cat owner has faced at least once in their life. For information on how to deal with the parasite, read this article
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Wide tapeworm is a helminth that parasitizes in the human body. It is very easy to get such a helminthic invasion, infection occurs when eating fish, which is a carrier of larvae. The parasite causes a serious disease - diphyllobothriasis, in which there are serious malfunctions in the work of internal organs and severe depletion of the body. Infection is especially dangerous for young children. Permanent lack of nutrients due to invasion leads to a delay in the development of the child
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Asthma symptoms are familiar to many - the disease occurs in a frighteningly large percentage of the world's population. Asthma is a severe pathology, with some of its manifestations resembling other problems of the respiratory system. The ability to recognize it in time, consult a doctor and choose an adequate treatment is the key to a fulfilling life
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
The cause of congenital hearing loss and heterochromia may be Waardenburg's syndrome. This disease is transmitted in an autosomal dominant manner. It is associated with genetic defects in some chromosomes. Despite the absence of etiotropic therapy, in most cases the prognosis for this pathology is favorable
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
The constancy of the internal environment of the human body can be controlled by indicators of blood pressure (BP). It consists of two types: systolic blood pressure with indicators of 110-130 and diastolic - 65-95 mm Hg. Art. Deviation in one direction or another changes the person's well-being
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Osteoarthritis of the hip joint is a very common disease that occurs in a large number of people. Here is a detailed description of the initial symptoms of the manifestation of the disease, its main causes, as well as how to be treated with medications and folk remedies
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Diarrhea in a small child can occur for many reasons, so it is very important for young mothers to find out the cause and start treatment in time. The fact is that loose stools in a child can carry many dangers and be a source of problems with the internal organs of the baby
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In modern medical practice, doctors often have to diagnose inflammation of the meniscus. Moreover, not only professional ballerinas or athletes, but also ordinary people turn to them with this problem. After reading today's article, you will learn why this disease occurs and how to treat it
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
One of the most common diseases of our time is intestinal upset. Mild cases can also be treated at home. True, it often manifests itself as a symptom of infectious or viral diseases. In this case, special antibacterial drugs can not be dispensed with
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Loose stools in babies happen for dozens of reasons, from strawberries in the mother's diet to bacterial and viral infections. How to recognize what is the cause of stool disorder? When to contact doctors? When and how should diarrhea be treated in children under one year old?
Pain in the joints of the legs: causes and treatment. The best pills for the treatment of leg joints
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Sick feet is a problem for most modern people. After all, some walk and stand a lot, while others, on the contrary, sit most of the time. In addition, there are many other factors that can cause pain in the legs
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Salmonellosis is a disease of an infectious nature that is caused by bacteria and is characterized by intoxication and damage, mainly to the stomach and intestines
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
When ears, teeth and head hurt at the same time, and the face suddenly swells, many are given a seemingly terrible diagnosis: pansinusitis. What it is? How serious is the disease and how is it treated?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Binswanger's disease is a chronic disorder of cerebral circulation, which is manifested by neurological symptoms, dementia and mental disorders
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Dystrophy - what is it? Why does this disease develop in a child? What are the degrees of dystrophy? How to get rid of it? Having learned the answers to these questions, in the penultimate section you will be able to familiarize yourself with preventive measures
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A disease such as terminal ileitis is an autoimmune disease. It implies inflammatory changes in the small intestine, the appearance of granulomas and ulcers. Treatment of ileitis includes diet, alternative and drug therapy
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This is an inflammatory change in the tissues of the gums, which is accompanied by their growth with the formation of periodontal pockets that overlap the dental crown. Clinical symptoms of gingivitis are represented by swelling, redness, burning and bleeding of the gums (when brushing, touching, while eating), pain in the form of a reaction to cold, hot or sour food, unaesthetic appearance of the gums
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Don't panic if you have plantar warts. Laser removal allows you to completely forget about these neoplasms that cause discomfort
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Abscess pneumonia is a disease in which an inflammatory process occurs in the lungs, accompanied by purulent foci
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Pneumonia is an acute inflammation of the lower respiratory tract caused by an infection. In the course of the disease, lung tissue is often also affected. In our country, according to official statistics, more than a million people fall ill with pneumonia every year. And no matter how much medicine has progressed today, the death rate from pneumonia is still within five percent
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
Among the most dangerous respiratory pathologies, modern medicine calls pneumonia. Thousands of people die from this disease every year worldwide. Depending on the location, pathogen, cause and severity of the course, there are varieties of pathology: focal, lobar, segmental and central (radical) pneumonia. Today we will get to know the last subspecies better