Mycoplasma: types, causes, symptoms and treatment

Mycoplasma: types, causes, symptoms and treatment
Mycoplasma: types, causes, symptoms and treatment

Over the past few decades, medicine has developed many new ways to diagnose infectious diseases, as well as methods for their treatment. This also applies to those infections that are sexually transmitted and entail big he alth problems. One of the pathogenic microbes that lead to the development of STDs is mycoplasma, the types of which will be discussed in this article. More than two hundred varieties of these microorganisms live in nature, but only four of them provoke the development of infection. For the first time, these bacteria were discovered in the study of pleuropneumonia in cattle. They cause the development of a disease such as mycoplasmosis.

Characteristics and description of the problem

Mycoplasma, the types of which will be discussed below, is a microorganism that does not have a cell wall and lives on plants, as well as in animals and humans,eating cholesterol. In a group of one species, there are both large and small cells, which can have a spherical, filamentous, rod-shaped or branching structure. This bacterium is the smallest of all known single-celled organisms.

These microbes grow on those media that contain lipoprotein. They use this substance as a food source. At the initial stage of their growth, mycoplasmas need mucin, RNA and DNA. Bacteria are enzymatically inert and enzymatically active. The latter ferment various carbohydrates, dissolve human erythrocytes.

After a person has been infected, agglutinating, precipitating, and complement-fixing antibodies are formed in his body.

how to treat mycoplasma in men
how to treat mycoplasma in men


Mycoplasmas are of several types:

  1. Those microorganisms that are unable to cause the development of a pathological process when infecting a person.
  2. Pathogenic bacteria that cause mycoplasmosis.
  3. Microorganisms leading to the development of a latent infection, the manifestation of which is suppressed by human immunity.

Based on the above classification, diseases such as fresh, acute and subacute, sluggish and chronic mycoplasmosis, as well as asymptomatic carriage are distinguished.

Today there are about two hundred varieties of these bacteria, only sixteen of them can live in the human body: six on the epithelium of the genital organs and urinary tract(urogenital mycoplasma), ten on the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat. At the same time, only four varieties of microbes provoke the development of such a disease as mycoplasmosis, when exposed to some adverse factors on the body. This pathology causes serious he alth problems.

Mycoplasma: types and differences

Microbes attach to the cells of the mucous membranes of the genitourinary, respiratory and intestinal tracts, as well as to spermatozoa, fibroblasts, tracheal epithelium, erythrocytes and macrophages.

In humans, four types of microbes under certain conditions can cause the development of the disease:

  1. Mycoplasma pneumonia affects the human respiratory system, causing inflammation in the throat, bronchi and lungs.
  2. Ureaplasma urealyticum provokes the development of ureaplasmosis.
  3. Mycoplasmahominis.
  4. Mycoplasmagenitalium are the causative agents of urogenital mycoplasmosis, which in modern medicine occupies a significant place among STDs.

All these microorganisms have similarities in that they die in the external environment, so they can only exist inside the human body. In this case, the impetus for the development of the disease is a violation of the immune system. In this case, the bacteria are activated and begin to multiply actively.

Mycoplasmahominis is found in 25% of newborn girls, the bacterium is less common in boys. In most cases, infected children heal spontaneously over time, most often this phenomenon is inherent in boys. This microorganism is found in half of women of puberty. Mycoplasmogenitalium are less common.

mycoplasma in women symptoms and treatment
mycoplasma in women symptoms and treatment

Respiratory mycoplasmosis

Mycoplasma pneumonia can affect the upper and lower respiratory system. The latency period for the development of the disease is about thirty days. If the upper respiratory tract is affected, a person may develop rhinitis, and if the lower respiratory tract is affected, pneumonia, which will be accompanied by intoxication of the whole organism. This pneumonia is resistant to many antibacterial drugs, often it causes the development of pneumosclerosis and bronchiectasis. The disease is accompanied by chills and an increase in body temperature.

Microorganisms provoke the development of mycoplasmal acute respiratory infections, in which pharyngitis and nasopharyngitis develop, while the person's state of he alth is satisfactory, body temperature does not increase.

mycoplasma in women causes
mycoplasma in women causes

Mycoplasmosis of the genitourinary system

Mycoplasma (Mycoplasmahominis and Mycoplasmagenitalium species) provokes the formation of various infections of the genitourinary system. Usually, the infection develops acutely, and in the absence of therapy it becomes chronic, which is accompanied by frequent relapses. The latent period lasts about two weeks. Many people ask the question - "Mycoplasma Hominis - what is it?". If such a bacterium is found in the analyzes, this may indicate that a person develops an STD. This is usually associated with hormonal andimmune system, hypothermia, pregnancy and other negative factors. Such a pathogenic organism causes the development of urethritis, vaginitis, prostatitis, pyelonephritis, inflammation of the uterus and its appendages, as well as other pathologies of the genitourinary system. If a person becomes infected with mycoplasma, the consequences can be serious especially for men, as these microorganisms provoke the death of spermatozoa, which causes infertility.

Causes of disease development

Currently, medicine does not know how pathogenic microorganisms attach to the cells of the mucous membranes. Although this connection is strong, the bacterium is not fully fixed on the mucous tissues, like many viruses. A strong connection is due to the similarity of the structure of its cell membranes with the membranes of the human body. Therefore, mycoplasma (the species of which we already know) is protected from the influence of the host's immunity. Bacteria die in the external environment, so human infection occurs sexually or during labor from an infected woman. In the latter case, a newborn child becomes infected, especially girls. Household infection is unlikely, but some doctors say that bacteria can enter the human body through contact with personal hygiene items.

Features of mycoplasmas are that they may not manifest themselves for a long time while in the human genital or respiratory tract. Under certain circumstances, microorganisms begin to actively multiply, provoking the development of many pathologies. To identify the causes of the development of diseases, doctors always prescribe tests forhidden infections.

The risk group includes young women, people with promiscuity, people with inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, pregnant women, homosexuals.

antibodies to mycoplasma
antibodies to mycoplasma

Symptoms and signs of diseases caused by mycoplasmas

Usually, the disease proceeds with erased symptoms (in 40% of cases) until provoking factors, such as hypothermia or stress, begin to influence the human body. Then the infection is activated and provokes the development of serious complications. Mycoplasma in women, the causes of which usually lie in unprotected intercourse with an infected partner, cause the development of endometritis. This is especially true after abortion, surgery and childbirth. Women complain of profuse vaginal discharge, accompanied by constant itching and burning sensation, pain during urination. Most often, mycoplasma in women, the symptoms and treatment of which we will consider in this article, is manifested by inflammatory processes in the uterus and its appendages, as well as in the kidneys and bladder. They develop vaginitis, urethritis, the menstrual cycle is disturbed, discomfort appears during sexual contact. Often, the infection leads to the development of cystitis, gardnerellosis, salpingitis, infertility and adnexitis. Adnexitis in this case causes inflammation of the ovaries, a complication of which can be an abscess and adhesion of the ovary and fallopian tube.

Manifested in a slight discomfort and pain when urinating, mycoplasma inmen. The doctor will tell you about the symptoms and treatment of this disease when diagnosing the pathology. Over time, the infection leads to the development of chronic prostatitis and inflammation of the kidneys. In medicine, the relationship of pathogenic microorganisms with some varieties of male infertility has been established. The doctor will tell you how to treat mycoplasma in men, because without timely therapy, the infection spreads to the prostate, testicles, causing pain in the groin area, swelling of the testicles. Therefore, it is important not to delay a visit to a medical facility for an examination.

Mycoplasma and pregnancy

Currently, women often get mycoplasma during pregnancy. Usually, during this period, the infection worsens due to hormonal changes and a decrease in the woman's immunity, provoking the development of various complications.

According to statistics, pathology often leads to spontaneous abortion, death of the embryo in the early stages. But these pathogenic microorganisms do not infect the fetus itself, since the placenta reliably protects it from infection. Inflammation that begins to develop on the walls of the vagina and cervix often passes to the fetal membranes, they begin to tear, the water leaves and preterm labor begins.

What is the danger of mycoplasma during pregnancy? The risk of preterm birth during this period increases three times. It can also cause an ectopic pregnancy or infertility.

When a pregnant woman is infected, she often develops endometritis after giving birth. Therefore doctorsrecommend to undergo treatment in the early stages of bearing a child.

mycoplasma hominis what is it if found in analyzes
mycoplasma hominis what is it if found in analyzes

Mycoplasma and children

During labor, a child can become infected with mycoplasmosis from the mother while passing through the birth canal. Usually, the infection affects the bronchi and lungs, provoking the development of inflammation of the nose, pharynx, lungs and bronchi. The severity of the pathology will depend on the state of the child's immunity. Mycoplasma in women, the causes of which may be different, does not always lead to infection of the child. In some cases, when children are infected, they spontaneously heal themselves after some time.

But when infected, children develop inflammatory processes in the respiratory organs. Often the bacterium causes sepsis, meningitis, conjunctivitis. At the same time, the weaker the immunity of the child, the more severe the course of the disease will be.

Often, children become infected in preschool and school institutions. In this case, the infection is transmitted by airborne droplets. But only those children who have a weak immune system become infected, for example, after a viral illness. They usually develop bronchitis, sometimes inflammation of the lungs. In European countries, about 40% of childhood bronchitis is mycoplasma. The main symptom of the disease in this case is a constant cough for two weeks. In some cases, the infection affects children with bronchial asthma or asthmatic bronchitis, which provokes the frequent occurrence of attacks.

The course of mycoplasmosis in children can be different, with frequent periods of remission and relapse. Sometimes the disease may not show symptoms. In some cases, children become only carriers of the infection, which can manifest itself during their puberty even in the absence of sexual intercourse. It is not possible to diagnose the disease in children by examining a smear from the cervical canal or vagina.

Diagnostic measures

After studying the anamnesis, interviewing and examining the patient, the doctor first prescribes cultural diagnostic methods, which includes a tank for mycoplasma. It makes it possible to identify the sensitivity of the infectious agent to antibacterial drugs for the development of effective treatment. For analysis, a swab is taken from the vagina, urethra or urethra, in some cases urine can be used. The accuracy of this method is 100%, but the results need to wait about six days.

Also commonly used diagnostic method for detecting infection is PCR. This technique helps to identify bacterial DNA in the patient's biological fluid (smear or blood). The accuracy of the results is approaching 100%.

Often the doctor prescribes the ELISA method. The analysis will be informative when antibodies to mycoplasma are detected in the blood. A venereologist, gynecologist or urologist prescribes a study. The accuracy of the ELISA method is about 70%, the results can be obtained the next day.

These diagnostic methods are prescribed in the presence of any inflammation of the genitourinary system of unclear etiology,with the manifestation of signs of mycoplasmosis, in preparation for surgical intervention on the pelvic organs, as well as with frequent exacerbations of thrush. It is always recommended to take an analysis for mycoplasma when planning a pregnancy, in preparation for IVF, diagnosing the causes of infertility, miscarriage. Usually, together with this pathology in humans, diseases such as herpes and trichomoniasis are detected. The analysis must be taken by both sexual partners in order to eliminate the risk of re-infection.

When contacting a doctor, he will answer in detail the question of Mycoplasma Hominis - what it is. If this infection is detected in the tests, he prescribes the appropriate treatment.

mycoplasma in men symptoms and treatment
mycoplasma in men symptoms and treatment

Pathology Therapy

The doctor prescribes treatment with antibacterial drugs, to which pathogens are sensitive. In this case, antibiotics must be selected carefully in order to prevent the development of immunity in mycoplasma. Usually the disease is accompanied by other bacterial infections, so the attending physician will select the drug that affects all types of infections. The doctor will tell you in detail how and how to treat mycoplasma in men, women and children. Often several antibiotics are prescribed at once, for example, Azithromycin and Tetracycline. Medicines are also prescribed to strengthen the immune system, vitamin complexes, dietary supplements, probiotics. Modern drugs are highly effective, the cure is about 95%.

Often used in medicine to treat a diseaselaser therapy. This technique makes it possible to destroy pathogenic microorganisms in a targeted manner. The laser is directed to the urethra and areas where bacteria and inflammation are found. With the help of a laser, it is possible to relieve inflammation, increase local immunity, normalize blood circulation, and relieve pain. After such a procedure, mycoplasma in men, the symptoms and treatment of which are discussed in detail in the article, as well as in women, completely disappears. But it is important to treat both partners, otherwise re-infection is possible.

Treatment during pregnancy

Since the treatment of the disease is carried out only with the use of antibacterial drugs, it is recommended to treat after the twelfth week of pregnancy with short courses that will be safer for the woman and her unborn child. Usually, the doctor prescribes antibiotics from the macrolide group, as they are safer than other drugs. Before the twelfth week of pregnancy, it is impossible to treat the pathology, since the organs of the fetus have not yet fully formed.

In addition, the doctor prescribes probiotics to normalize the microflora in the intestines, as well as vitamins, immunomodulators, which help reduce the duration of treatment. After undergoing therapy, women should undergo a second examination in order to find out if the disease has been cured. Usually, the PCR method is prescribed for this, and the analysis should be carried out only one month after the end of therapy.

Usually, subject to all the recommendations and prescriptions of a doctor, a pregnant womancompletely cured, re-infection does not occur. You cannot self-medicate, it is also not recommended to reduce or increase the dosage of drugs, start using new drugs, as this can lead to the development of complications.

mycoplasma culture tank
mycoplasma culture tank

A woman should also tell her sexual partner about her illness so that she can be treated with him to reduce the risk of reinfection in the future. Even if a man does not show signs and symptoms of pathology, an examination is necessary.


If mycoplasmas are detected in a timely manner, the doctor has developed an effective treatment, then the prognosis will be favorable, the patient can be completely cured. In an advanced case, treatment may take a long time. It is also necessary to take into account the development of complications and negative consequences of the disease, which adversely affect the he alth and life of a person. The attending physician should monitor the patient's compliance with all recommendations and prescriptions.


Prevention of mycoplasmosis, first of all, is based on the use of a condom during sexual intercourse. The person must also have one sexual partner. If unprotected intercourse has occurred with an unfamiliar partner, it is recommended to be tested for mycoplasma, even in the absence of symptoms and signs of the disease. When planning a pregnancy, preventive measures must be observed by both partners, they must be examined for the presence of latent infections, as well as STDs. Such preventive measurescontribute to the preservation of the he alth and life of future children.

Doctors recommend for preventive purposes once every six months to be examined for the presence of infectious and inflammatory diseases, this is especially true for people who have promiscuous sex.

Some scientists argue that mycoplasma in women, the symptoms and treatment of which we have discussed in detail above, do not pose a danger to human he alth and life, others say that the microorganism can provoke the development of serious diseases. In any case, doctors recommend periodically taking tests for the presence of latent infections to prevent the appearance of he alth problems.
