Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Hypoplasia of the thyroid gland: symptoms and treatment

Hypoplasia of the thyroid gland: symptoms and treatment

Among the wide variety of diseases, thyroid hypoplasia is a very rare pathology. It appears as a result of violations of the development of the thyroid gland, a sign is a deficiency of produced hormones and slow tissue growth. You can visually identify this pathology by determining the size of the thyroid gland. It is slightly smaller than usual, or some part of the organ is much smaller than others

Rubella - IgG positive: what does it mean? Rubella transmission routes

Rubella - IgG positive: what does it mean? Rubella transmission routes

Rubella is a simple viral disease that most often occurs in childhood. For about a week, a person experiences such unpleasant sensations as: fever, headache and inflammation in the nasopharynx, as well as rashes on the skin in the form of red spots (which is why the infection got its name). After that, the patient permanently acquires protection from this disease. Problems begin when an unaffected woman becomes infected with rubella during pregnancy

Mastopathy is Causes, symptoms and prevention of mastopathy

Mastopathy is Causes, symptoms and prevention of mastopathy

Mastopathy is a disease of the mammary glands with pathological irradiation of connective and epithelial tissues, resulting in pain and secretion

Liver disease: symptoms and treatment. Liver hurts: causes

Liver disease: symptoms and treatment. Liver hurts: causes

The liver performs an important function in the body. This organ simultaneously takes part in the work of several systems at once: digestive, hematopoietic, metabolic processes and hormonal balance. That is why, if the liver fails, then the whole body suffers from it

Effective cough medicine for adults. Nebulizer medicines for cough

Effective cough medicine for adults. Nebulizer medicines for cough

Cough may not always be a symptom of the disease, it is an important protective reflex of the body, allowing you to get rid of sputum and foreign bodies in the airways. In what cases should treatment be started and which cough medicines are best taken, you should ask your doctor

Intestinal diseases: symptoms and treatment. Signs of bowel disease

Intestinal diseases: symptoms and treatment. Signs of bowel disease

Pathological processes that affect the intestines develop gradually and in the initial stages practically do not bother patients. That is why people are often left without adequate medical care until the disease becomes chronic. What symptoms indicate bowel diseases and how to treat the pathologies that have arisen?

Delirium tremens: a consequence for the brain and the whole organism. Consequences of delirium tremens

Delirium tremens: a consequence for the brain and the whole organism. Consequences of delirium tremens

The phrase "delirium tremens" is probably known to everyone. This disease is very terrible. Has serious symptoms, no less serious consequences, sometimes even death

Hepatitis C symptoms and treatment, hepatitis C virus genotypes. Medicines for hepatitis C

Hepatitis C symptoms and treatment, hepatitis C virus genotypes. Medicines for hepatitis C

Until recently, the hepatitis virus was considered the only virus of the genus Hepacivirus. But it turned out that he is able to infect horses, dogs, rodents and bats. Let's try to figure out how dangerous hepatitis C is for a person, how to detect and treat it, since timely diagnosis of the disease greatly simplifies therapy. In addition, young children are susceptible to the disease, and the sooner it is detected, the greater the chance of a favorable outcome

Osteomyelitis in a child: causes, symptoms, treatment

Osteomyelitis in a child: causes, symptoms, treatment

Osteomyelitis is a disease caused by an infection. Manifested in the form of inflammation. The lower leg, thighs, humerus, vertebrae, and jaw joints are most commonly affected. Osteomyelitis is a purulent-necrotic process that develops in the bone marrow and surrounding soft tissues. Usually, the disease occurs in boys (2 times more often than in girls) due to high mobility, fights, injuries, falls

Acute hematogenous osteomyelitis: classification, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, recovery and advice from doctors

Acute hematogenous osteomyelitis: classification, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, recovery and advice from doctors

Osteomyelitis is considered a very dangerous pathology. There is inflammation and suppuration of soft tissues and bones. If you do not start treatment of the disease, then it is dangerous with extremely serious consequences. Sometimes it even leads to death

Arm muscle strain: symptoms, treatment methods, rehabilitation, reviews

Arm muscle strain: symptoms, treatment methods, rehabilitation, reviews

Any physical activity that one way or another is present in the life of every person can lead to unpleasant consequences. One of them is stretching the muscles of the arm. How to understand that medical assistance is needed, as well as what are the methods of treatment for this injury?

Differential diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis: methods, criteria according to international standards, tests in the early stages, advice from rheumatologists

Differential diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis: methods, criteria according to international standards, tests in the early stages, advice from rheumatologists

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune pathology, which is characterized by the development of an inflammatory process in the tissues of the joints and cartilage. This is a really dangerous disease that has a chronic progressive treatment. Untimely and incorrect therapy of rheumatoid arthritis leads to disability

Microbes - what is it? Classification of microorganisms

Microbes - what is it? Classification of microorganisms

Microbes are the smallest living, mostly single-celled organisms that can only be seen through a very precise microscope. Their size is so small that it is measured in micrometers (1 µm=1/1000 mm) or even nanometers (1 nm=1/1000 µm)

Intestinal hernia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, possible complications, diet, prevention

Intestinal hernia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, possible complications, diet, prevention

Intestinal hernia is congenital, it occurs due to anomalies in the development of the abdominal organs during the stay of the fetus in the womb. In addition, such a pathology is acquired. Predisposing factors are excessive exercise along with frequent constipation, excess weight and postoperative complications

Abdominal hernia - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment features

Abdominal hernia - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment features

Abdominal hernia is a common disease. This pathology usually occurs with the same frequency regardless of age. This disease has many different types, in connection with this, each person should know exactly how this pathology manifests itself and what measures should be taken

Mycosis - what is it? Mycosis disease: causes, symptoms, prevention and treatment

Mycosis - what is it? Mycosis disease: causes, symptoms, prevention and treatment

One of the infectious skin lesions is mycosis. What is mycosis, any dermatologist can correctly explain. It is caused by opportunistic pathogens and anthropophilic fungi

These insidious corns: treatment or removal?

These insidious corns: treatment or removal?

Corns are called seals on the feet of keratinized skin without a rod. They can be large or small, oval or rounded. The tops of the seals are directed inward, into the skin. Walking formations most often do not interfere and do not bring pain

Plantar callus: photo, causes and treatment

Plantar callus: photo, causes and treatment

Plantar callus can be dry, wet, bloody, also with a stem. It is important to pay attention to the presence of a problem in a timely manner and consult a doctor for comprehensive treatment. In addition, you can use folk methods

Mendelssohn's syndrome: symptoms, treatment, prevention

Mendelssohn's syndrome: symptoms, treatment, prevention

There is a list of diseases that do not give patients a chance to continue their normal lives. Arising quite suddenly, they completely change a person, and he has very little chance of continuing his normal life. One of these pathological conditions is acid aspiration syndrome, which is also known as Mendelssohn's syndrome

Myocardium is Myocardial diseases

Myocardium is Myocardial diseases

Diseases of the cardiovascular system are increasingly common among patients of different age categories. The reasons for this lie in the unsatisfactory state of the external environment, in the conduct of an incorrect lifestyle, in hereditary predisposition. One of the most common factors that affect the mortality of the population is myocardial infarction disease

Goiter is an enlargement of the thyroid gland. Goiter: symptoms, classification, causes, treatment

Goiter is an enlargement of the thyroid gland. Goiter: symptoms, classification, causes, treatment

The thyroid gland plays a very important role in the human body. Relating to the endocrine system, the body takes part in the regulation of energy metabolism. Its two lobes are connected by an isthmus, located on the sides of the trachea. The energy entering the body is distributed between the cells, but if it is not enough, thyroid hormones intervene. If the deficiency is constant, a certain tissue change occurs and goiter disease develops

Thrombophilia - what is it? Thrombophilia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Thrombophilia - what is it? Thrombophilia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

The state of the body's predisposition to the development of vascular thrombosis, which can recur and have different localization, is called thrombophilia. The disease can be either genetic or acquired. The cause of the pathology is most often increased blood clotting. Clinically, the disease can be manifested by a variety of thromboses of different localization. Thrombophilia is quite common among the population, occurs in various forms

Heart block - what is it? Causes, symptoms and treatment of heart block

Heart block - what is it? Causes, symptoms and treatment of heart block

Increasingly, people suffer from heart problems. Excessive physical and emotional stress, chronic diseases, bad habits - all this cannot but affect the work of the cardiovascular system. One of the dangerous pathologies of the organ is heart block - a disease that occurs either as an independent or against the background of other diseases

Lack of calcium in the body: signs. How to make up for the lack of calcium

Lack of calcium in the body: signs. How to make up for the lack of calcium

In order for the body to function normally, it is necessary to provide it with vitamins, minerals and other useful elements. One of these substances is calcium, which is necessary for the preservation of teeth and bones. Archaeological studies have shown that primitive people already had a problem of lack of calcium in the body, the signs of which were manifested by rarefaction of bone mass

Diarrhea after eating: causes. How to stop diarrhea?

Diarrhea after eating: causes. How to stop diarrhea?

Diarrhea (indigestion, diarrhoea) is a symptom of a certain type of indigestion. The term "diarrhea" is also used to refer to a person's condition when more than twice a day he has a problem with bowel movements (loose stools are released). Clinically, acute and chronic forms of diarrhea are distinguished. We offer to understand the causes of this condition and how to treat it

Uremia - what is it? Uremia: symptoms

Uremia - what is it? Uremia: symptoms

You need to know what uremia is in humans and animals and how to prevent the development of this disease. Yes, yes, pathology occurs not only in humans, but also in our smaller brothers, which requires their immediate examination by a veterinarian

How is HIV transmitted in everyday life? Ways of transmission of HIV infection

How is HIV transmitted in everyday life? Ways of transmission of HIV infection

People can be divided into two groups according to their attitude towards HIV infection: those who do not consider HIV a problem, continuing their normal way of life, and those who are overly worried about their safety and are influenced by the flow of information pouring from Media and other sources

What is the most important symptom of pulmonary tuberculosis?

What is the most important symptom of pulmonary tuberculosis?

Tuberculosis in medicine is understood as an infectious disease caused by the tuberculosis microbacterium (Koch's wand). It was Robert Koch who, back in 1882, discovered the causative agent of this disease. This disease causes significant economic damage to the population of our planet every year. On the territory of our country every year the disease is detected in 80 people out of 100 thousand

Heart arrhythmia: causes and symptoms. Prevention and treatment of arrhythmias

Heart arrhythmia: causes and symptoms. Prevention and treatment of arrhythmias

Heart arrhythmia is a fairly common disease, ignoring which can lead to the worst consequences. The essence of the disease is that the work of the main human organ, the rhythm of its contractions, is disrupted. A separate form is sinus arrhythmia of the heart, which is considered normal and safe within certain limits. Treatment can be varied. It depends on the form and stage of the disease

Barbiturate poisoning: symptoms and signs, first aid, treatment, reviews

Barbiturate poisoning: symptoms and signs, first aid, treatment, reviews

Barbiturates are drugs that are derivatives of barbituric acid, which have a depressant effect on the central nervous system. They have a strong effect, and therefore it is important to take them in doses and as directed by a doctor. overdose, what to do in such cases, and what is the further treatment

Extrapulmonary tuberculosis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Extrapulmonary tuberculosis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Extrapulmonary tuberculosis is a term that unites a whole group of diseases that affect different organ systems, ranging from skin and bones to the nervous system and lymph nodes. These pathologies are dangerous primarily because they are diagnosed too late, already at the stage of development of complications

ALS Syndrome. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Treatment

ALS Syndrome. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Treatment

In 1869, the French psychiatrist Charcot made an accurate description of such a disease as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Pain in the spine in the lumbar region: causes, possible diseases, treatment

Pain in the spine in the lumbar region: causes, possible diseases, treatment

When there is pain in the spine in the lumbar region, life becomes not sweet. Meanwhile, very serious diseases can be hidden behind the general symptoms, threatening disability and even death. How to deal with pain, how to recognize the disease and cure it - you will learn all this in this article

Intussusception: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Intussusception: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Intussusception is a pathology in which one section of the intestine is introduced into another and obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract occurs. This is the most common disease in the first years of a baby's life. What is this disease, what are its symptoms, how to treat it and why is it dangerous for the he alth of the baby?

Burn shock: classification, causes and signs

Burn shock: classification, causes and signs

An abnormal condition that occurs with severe burns that require urgent medical intervention is burn shock, that is, the response of the human nervous and sympathetic system to unbearable pain. It manifests itself as a result of a significant lesion of the dermis and is the first dangerous period of a burn disease

How is Burkitt's lymphoma treated? Causes and symptoms of the disease

How is Burkitt's lymphoma treated? Causes and symptoms of the disease

Most often, Burkitt's lymphoma is diagnosed in people living in Oceania and Africa. Only recently have single cases of a similar disease been reported in the United States and Europe. Fortunately, in the early stages, the disease is most often treatable

Biliary tract: possible diseases, dysfunctions, diagnosis, treatment and advice from doctors

Biliary tract: possible diseases, dysfunctions, diagnosis, treatment and advice from doctors

Responsible for removing bile and some other organic substances from the body, the biliary tract is a rather weak point in the human body. Sooner or later, the pathological conditions of this area disturb almost any inhabitant of our planet

Hepatitis B surface antigen: what is it, methods of determination, norm and deviation

Hepatitis B surface antigen: what is it, methods of determination, norm and deviation

A person, having received an analysis in his hands, should consult a doctor about the results. For example, the surface antigen of the hepatitis B virus is negative - what does this mean? And what are the reference values of the indicators given in the tests? All this should be studied

The thyroid gland is enlarged: causes and degrees

The thyroid gland is enlarged: causes and degrees

If the thyroid gland produces an inappropriate amount of hormones, malfunctions in the functioning of the whole organism begin. This is accompanied by the fact that the thyroid gland grows in volume. An increase in the organ can be seen even visually, but this is not yet a disease

VSD: what is it and how to treat it?

VSD: what is it and how to treat it?

VSD - what is it? This diagnosis is given to many people, but how to live with it and how to cope with the disease is often not explained. In this article, we will try to give answers to the questions that most often worry patients