Diseases and conditions
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
If the fullness of blood in the arteries supplying the brain decreases, including due to cervical osteochondrosis, the so-called vertebrobasilar insufficiency or VBN develops. Since the blood supply to the brain becomes insufficient, against the background of the diagnosis of VBN, a deficiency of nutrients and oxygen occurs, which disrupts the proper functioning of the organ, characteristic signs of the disease appear
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Marshall's syndrome is one of the rarest and least understood childhood diseases. What is Marshall's syndrome in children and how it is treated will be discussed in this article
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Pseudobulbar syndrome is a dysfunction of the facial muscles as a result of damage to the central nerve pathways running from the centers of the cerebral cortex to the motor nuclei of the nerves of the medulla oblongata. There are bulbar and pseudobulbar syndromes. With bulbar syndrome, complete atrophy of the facial muscles is observed, and with pseudobulbar syndrome, reflexes of oral automatism are increased
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Quite often, parents notice glossitis in children. This term hides an unpleasant disease that affects the tongue. Inflammatory foci appear on the organ. Doctors believe that in many ways the state of the tongue reflects the level of he alth of the body as a whole. At the same time, ordinary people often practically do not think about the he alth of this part of the body, do not pay due attention to it
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Arthritis of the shoulder joint is a devastating degenerative disease that causes destruction of cartilage tissue and inflammation in the surrounding muscle structures. There are a huge number of diseases, the occurrence of which is due to the rhythm of human life
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Stargardt's disease (yellow-spotted retinal abiotrophy) has a genetic basis and is a type of juvenile macular degenerative process that causes a persistent loss of vision up to blindness. The symptomatology of the disease is inherent in the growing character. The disease develops before the age of 20
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Often, parents do not know how to quickly cure a runny nose in a child, because nasal drops do not always help. Our recommendations are proven by experience and time. We hope they help you too
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Thyroid goiter - what is it? This is such a pathological increase in the thyroid gland due to the growth of its tissues. This condition is not considered a separate disease, it refers to the symptoms of various ailments. With further growth, the thyroid gland becomes large, which provokes squeezing of neighboring organs, as well as tissues. In order to prevent such a development of complications, it is necessary to understand in more detail the causes of goiter, the methods of its treatment
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If you have cramped toes, do not panic. You just need to know a few simple tricks, the repetition of which will relieve convulsive muscle tension, as well as the likely causes of this phenomenon in order to prevent the development of serious diseases
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Unfortunately, occasional back pain can bother anyone. Naturally, both the patient and the doctor try to overcome it in the shortest possible time
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Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy occurs as a result of a significant thickening of the myocardium of one of the ventricles of the heart, resulting in a decrease in myocardial density. This leads to impaired circulation. Treatment is with drug therapy or surgery
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High blood pressure is a common problem. It is quite difficult to ignore such a condition, so many people turn to doctors for help. But, as practice shows, the use of medications for high blood pressure is not always mandatory. If you resort to proven methods, you can achieve good results at home
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One of the most common childhood diseases are adenoids. How to treat adenoids in a child is determined by the otolaryngologist after a series of diagnostic measures. Therapy is based on the stage of development of the disease and the form of its course
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With such a problem as helminthiasis, probably every second parent had to face. Parasites in a child are sometimes found even with the incredible degree of responsibility of mothers and fathers, their conscientious care of the baby. Protecting children from worms is not easy, given the carelessness of little fidgets. In addition, worms are insidious and can enter the child's body in a variety of ways
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Bone on the legs is a fairly common problem, especially common among the fair sex. Statistics show that women suffer from bumps on their toes 20 times more often than men
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Along with other pathologies, purine metabolism disorders are also considered a serious disease, the treatment of which should be given attention. First of all, these are malfunctions in the metabolism of useful substances that provoke the occurrence of other diseases, such as gout, nephropathy or kidney failure
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Kabuki Syndrome is a rare genetic disease that occurs once in 32,000 newborns. The appearance of a sick child (phenotype) resembles the make-up of an actor in the ancient Japanese Kabuki theater. The disease is manifested by characteristic facial features in conjunction with mental retardation. Associated with MLL2 gene anomaly
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Pastosity is a moderate swelling of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. The term comes from the Latin word pasta - "dough". It is characterized by pallor of the skin, a decrease in elasticity and resembles the structure of a test on palpation. It has diagnostic value in kidney disease, when localized on the face and in diseases of the cardiovascular system, when it occurs on the lower extremities. The symptom often causes aesthetic concerns
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Nycturia is urination at night, which can indicate negative processes in the body. The condition is considered pathological if a person systematically gets up at night to go to the toilet more than 2 times for a long time (days, weeks, etc.). Is a type of urinary disorder
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
The human spine acts as a shock absorber. The anatomical structure of the spinal column allows you to soften the axial load on it. In some situations, pressure on the spine may increase. There are a number of professions in which the vertebrae experience stress all the time (driver, accountant, writer, athlete). The intervertebral layers can extend beyond the vertebrae, and this is called protrusion. Most often affects disk L4 L5
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What kind of disease is parenchymal jaundice, what symptoms are manifested in this case, what are the causes of the disease. You can read about all this and much more about what is useful and interesting in the text below
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Varicose veins are familiar to many from their own experience. How to cope with this unpleasant disease?
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In 1866, the Briton John Down described the disease, which was later given the name Down syndrome. This is a genetic anomaly that occurs as a result of an increase in the number of chromosomes by one unit, that is, there are 47 of them instead of the prescribed 46. Such children are born regardless of the social status of their parents or skin color. Scientists cannot answer exactly why chromosome 47 appears, which means they cannot find a cure so that this anomaly does not appear
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West's syndrome is a complex of manifestations of a rather severe form of epilepsy, which manifests itself in young children and is a consequence of brain damage. The most striking sign of this pathology is a pronounced mental retardation, as well as a symptomatic complex characteristic of this particular disease
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Symptoms of thyroid problems can be completely invisible in the first stage of the disease. However, they become more pronounced as time goes by
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Hepatomegaly - what is it? This is a fairly serious pathology, characterized by an increase in the size of the liver. Read more about this deviation in the article
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Symptoms of rickets in infants are pronounced. How to prevent the development of the disease? What measures are taken to prevent rickets?
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Inflammation of the lungs is a serious disease that affects both adults and children, and even newborns. That is why every parent should know what are the symptoms of pneumonia in a child
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Rupture of the knee ligaments is a very common injury, which is characterized by a complete or partial separation of the ligamentous fibers that hold the bones of the lower leg and thigh in a stable position. According to statistics, such injuries account for about 85% of all traumatic joint injuries. Knee injuries account for approximately 50% of all ruptures
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Often, patients come to the doctor with a complaint that their knee hurts. The causes of discomfort are injuries, destructive diseases, neoplasms and inflammatory lesions of the joint
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Feeling of a sore throat is considered common. There may also be tingling, tickling, burning in the region of the root of the tongue. If you suffer from constant sore throat, the cause is usually a dry cough. Sometimes there may be other unpleasant symptoms - hoarseness, tearing, suffocation. The causes, symptoms and treatment of persistent sore throat are described in the article
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Swelling of the hands can indicate serious illness, because swelling will not occur just like that. If a person notices such a symptom in himself, then most likely some changes occur in the body that require special attention. To determine what is happening in the body, you should first find out the causes of swelling of the hands and how to treat them
Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01
In motion - life. However, careless movement can contribute to some problems. Dozens of people seek medical help every day with injuries: a broken leg, a sprained foot, or a bruised knee. What to do if you encounter a similar problem?
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During pregnancy, many women suffer from gestational pyelonephritis. This pathology occurs due to the penetration of infection into the kidneys. The inflammatory process is accompanied by painful sensations. Few women seek medical help in a timely manner, fearing the harmful effects of drugs on the fetus. In fact, such neglect can adversely affect the baby
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Hepatitis C is a liver disease caused by a virus that takes on a chronic condition, usually ending in cirrhosis of the liver. The incidence of cirrhosis in patients reaches 49%
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Arthrosis of the joints is a very unpleasant disease that often affects people of age, but young people are not immune from it. To help those suffering from pain, knee pads are prescribed for arthrosis of the knee joint: how to choose them, how to determine your size, how to wear them correctly - we'll talk about this today. This choice should be carefully considered so that the benefit of such a tool of assistance is maximized
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Osteophyte is an unpleasant and rather painful manifestation of the growth of bone tissue in the form of a spike, caused by the pulling effect of a tendon or ligament. For a disease such as heel spur, medication treatment is quite possible if it is not started. We will talk about the causes of its occurrence, means of assistance in today's article
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Hepatitis C, which has an incubation period of 4 days, is often treatable, and half of the patients are able to completely defeat the disease
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Allergy can be called a disease of the 21st century. The article indicates the main causes of allergic conditions in children, as well as the most common allergic pathologies that occur with increased sensitization to certain environmental factors
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Ventricular tachycardia is characterized by an acceleration of the heart rate over 100 bpm. with origin in the stomach. In 90% of cases, it occurs in people who have organic lesions of the heart rhythm. Most often, rhythm disturbance is associated with ischemic disease. Myocardial infarction, congenital and rheumatic heart defects, or various complications after therapy with psychotropic drugs or some anesthetics can also lead to tachycardia