Abscessing pneumonia is a disease in which an inflammatory process occurs in the lungs, accompanied by the formation of purulent foci.
Description of the disease
The disease is devastating. Depending on the causative agent of this disease and the severity, the symptoms will vary. But usually abscessing pneumonia is characterized by fever, chills. Also during the illness there is a cough with sputum. The discharge has a specific smell and pus. A person loses his appetite, as a result of which he loses weight. To make an accurate diagnosis, an X-ray of the lungs is taken. Treatment is complex. The patient is prescribed antibiotics. As well as means that increase the functioning of the human immune system. In order to remove the foci of abscessing pneumonia, thoracocentesis and sanitation bronchoscopy are prescribed. Also, therapeutic measures include extracorporeal hemocorrection, with exactly UVI blood and hemosorption.

Abscessing pneumonia implies a period during pneumonia, when foci of purulent formations occur. The same nature of the course of the disease has a lung abscess. The difference between these two diseases is that with an abscess, the purulent formation has a large diameter, and with pneumonia, there are many purulent foci of small size.
Reasons for appearance
Why does abscess pneumonia occur? The main reason for the occurrence is that harmful bacteria and microorganisms appear in the body. These include:
- Staphylococcus aureus.
- Friedlander stick or Klebsielle.
- Different types of enterobacteria.
- Pneumococcus and hemolytic streptococcus can also be the source of the disease.
- Anaerobic bacteria, namely Fusobacterium and Peptostreptococcus.
The listed microorganisms and bacteria destroy lung tissue. They are the cause of the appearance of purulent formations.
How do bad bacteria get into the lungs?
First of all, these bacteria can enter the lungs from the nasopharynx. This happens if there are purulent foci in the person's mouth. At risk are those citizens who abuse the use of alcoholic beverages and drugs. People who have had a stroke or who have mental personality disorders can also become infected with abscess pneumonia.
Hematogenous lung disease or lymphogenous disease occurs due to diseases such as:
- Furunculosis.
- Endocarditis.
- Osteomyelitis.
- Sepsis.
Also, abscess pneumonia can occur due to the presence of foreign bodies and lung tumors in the bronchi. Atpeople who are sick with diabetes mellitus, blood disease and periodontal disease are more often diagnosed with abscessing pneumonia. Treatment by taking certain groups of medications can cause this disease. For example, the use of glucocorticoids and cytostatics.
When diagnosing abscess pneumonia, it is important to know which bacteria or microorganisms became the source of infection. The destruction of lung tissue is due to the fact that the causative agent of the disease, for example, staphylococcus aureus, begins to produce a large amount of toxic substances. Because of this, a large number of cavities filled with air are formed. If they unite into one large focus, then such a disease will be called a lung abscess.
What symptoms indicate that abscess pneumonia is present in the body?
The case history has the same symptoms as the regular one. Especially at the initial stage of the disease. The person begins to cough, the body temperature rises, pain occurs in the chest area. These pains tend to increase, especially when breathing.

X-ray indicates the presence of this disease in the lungs. Children may develop asthma and neurotoxic syndrome. If a person does not take any treatment measures, then his condition becomes worse and abscessing pneumonia occurs (ICD-10 assigned her the code J85.1 in the case of an unspecified pathogen, as well as codes J10-J16 if it is identified). This helps the patientthere is intoxication of the body. Chills appear, body temperature rises to 40 degrees. Appetite also falls and anorexia occurs. In addition, there is shortness of breath. Since at this period of the disease purulent formations appear in the lungs, a person has sputum with an unpleasant odor, and it includes spotting. The patient is inactive, the skin is pale with a gray tint, delirium occurs. In the future, if abscessing pneumonia progresses, the micropreparation will show a lung abscess.
This disease can cause a number of complications for the body. These include:
- Empyema.
- Pleurisy.
- Pyopneumothorax.
- Purulent pericarditis.
- Mediastinitis.
- Purulent arthritis.
- Sepsis.
How to diagnose pneumonia?
First of all, a person's breathing weakens, wet rales appear. A blood test indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the body - there is an increase in the level of leukocytes, ESR and RBP.

In order to accurately diagnose a person, an X-ray of the lungs is prescribed. But you should be aware that with pneumonia, the procedure will not always show purulent foci. Therefore, in order to exclude or confirm abscess pneumonia, it is necessary to do chest CTO.

Such a survey will display formations with the presence of liquid and gas in them. This will indicate an abscesspneumonia. But these formations can also be signs of diseases such as tuberculosis and lung cancer. Therefore, in order not to be mistaken in the diagnosis, the patient is assigned to take a sputum test. And you have to do this three times. To confirm or refute the diagnosis. Antibiotic susceptibility testing is also required. To do this, sputum bakposev is taken or bronchial water is washed. Bronchoscopy is sometimes ordered to confirm the diagnosis.
In the treatment of abscess pneumonia, the first antibiotic that comes to hand is not used. And in general, first of all, one thing must be remembered: in no case should you self-medicate. After all, abscess pneumonia is considered a disease that is severe. It also allows the appearance of various complications. Therefore, in order to cure this disease, both therapeutic and, sometimes, surgical measures will be needed. First, a course of antibiotics is prescribed, it is selected individually for each patient. An important point is that the selection of drugs is prescribed on the basis of the analyzes obtained, namely, how the body reacts to antibiotics. The duration of the course is also determined on an individual basis.

You need to carefully follow the doctor's advice if you have been diagnosed with abscess pneumonia. Complications with this disease can be very serious.
Standard drugs in the treatment of abscess pneumoniaare drugs such as "Benzylpenicillin" + "Metronidazole", lincosamides ("Clindamycin", "Lincomycin"), aminopenicillins ("Amoxicillin" / "Clavulanate", "Ampicillin" / "Sulbactam"), etc. In order to eliminate the focus suppuration, expectorants are prescribed, as well as inhalations.
Treatment regimen
People diagnosed with right-sided abscess pneumonia need careful care. First, you should provide them with proper nutrition, namely food high in protein, beneficial trace elements and vitamins. Secondly, if the patient's condition is greatly weakened, then it is necessary to give him an infusion of plasma. Also, in combination with the above measures, the respiratory system is supported.

Bronchoscopy is done to sanitize purulent areas. You may need to do a puncture or drainage of the abscess, washing the cavity using antiseptics. Indications for the introduction of antibiotics and enzymes are also possible. There are statistics that 15-25 percent of patients do not cope with this disease. This is a fairly high figure. But there is also a high chance of a person recovering.
Risk group
It is well known that it is always better not to bring your body to a neglected state, it is advisable to take preventive measures than to be treated for a serious illness. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain your body in a he althy state and receive it in a timely manner.medical care in the event of any illness. There is a certain risk group of people who are susceptible to this disease:

- Children. They are at risk. Since their immunity is at the stage of formation. With a high degree of probability, abscessing pneumonia may occur in children who have taken antibiotics for a long time or have suffered some kind of disease.
- The elderly.
- Alcoholics.
- People who have influenza and SARS or have recently had these diseases.
- Drugs.
- People who have chronic respiratory diseases and are carriers of infectious diseases.
- Smokers.
- Category of people with immunodeficiency.
- Those who have had chest injuries are at risk.
- A lung abnormality is a possible cause of abscess pneumonia.
- People who underwent surgery.
Prophylactic measures for children include vaccination of pneumococcal infections. You should watch out for the flu. It is also possible to get vaccinated against this disease. These vaccines are administered to both adults and children. You should not start any diseases, as they can go into other more severe cases. Hardening, a he althy lifestyle, physical education, walking - all this helps to strengthen the immune system and, as a result, the absence of any diseases. At the first symptoms of infectionbody, you should immediately consult a doctor. Since timely medical care affects the speedy recovery of the patient.
Now you know what abscess pneumonia is. We examined the causes of this disease. We also described how the disease manifests itself.