In modern medical practice, doctors often have to diagnose inflammation of the meniscus. Moreover, not only professional ballerinas or athletes, but also ordinary people turn to them with this problem. After reading today's article, you will learn why this disease occurs and how to treat it.
What is a meniscus?
This term refers to a crescent-shaped cartilaginous lining in the knee joint. It is located between the thigh and lower leg and acts as a shock absorber. This fibrous cartilaginous formation not only cushions movement, but also protects the bone from damage and friction.

There are two types of menisci: lateral (external) and medial (internal). They have a similar structure, but differ in shape and method of attachment. Most often, modern traumatologists have to diagnose damage to the medial meniscus of the knee joint (the treatment of this problem will be discussed below).
Causes of disease
Doctors identify several main factors that can provoke the onset of the inflammatory process. Most often, the problem occurs due to a violation of blood flow in the cartilage tissues, causing pathological changes in them.
Often, inflammation of the meniscus occurs as a result of constant stress on the knee area. This may be due to more than just heavy physical labor and being overweight.

Another reason for the development of the disease is damage to the entire segment of cartilage or the anterior horn of the meniscus, resulting from careless movements or injuries. Also, the impetus for the development of the inflammatory process can be activities associated with long walking, a direct blow to the knee or a fall on straightened limbs when jumping high or long.
The risk group includes professional athletes, people whose work activity is associated with constant physical exertion, and those who are obese. Often, inflammation of the meniscus develops in patients who have previously been diagnosed with rheumatism, gout, arthrosis, or another serious disease of the musculoskeletal system.
Inflammation of the knee meniscus is a rather serious disease. With untimely treatment, it can cause a lot of inconvenience and significantly reduce the quality of life of the patient. To start the right treatment, you need to figure out what signs this disease is recognized by.

PoThe nature of the inflammatory process is divided into acute, subacute and chronic form. The course of the disease greatly affects the severity of the clinical picture. One of the most characteristic signs is a sharp pain in the knee, aggravated by physical exertion. Depending on the extent of the lesion, the patient may experience limited joint mobility. In some particularly advanced cases, there is redness, swelling and a local increase in temperature in the knee area.
Diagnostic Methods
It should be remembered that a sharp pain in the knee should be a reason to visit a doctor. The specialist will prescribe a series of studies to establish an accurate diagnosis and the correct treatment. As a rule, magnetic resonance imaging, radiography and ultrasound are used for these purposes. Only after a complete examination, the doctor will be able to make a correct diagnosis and exclude other he alth problems.
Despite the fact that an x-ray does not fully assess the condition of the knee joint, with the help of a picture it is possible to remove the suspicion of a more serious pathology.
Inflammation of the meniscus: treatment
In the process of selecting therapy, it is necessary to take into account the causes of the disease, the severity of symptoms and the nature of the course. In addition, it is important to have an accurate idea of the state of the cartilage of a particular patient and how much inflammation has affected other intra-articular elements.

Today, surgical and conservative treatment is effectively used. In somecases, the patient is recommended both types of therapy. With timely seeking medical help, damage to the medial meniscus of the knee joint, the treatment of which is reduced to taking medication, passes very quickly. In such cases, the patient is recommended anti-inflammatory ointments and tablets.
Folk methods
Inflammation of the meniscus is successfully treated not only with the help of medicines. Folk remedies are often used to relieve pain. To enhance the effect, it is desirable to carry out such therapy in parallel with traditional methods and only after prior consultation with a doctor.
Coniferous baths have proven themselves well. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, relieve muscle tone and improve blood circulation. It is advisable to do such procedures every other day, before going to bed. To do this, pour a pound of chopped pine needles into two liters of boiling water and keep it in a water bath for half an hour.

Well relieves inflammation honey compress on the knee. To prepare it, you will need an equal amount of honey and alcohol. These components are mixed in one bowl and heated to 37 degrees. The resulting warm mass is applied to the sore spot, wrapped with a natural woolen cloth and left for two hours. Repeat this procedure preferably twice a day for thirty days.
An effective folk remedy is an onion compress on the knee. It can be done at night. To do this, a gruel is applied to the sore spot, prepared from a tablespoon of sugar and two crushedbulbs.
To date, doctors do not know of any way to prevent injury. Therefore, they only give general recommendations. To prevent inflammation of the meniscus, you must be very careful while jogging and jumping. Girls should not often wear platform shoes or high heels.
Professional athletes are advised to protect their knees with special fixing bandages. This will significantly reduce the risk of injury during competition or training.

In addition, there is a special set of exercises aimed at strengthening the quadriceps muscle, which stabilizes the joint while walking. As a result, there is a significant reduction in the risk of injury to the meniscus. Do not forget that the strength of muscles and joints also depends on how well and balanced a person eats.