Many patients are interested in information about what is dysbacteriosis. The fact is that patients, regardless of gender and age, face a similar problem. Many people, unfortunately, associate the first symptoms of the disease with general fatigue and nutritional errors, so they turn to the doctor already in the later stages.
That is why it is worth learning more about this disease. Can pathology be considered dangerous? Why does dysbacteriosis develop in infants? Symptoms and treatment, diagnosis and possible complications are important data that you should definitely study. Consider them further.
Main functions of the intestinal microflora

What is dysbacteriosis? To answer this question, it is worth understanding the features of the functioning of the digestive system. As you know, the human intestine is inhabited by microorganisms. The bulk of the microflora is beneficial bifidobacteria (up to 95%) and lactobacilli.
In addition, opportunistic microorganisms are present here, in particularstaphylococci, streptococci, yeast-like fungi, E. coli and some others. Normally, the number of potentially dangerous microbes is controlled by the immune system. But against the background of certain violations, the composition of the microflora changes - the number of beneficial bacteria decreases, but pathogenic ones begin to multiply actively. It is these changes that lead to the development of dysbacteriosis.
It is worth noting that the intestinal microflora performs a number of important functions:
- protection against the activity of pathogenic microorganisms (beneficial bacteria secrete acetic and lactic acid, as well as some other substances that inhibit the reproduction of dangerous microbes);
- beneficial bacteria are involved in the synthesis of antibodies, interferons and cytokines, which are of great importance for the functioning of the immune system;
- remove toxic substances from the body, in particular heavy metal compounds, phenols;
- take part in the processes of digestion;
- provide the synthesis of certain acids and enzymes, as well as vitamin K and some other substances;
- regulate the formation of gases, the exchange of cholesterol and some s alts;
- absorb cancer precursors;
- have an antiallergic effect.
Reasons for the development of the disease

In fact, the causes of dysbacteriosis can be different. You should definitely familiarize yourself with their list - this is important both for treatment and for prevention:
- Immediately it should be noted that most oftendysbacteriosis appears after antibiotics, especially when it comes to their incorrect (uncontrolled) intake, the use of low-quality drugs. The fact is that antibacterial agents are effective not only in relation to pathogenic microorganisms - beneficial bacteria also die from them. Against the background of a change in the composition of the microflora, active reproduction of staphylococci, streptococci, candida fungi begins.
- Symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis in adults (as well as in children) often appear against the background of aggressive treatment, such as radiation or chemotherapy. The risk factors include taking hormonal drugs, as they directly affect the state of the immune system.
- Violation of the quantitative and qualitative composition of the microflora is often associated with various chronic and acute intestinal infections.
- Often dysbacteriosis is the result of malnutrition. The lack of fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet, the abuse of carbohydrates and fats leads to increased fermentation processes in the intestines. But eating fruits and vegetables that have been treated with too many pesticides and other things causes the death of beneficial microorganisms. Potentially dangerous is the lack of dairy products in the diet.
- Parasitic diseases (helminthiases) also lead to disruption of the natural microflora.
- Risk factors also include a decrease in the activity of the immune system (this is observed against the background of diseases such as AIDS, diabetes, cancer, cirrhosis of the liver).
- Definiteage also matters. For example, there is a high risk of developing dysbacteriosis in infants (symptoms and treatment will be described below), especially when it comes to a premature baby. There is a high probability of manifestation of the disease in elderly patients, which is associated with the aging process.
The causes of dysbacteriosis can be different. And in the process of diagnosis, it is extremely important to determine what exactly caused the appearance of the disease - first, it is worth eliminating the impact of risk factors and only then starting therapy.
Why does a child develop dysbacteriosis?

Statistics says that quite often children suffer from such a disease, especially small patients in the first year of life. First of all, this is due to age-related characteristics - intestinal motility has not yet been established, and the microflora is at the formation stage.
Dysbacteriosis in infants can be associated with intestinal infections, malnutrition of the mother (if the baby is bottle-fed), the introduction of complementary foods, frequent changes in artificial milk formulas, etc.
Child suffers from stool disorders, bloating and pain in the abdomen, resulting in poor sleep, often crying (especially after eating).
The main symptoms of the development of the disease

Before considering how to treat dysbacteriosis, it is worth considering its main symptoms. The sooner you notice signs of disorders and consult a doctor, the easier the therapy will be. Key Features:
- BIn most cases, problems with the stool appear at the initial stages of the development of the disease. Patients suffer from diarrhea, which is associated with a violation of the absorption of water, the formation of too much bile acids and increased peristalsis of the digestive tube. In the feces there are mucous lumps, blood impurities. There may be an unpleasant, sometimes even putrid odor.
- In elderly patients, against the background of dysbacteriosis, chronic constipation may appear, which is associated with an age-related decrease in peristalsis.
- The disease is accompanied by increased gas formation, which leads to bloating. Often, this is accompanied by pain, which is aggravated by palpation of the abdominal wall, as well as rumbling. The pain may be cramping in nature, and sometimes it gets worse during a bowel movement.
- As the disease progresses, dyspeptic disorders appear. Patients complain of frequent belching, nausea (its attack may end in vomiting), decreased appetite and weight loss.
- Violation of the composition of the microflora may be accompanied by the appearance of an allergic rash and redness on the skin. In this case, an allergic reaction can develop even when using products to which the body was not sensitive before.
- If there is too active reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, then symptoms of intoxication may appear. Patients report headaches, fever, sleep problems, general weakness.
- If we are talking about more severe forms of dysbacteriosis, then signs may appearberiberi. The skin becomes dry and pale, the structure of nails and hair changes, seizures appear around the mouth, patients often suffer from stomatitis.
Degrees of disease progression
You already know what dysbacteriosis is and why it develops. Symptoms, or rather the intensity of their manifestation, directly depend on the degree of spread of the disease. There are four stages in modern medical practice:
- Illness of the first degree is almost asymptomatic. Only occasionally do patients develop rumbling in the abdomen and some other disturbances, which in most cases go unnoticed.
- Against the background of the second degree, the symptoms become more pronounced. Diarrhea and constipation appear periodically. Some people complain of an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, nausea, loss of appetite. In most cases, this degree of dysbacteriosis develops after antibiotics or mild food poisoning.
- The third degree is accompanied by a deterioration in the patient's condition. Abdominal pain, nausea, and stool problems get worse. In the feces, undigested food particles can be seen. Patient needs treatment.
- The fourth degree is considered the most severe, as it is associated with serious digestive disorders. The body stops absorbing nutrients, which affects the immune system and emotional state (often people suffer from apathy, insomnia, weakness and even depression).
What are the complications associated with dysbacteriosis?

We have already considered the question of what is dysbacteriosis. Such a disease should not be ignored, even though the disease in most cases responds well to therapy. However, the possibility of complications should not be ruled out. The consequences of dysbacteriosis can be really dangerous:
- As a result of prolonged exposure to pathogenic bacteria, chronic forms of enterocolitis may develop (the disease is accompanied by inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, severe digestive disorders).
- Violation of the qualitative and quantitative composition of microflora affects the processes of assimilation of vitamins and minerals. Against the background of prolonged dysbacteriosis, the development of beriberi, iron deficiency anemia and some other diseases is possible.
- If an infection from the intestine enters the bloodstream, it spreads throughout the body. In rare cases, dysbacteriosis leads to sepsis.
- Violations of the composition of the microflora affect the work of the whole organism. Intestinal damage is often supplemented by vaginal dysbacteriosis in women.
- The inflammatory process sometimes affects the deep layers of the intestine, which can lead to perforation of the digestive tract wall. The contents of the intestine leak into the abdominal cavity, resulting in peritonitis.
- Pathogenic microorganisms that multiply in the intestines can spread to other parts of the digestive tract. Possible complications include pancreatitis and gastroduodenitis.
- Disturbances in digestion and metabolism gradually lead to weight loss and malnutritionorganism. Patients suffer from weakness, chronic fatigue, apathy, depression, personality changes.
Diagnostic measures. Analysis for intestinal dysbacteriosis
Noticing the above symptoms, you need to see a doctor. After compiling an anamnesis, the doctor will prescribe tests for intestinal dysbacteriosis. In this case, it is extremely important to determine the cause of the change in microflora - the choice of therapy directly depends on this.
The study of fecal matter is the first thing prescribed for dysbacteriosis. Both beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms should be present in the feces - a change in their ratio indicates the presence of problems. Get ready to take samples. Three days before the procedure, it is recommended to refuse products that enhance the fermentation processes in the intestines. The results of a microbiological study of feces are sent to the doctor for interpretation. Dysbacteriosis proceeds in several stages:
- 1st stage - the number of lacto- and bifidobacteria is still within the normal range;
- 2nd stage - there is a decrease in the amount of bifidoflora and a simultaneous increase in the level of opportunistic bacteria and fungi;
- 3rd stage - a significant decrease in the number of lacto- and bifidobacteria;
- 4th stage - lacto- and bifidoflora is completely absent, only pathogenic microorganisms are present in stool samples.
Sometimes other studies are also carried out, for example, tests for various intestinal infections, endoscopic examination of the intestinal walls.
How to treat dysbacteriosis?

Treatment in this case must be comprehensive. It is important, firstly, to eliminate the cause of the development of the disease, and secondly, to populate the intestines with a sufficient number of beneficial bacteria:
- Probiotics - products containing live cultures of beneficial lacto- and bifidobacteria. In modern medical practice, such drugs for dysbacteriosis are widely used. Medicines such as Bifidumbacterin, Bifikol, Linex are considered effective.
- Prebiotics are another group of drugs that are used for dysbacteriosis. Medicines stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria, create suitable conditions for their reproduction. Means such as "Duphalac" and "Hilak-forte" are considered effective.
- Symbiotics are combined products that contain both live strains of bacteria and substances that create suitable conditions in the intestines (this is a complex of pre- and probiotics). Often used drugs such as M altodophilus, Bifidobak.
- Antibiotics are used at the fourth stage of the development of dysbacteriosis - first you need to kill the pathogenic microflora. As a rule, agents from the group of penicillins, cephalosporins, tetracyclines are used.
- Antifungal agents (for example, Levorin) are used if fungal infections of the intestine occur.
- Enzymes help restore normal digestion processes ("Festal", "Mezim").
- Sorbents are used in cases where there is severe intoxication of the body.
- Vitamins help restorethe normal functioning of the body, to prevent the development of beriberi.
Proper diet in violation of the composition of microflora

After a thorough diagnosis, the doctor will select effective drugs for dysbacteriosis. But it is worth understanding that drug treatment must be supplemented with proper nutrition. Diet is extremely important in this disease. Doctors recommend following some simple rules:
- First you need to exclude fatty foods, spices, smoked meats, spicy foods and alcohol from the diet.
- It is worth giving up foods that enhance the fermentation processes in the intestines. The list of potentially dangerous foods includes sweets (including sweets and pastries), cabbage (sauerkraut), homemade pickles.
- From the diet, you need to exclude food that enhances the formation of gases in the intestines and the peristalsis of the walls of the digestive tract (carbonated drinks, beans, soybeans, peas and other legumes, bran bread).
- It is extremely important to eat often, but in small portions.
- During meals and immediately after, it is not recommended to drink water or other drinks. The fact is that the liquid dilutes the gastric juice, as a result of which the food is digested much longer.
- It is important to provide the body with enough protein. Lean meats should be included in the daily diet (it is advisable to stew or boil it).
- Porridges, fresh vegetables and fruits saturate the body with cellulose, which is an energy substrate for usefulbacteria. In addition, along with these products, the body receives vitamins, minerals and other useful substances.
- It is necessary to introduce fermented milk products enriched with biocultures into the diet. Biokefirs, bioyogurts will be useful. Such food helps to populate the intestines with the right bacteria.
Proper nutrition is the best cure for dysbacteriosis. By the way, such a diet is also an excellent prevention.
Prevention measures
Dysbacteriosis is not considered a very serious disease, so its symptoms are often ignored. But the gut microflora must be protected - it is much easier to prevent the development of diseases than to worry about therapy later.
According to statistics, in most cases it is the improper use of antibacterial drugs that leads to the development of dysbacteriosis - beneficial microorganisms that inhabit the intestine die from antibiotics. Remember that such drugs can only be prescribed by your doctor. Under no circumstances should they be used on their own. When it comes to long-term antibiotic therapy, patients are simultaneously prescribed probiotics and other drugs to protect organs.
Proper nutrition is also important - the basic principles of the diet have been described above. All diseases of the digestive tract should be treated in a timely manner. If there are chronic diseases, then patients are recommended to periodically take complexes of vitamins and minerals, as well as probiotics. Of course, you should not miss the annualpreventive medical examinations, even if there are no signs of any violations.
The appearance of the first symptoms of intestinal dysbacteriosis in adults and children is a good reason to consult a specialist and get tested.