The subcutaneous tick in a cat (also called the glandular tick) is not dangerous in itself. In most cases, it becomes the cause of demodicosis. The parasite enters the animal's fur and lays its eggs there. Soon he makes many moves all over the cat's body. In order to make sure the diagnosis is correct, carefully examine the coat of your pet. Your suspicions will be confirmed if the pet's skin shimmers with mother-of-pearl. It should be noted that a subcutaneous tick in a cat can be identified by the growing irritation of the animal. Has your affectionate cat suddenly become angry, irritable, aggressive? Does he not allow himself to be stroked and avoids your touch? The cat may be suffering from a tick.

Possible causes
A subcutaneous tick in a cat can appear due to various factors. The most common is contact with an infected animal. Is your four-legged friend free to go outside and come back? Maybe you decided to take him to the village or to the dacha for the summer? In this case, it is almost impossible to avoid the appearance of a tick. Do not forget thatthe disease can be transmitted from animal to human. If you decide to pick up a stray kitten from the entrance, you must definitely show it to the veterinarian: almost all animals that grow in unsanitary conditions suffer from demodicosis. A subcutaneous tick in a cat also indicates its reduced immunity.

Subcutaneous mite in cats, which may not show symptoms immediately, can progress. What signs should you look out for? First of all, it is an unbearable itch. Your pet itches all the time, in general, behaves very nervously. The skin of the animal, in addition to the characteristic luster, can be covered with pimples and reddish nodules. If the disease progresses, the body of the animal becomes covered with bald patches, and there are more of them every day. Kitty becomes lethargic, may refuse to eat, spends most of the time lying down. Bubbles appearing in abundance on the epithelium are traces of tick moves.
How to extract the parasite?
Do you want to make sure your cat has a tick? Gather his skin into a fold and lightly squeeze it. After these manipulations, you can get a tick - it has a narrow, elongated body and four claws. The length of the insect is about 0.3mm.

Even not the most impressionable owner, whose animal suffered demodicosis, will tell you how creepy the subcutaneous tick looks in cats. It is better not to show a photo of an infected pet to especially impressionable ones. The sooner you starttreatment, the easier it will ultimately be for both you and your furry friend. In order to get rid of parasites once and for all, you will have to cut the cat. It will be especially difficult in this regard for owners of Persians, Angoras, Balinese and other long-haired breeds. After the haircut, wash your pet thoroughly with a special anti-dermatitis shampoo and wait until it dries completely. Then lubricate the affected areas with oil. For about five hours, you will have to make sure that the cat does not lick itself. If the skin is severely injured, the course of treatment can last up to two weeks. In parallel, you can give the cat vitamins and drugs that increase immunity.