Diseases and conditions 2024, October

What is meant by Tourette's syndrome?

What is meant by Tourette's syndrome?

Tourette syndrome is a serious problem, which, unfortunately, often gives food for jokes. It consists in the fact that patients randomly shout obscene language. Tourette's syndrome most often affects children

Rotavirus infection: treatment with drugs and folk remedies

Rotavirus infection: treatment with drugs and folk remedies

In medicine, the term "rotavirus infection" refers to an acute disease that occurs in the form of gastroenteritis. The development of pathology is accompanied by damage to the gastrointestinal tract. Outbreaks of rotavirus infection are most often recorded in the autumn-winter period, but the disease can also occur in isolated cases. Most often, pathology is diagnosed in babies under 2 years old, but older children and adults are also susceptible to it

Coxarthrosis: treatment, symptoms, diagnosis

Coxarthrosis: treatment, symptoms, diagnosis

The disease is a deforming arthrosis of the hip joints. This pathology is a very common disease. The appearance of the disease is influenced by various facts, in particular the abnormal development of the pelvic bones, lower limbs and spine. The statistics of coxarthrosis today are disappointing

Herpetic stomatitis: photos, symptoms and treatment

Herpetic stomatitis: photos, symptoms and treatment

Herpetic stomatitis is an infectious disease provoked by the herpes virus. Explained by contact with simple herpetic viruses. Most often, the disease is provoked in children from one to five years of age, but it also occurs in adolescents, adults

Stomatitis on the cheeks: the best treatment regimen

Stomatitis on the cheeks: the best treatment regimen

In dentistry, stomatitis is commonly referred to as the development of an inflammatory process on the oral mucosa and the inside of the cheeks. An illness is a reaction of the human body to an external stimulus. Previously, this disease was diagnosed, as a rule, in children, but today stomatitis on the cheeks is increasingly observed in adults. What causes this disease and how it proceeds, we will consider in this article

How to treat laryngitis in adults? Symptoms and treatment of chronic laryngitis in adults

How to treat laryngitis in adults? Symptoms and treatment of chronic laryngitis in adults

How to treat laryngitis in adults? Not everyone knows the answer to this question. In this regard, we decided to devote the presented article to this topic

In what diseases are enlarged tonsils

In what diseases are enlarged tonsils

Infections that enter our body in the process of breathing or eating are localized primarily on the surface of the tonsils. It is for this reason that in the case of diseases of the pharynx and oral cavity, accumulations of lymphoid tissue increase and become inflamed. Consider the most common types of ailments in which the tonsils can be enlarged

Unpleasant sensation of a lump in the throat

Unpleasant sensation of a lump in the throat

If someone at least once in his life met with a sensation of a lump in his throat, he will say that it cannot be called pleasant. This condition not only causes discomfort, but also frightens with its uncertainty. Why? The answer is simple - there are many reasons that can provoke it

Tuberculosis: symptoms, first signs, stages of treatment

Tuberculosis: symptoms, first signs, stages of treatment

Tuberculosis is a serious disease that affects the lungs and can be fatal. Every year, hundreds of thousands of new cases of the disease appear in the world. Its rapid spread is due to the infectious nature of the disease. In other words, pathogenic bacteria enter the body of a he althy person through communication and contact with a carrier of the infection

JVP: symptoms, causes and treatment

JVP: symptoms, causes and treatment

JVP (biliary dyskinesia) is an abbreviation for a pathological condition in which the motility of the tracts is impaired, which means that bile cannot enter the intestinal tract normally. This leads to indigestion. Symptoms of JVP may indicate an excessive supply of bile or a lack of it

Consequences of a compression fracture of the spine

Consequences of a compression fracture of the spine

Compression fracture of the spine is an injury accompanied by compression of the vertebrae as a result of external forces of compression and flexion. The bone structures crack and are somewhat compressed, mainly in the anterior sections, while the vertebra becomes wedge-shaped

Inflammation of the back muscles: symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the back muscles: symptoms and treatment

The most common pathology of the musculoskeletal system is back pain. Everyone has experienced them at least once. Such pains do not always occur due to diseases of the spine. Often they are caused by inflammation of the back muscles. This condition can develop at any age for various reasons. If the pathology is started to be treated in time, it passes quickly and without complications

Paget's disease of the breast: symptoms and treatment

Paget's disease of the breast: symptoms and treatment

Paget's disease of the breast is a malignant pathology that affects the apocrine glands. Relatively rare nowadays

Rheumatic fever. Symptoms, treatment

Rheumatic fever. Symptoms, treatment

Rheumatic fever occurs against the background of a previous streptococcal infection and, as a rule, has a relapsing character. Rheumatic fever is a connective tissue disease that affects the nervous system, cardiovascular system, and human skin. The most susceptible to this disease are young people from 7 to 15 years old

Respiratory neurosis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Respiratory neurosis: causes, symptoms and treatment

The term "respiratory neurosis" refers to a disease in which a person periodically feels breathlessness. In most cases, the provoking factor is a long stay in a state of stress. Diagnosis of the disease is complicated by the fact that the disease has many symptoms, while none of them is specific. Treatment of respiratory neurosis involves medication (in severe cases), regular exercise and work with a psychotherapist

Signs of asthma in adults. Signs of bronchial asthma (cough form)

Signs of asthma in adults. Signs of bronchial asthma (cough form)

In this article I would like to talk about what are the signs of asthma in adults. Why this disease can occur, who is at risk and what symptoms children have - all this can be read in the text below

Reduced leukocytes in the blood - what does it mean?

Reduced leukocytes in the blood - what does it mean?

If a person has low white blood cells, then this can be a sign of many diseases. This medical condition is called leukopenia. It leads to a sharp drop in immunity. A person suffering from leukopenia begins to get sick more often, as his body loses its ability to resist infections

Why are white blood cells low?

Why are white blood cells low?

The article describes the possible reasons why leukocytes in the blood are low, and also suggests treatment options for the likely diseases that caused this

Signs of diabetes in women

Signs of diabetes in women

While type 1 diabetes is nearly impossible to prevent and treat, type 2 diabetes can be prevented. This requires control over the state of the body, control over nutrition and over physical activity. In addition, the same measures can completely eradicate the disease

Mycoplasmas in women. Ways of infection and signs

Mycoplasmas in women. Ways of infection and signs

A pregnant woman infected with mycoplasmosis may find out about it when it is too late to take any action. Miscarriages, premature births, brain damage in a child are the consequences of such an infection

Signs of rabies in cats

Signs of rabies in cats

When a cat or dog bites a person, especially if the animal is unknown or it is not possible to check it, it is important not to waste a minute. Only prompt medical intervention can protect against rabies and save lives

Vestibular Vertigo: Possible Causes, Symptoms, Diagnostic Testing, Diagnosis, Correction with Exercise, or Treatment Needed

Vestibular Vertigo: Possible Causes, Symptoms, Diagnostic Testing, Diagnosis, Correction with Exercise, or Treatment Needed

Why a person experiences vestibular vertigo, symptoms of pathology, classification of the disease, systemic disease, its causes, Meniere's disease, vestibular neuronitis, post-traumatic vertigo, non-systemic vertigo, diagnosis and treatment of the disease, traditional medicine recipes and exercises for vestibular disorders

Aortic sclerosis and its consequences

Aortic sclerosis and its consequences

Treatment of the majority of diseases caused by aortic sclerosis is either completely impossible or extremely time-consuming and costly. The main attention should be paid to the prevention of this serious disease

Why dry mouth: reasons

Why dry mouth: reasons

The sooner we can answer the question of why it dries in the mouth, the faster, and most importantly, better, we can protect the body from many big he alth troubles in the future

Causes, symptoms of esophagitis and its treatment

Causes, symptoms of esophagitis and its treatment

Symptoms of esophagitis can be different, depending on the type of disease. However, treatment must be carried out without fail - otherwise, serious consequences for the body may occur

Tachycardia in a child: causes, treatment. Children's Cardiology Center

Tachycardia in a child: causes, treatment. Children's Cardiology Center

Heart disease affects everyone at any age. Now even children suffer from certain ailments. More and more often they develop tachycardia. What it is? Why does this disease occur? How to treat it?

Tachycardia: what to do when symptoms appear?

Tachycardia: what to do when symptoms appear?

If tachycardia does not stop for a long time, then the consequences of disturbances in the work of the cardiovascular system can lead to the development of arrhythmogenic cardiopathy, the contractility of the heart is disturbed, and its volume increases. In the body, a violation of normal blood circulation is inevitable, and this is fraught with the fact that coronary heart disease can develop, as well as myocardial infarction

Acute adenoiditis in a child: symptoms and treatment

Acute adenoiditis in a child: symptoms and treatment

No child has ever grown up without a runny nose. This symptom accompanies many diseases: viral, bacterial, allergic. If you have a runny nose, you should contact an otolaryngologist or pediatrician. If this is not done on time, then acute adenoiditis may develop in a child. Today's article will tell you about this disease, as well as tell you how to treat it

When does a syphilis rash appear? Does the rash itch with syphilis?

When does a syphilis rash appear? Does the rash itch with syphilis?

The article discusses such a problem as a rash with syphilis, its varieties and effects on the body

Uric acid diathesis: symptoms and treatment

Uric acid diathesis: symptoms and treatment

Violation of metabolic processes in the body is the cause of various diseases. One of these is uric acid diathesis. This condition precedes serious disturbances in the work of the urinary, nervous and musculoskeletal systems. It develops at any age, but always requires close attention from doctors

Barking cough in children: causes, first aid

Barking cough in children: causes, first aid

Cough itself is not a disease. However, it is, although unpleasant, but informative in terms of a symptom of the disease. Nature did not just create a cough reflex, but to protect our entire respiratory system. There are several types of cough: barking, wet, dry, spasmodic. One of the most dangerous is barking cough in children. When it occurs, sometimes you can not do without hospitalization or calling a doctor. Let's see how dangerous it is

Erysipelas disease: photos, signs, symptoms and treatment

Erysipelas disease: photos, signs, symptoms and treatment

Erysipelas is a disease that has been diagnosed more and more frequently in recent years. The disease is prone to relapse, acute. Its feature is the presence of infectious foci on the mucous membranes and skin areas. Caused by class A streptococci

Dermatitis herpetiformis: causes, symptoms and treatments

Dermatitis herpetiformis: causes, symptoms and treatments

Dermatitis herpetiformis is a fairly common chronic disease, accompanied by the appearance of a characteristic skin rash. Statistical studies have shown that men aged 20 to 40 are more prone to such a disease

Sarcoidosis of the skin: causes, symptoms and treatment

Sarcoidosis of the skin: causes, symptoms and treatment

Sarcoidosis was until recently considered a rare disease. But nowadays, with the availability of the latest diagnostic methods, it has become diagnosed more often. For the first time this disease was described more than a century ago. Then it was considered one of the forms of tuberculosis. However, later this statement was refuted by official medicine

Signs and features of chronic appendicitis

Signs and features of chronic appendicitis

Until now, there are disputes about the presence of a diagnosis of "chronic appendicitis". Nevertheless, while he still meets. There are the following forms of chronic appendicitis: primary chronic, residual, recurrent

McLeod syndrome: etiology, symptoms and treatment

McLeod syndrome: etiology, symptoms and treatment

McLeod's syndrome refers to severe diseases of the central nervous system. This pathology is congenital in nature, caused by a gene mutation. However, its first symptoms do not appear in childhood, but in adulthood. Very often, people around take the manifestations of this pathology in a patient for a mental disorder

CSF cyst of the brain: what is it, types, methods of treatment, consequences

CSF cyst of the brain: what is it, types, methods of treatment, consequences

Every twenty-fifth person on the planet develops a cerebrospinal fluid cyst. The male sex is more susceptible to the formation of formations, the female is less. The age of the person does not play any role at all

Intestinal Trichomonas: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Intestinal Trichomonas: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Intestinal Trichomonas - a microorganism that can be in the human body in a dormant state for a long time. With a decrease in immunity and other favorable conditions, the parasite is activated

Epiretinal fibrosis of the eye - what is it? Definition, diagnosis, treatment methods

Epiretinal fibrosis of the eye - what is it? Definition, diagnosis, treatment methods

Epiretinal fibrosis of the eye is very common in the elderly. If you do not seek medical help, then the disease progresses, and its symptoms become stronger. The only treatment is surgery. Its timely implementation will avoid complications and fully restore vision

Can diabetes be cured? Drugs for diabetes

Can diabetes be cured? Drugs for diabetes

Diabetes is a very unpleasant disease. With its symptoms, it can cause a person great discomfort and significantly reduce the quality of life. Timely application of various methods of treatment, as well as effective preventive actions will help to avoid this