Diarrhea is a nuisance that everyone has experienced. Most often, an unpleasant symptom is associated with eating low-quality foods. But sometimes it happens that the causes of frequent diarrhea cannot be identified. Violation of the stool can be accompanied by many diseases. Seeking qualified help early will help avoid serious complications.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
This is one of the most common diseases associated with the work of the gastrointestinal tract. If frequent diarrhea appears in an adult, the reasons may lie precisely in the malfunction of the intestines. The functional disorder is based on a violation of the motor activity of the intestine. The pathological process is characterized by prolonged abdominal pain, frequent stool disorders. The disease leads to disruption of the normal digestion of food and intestinal motility.

According to statistics, about 10% of the adult population of the planet suffers from irritable bowel syndrome. Most often, these are womenaged 20-45 years. Why can there be very frequent diarrhea? The causes and mechanism of the syndrome have not been sufficiently studied to date. Psychological factors often provoke the pathological process. The disease can develop after a divorce, death of a loved one. Irritable bowel syndrome can often be identified in patients with depression and other psychiatric disorders.
Change in the nature of the stool can also be observed in the direction of constipation. The normal act of defecation in patients is extremely rare. Patients suffer from cramping pains in the lower abdomen, which can last from several hours to several days.
The diagnosis of "irritable bowel syndrome" is made on the basis of the clinical picture, as well as laboratory tests. It is important to exclude other diseases with similar symptoms. Treatment is aimed primarily at eliminating the psychological factors that provoke the appearance of diarrhea and other unpleasant symptoms. Additionally, the patient is prescribed physiotherapy exercises and diet food.
Hereditary disease, which is based on metabolic disorders. The pathological process begins to manifest itself almost from the first days of life. The child's body does not have enough enzymes necessary for the metabolism of galactose. After feeding formula or milk, the sick child begins to vomit. Thus, severe galactosemia is manifested. If the pathological process manifests itself in a mild degree, the baby will be lethargic. Such children are not gaining weight well. The causes of frequent diarrhea in a child will also be the development of a hereditary disease.
Against the background of metabolic disorders in babies, blood clotting disorders are observed. As a result, small hemorrhages may be visible on the skin.
Early detection of pathology is of great importance. The disease can be detected even at the stage of intrauterine development, subject to timely screening.
Haloactosemia is a dangerous disease that can lead to the development of serious complications, such as sepsis, cirrhosis of the liver, mental retardation, diabetes mellitus, etc. Unpleasant consequences can be avoided if the child is registered in a timely manner. If the diet is followed, the patient has every chance to lead a full life. Much attention is paid to diet therapy. You will have to permanently exclude products containing lactose and galactose from the diet (milk, pastries, sausages, sweets, etc.). Children suffering from the disease are provided with special formulas.
Crohn's disease
The pathological process is characterized by inflammation of various parts of the digestive tract. The disease is usually chronic. Inflammation develops in the internal mucosa of the digestive tract - from the esophagus to the rectum. The disease proceeds with periods of remissions and exacerbations, is one of the causes of frequent diarrhea in women and men. In the vast majority of cases, the inflammatory process initially develops on the mucous membrane of the small intestine, then it moves to other parts of the gastrointestinal tract.
The first attack of the disease candevelop at a young age. Often, when a doctor tries to find out the causes of frequent diarrhea in teenagers, it turns out that Crohn's disease is developing. The pathological process can be equally common in both sexes.

Experts cannot name the exact causes of Crohn's disease today. A predisposing factor is an incorrect immune response of the body to the normal intestinal flora. The intestinal walls begin to become saturated with white blood cells, which leads to the development of diarrhea and pain in the lower abdomen.
The specialist makes the diagnosis on the basis of the clinical picture, computed tomography and colonoscopy. Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely cure the disease. You can reduce the manifestation of the pathological process with the help of a diet (table No. 4), anti-inflammatory suppositories. Immunostimulating therapy is mandatory.
Ulcerative colitis
The disease is associated with diffuse inflammation of the colon. If therapy is abandoned, severe local and systemic complications may develop. If the pathological process was not detected in a timely manner, it becomes chronic with periods of remissions and exacerbations. The disease is cyclical. Periods of remissions are replaced by periods of exacerbations. One of the manifestations of the disease is frequent diarrhea in an adult. The patient cannot find out the reasons for this condition. And only when violations of the chair do not allow to lead a full-fledged lifestyle, the patient seeks medical help.
Statistics show that women are more likely to develop ulcerative colitis. Unlike Crohn's disease, this pathology affects only the colon mucosa. A characteristic sign of the disease may be the presence of streaks of blood in the feces.

The cause of the disease are autoimmune disorders in the body. The immune system begins to react incorrectly to its own cells, which provokes an inflammatory reaction. The pathological process may also have a hereditary nature.
Colonoscopy is the main method for diagnosing ulcerative colitis. The technique helps to study in detail the lumen of the small intestine, to differentiate this disease from other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.
Dietary nutrition is at the heart of ulcerative colitis therapy. Anti-inflammatory suppositories can also be prescribed by a specialist. In the advanced stage of the disease, surgical methods of treatment are used.
Lactase deficiency
Congenital pathology is characterized by the inability to break down milk sugar due to the partial or complete absence of lactase in the body. In various regions, from 10 to 80% of the population suffers from such a disease. The disease has a particularly negative effect on infants in the first months of life, who need to eat mother's milk or special mixtures. Young mothers may not understand what causes frequent diarrhea in infants. Treatment of the disease should begin immediately. Otherwise,the infant may become dehydrated.

In he althy babies, the milk sugar that comes with breast milk or formula is broken down in the colon. In the absence of lactase, sugar enters the large intestine unchanged, where its fermentation begins. This is what causes the unpleasant symptoms. Diarrhea is not the only symptom of the disease. You can suspect lactase deficiency in an infant with frequent regurgitation, restless behavior of the child.
Clinical data must be confirmed by laboratory tests. Be sure to conduct a biochemical study of the feces of the child. Often the cause of frequent diarrhea after eating in babies is a lack of other enzymes.
He althy nutrition is the basis of the treatment of lactase deficiency. Breastfeeding babies, in order to maintain natural feeding, are prescribed replacement therapy. Whole milk and products based on it are completely excluded from the diet of older patients.
The causes of very frequent diarrhea in an adult or child may be due to the presence of parasites in the intestines. These are helminthic diseases caused by various types of worms. The pathological process may not manifest itself for a long time. The patient will only complain of digestive problems and stool disorders. Lack of therapy leads to the spread of infection throughout the body, and chronic diseases can develop.
Today, more than 200 species of various pathogens of helminthiasis in humans are known. More oftenin total they are represented by round and flatworms. The most common are pinworms and roundworms. It often happens that the patient cannot understand what are the causes of frequent diarrhea. Fecal analysis does not always make it possible to detect the presence of parasites in the body. It has to do with their life cycle. A more detailed picture is given by serological tests - ELISA, RIF. In addition, a patient with frequent diarrhea may be assigned a histological scatology (detailed study of feces).

A patient who has been diagnosed with helminthic invasions must be prescribed anthelmintic therapy. With a complex course of the disease, intravenous infusions are performed. Symptomatic therapy includes taking sorbents, as well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It is possible to eliminate diarrhea with the help of a special diet. Of great importance is the prevention of helminthiasis, which consists in observing the rules of hygiene, refusing to eat raw fish and meat.
Food poisoning
The cause of frequent diarrhea is often the consumption of low-quality food. Simply put, this is a banal poisoning that everyone once encountered. Pathogenic microflora, which can be found in food, produces toxins. When they enter the gastrointestinal tract, these substances provoke an immune response in the body. With a mild course of the disease, the patient will suffer only from diarrhea. However, in most cases, nausea and vomiting are present. Such infections are especially dangerous for young children. Rapid dehydration of the baby's body can be fatal.

The incubation period for foodborne infections rarely exceeds a few hours. As a rule, the disease begins acutely with bouts of nausea and repeated vomiting. The infection causes frequent diarrhea in adults. Violation of the stool is accompanied by cramping pains in the lower abdomen.
Foodborne diseases are detected on the basis of bacterial culture of vomit or feces. Due to the timely detection of the pathogen, it is possible to choose the right antibacterial agent for therapeutic measures. With timely treatment, it is possible to get rid of unpleasant symptoms in 2-3 days.
The pathological condition is associated with a violation of the intestinal microflora. The composition of the normal flora can change due to malnutrition, stress, prolonged antibiotic therapy. Other diseases of the digestive organs can also be accompanied by diarrhea. Often the causes of frequent diarrhea in a man or woman are associated with pancreatitis, gastritis, hepatitis, etc.
Diarrhea is a clear sign of dysbacteriosis. Diarrhea may alternate with constipation. Normal stool in a patient is extremely rare. Many patients also develop allergic reactions to food. In this case, dysbacteriosis may be accompanied by skin itching, urticaria.
Malabsorption syndrome is typical. Violated absorption in the intestines of nutrients necessary for norm althe functioning of the body. As a result, the patient begins to suffer from anemia, calcium deficiency, etc. The protective functions of the body are significantly reduced. The pathological process is accompanied by rapid fatigue, frequent headaches, lack of appetite. Against the background of dysbacteriosis, the patient develops immunodeficiency, he begins to suffer from frequent colds.
Treatment of dysbacteriosis is not an easy process. Drugs are prescribed aimed at restoring the motor function of the intestine, removing the existing inflammation. Diet number 4 helps to normalize bowel activity. Be sure to exclude too spicy and s alty dishes. Particular attention is paid to the thermal processing of products. Dishes are boiled or steamed. Prebiotics (Lineks, Laktofiltrum) help to speed up the process of restoring normal intestinal flora. The right approach allows you to completely eliminate dysbacteriosis in 10-20 days.
Other causes of frequent diarrhea in adults
Treatment of the disease should be started after studying the possible adverse factors that could provoke it. When diarrhea appears, you should definitely make an appointment with a gastroenterologist. However, it often happens that the causes of frequent diarrhea are not associated with any ailment. It may just be the body's reaction to new foods. "Traveler's diarrhea" is a pathology that often occurs in tourists against the backdrop of a change in climate and diet. Unpleasant symptoms, as a rule, appear on the third day after the start of the trip. Diarrhea - a reaction to a change in microfloraintestines in another region.

In addition to diarrhea, the traveler may experience a slight increase in body temperature, there may be symptoms of general intoxication of the body. Special therapy is usually not required. Within a few days, normal stools are restored.
Diarrhea can also develop after excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol is irritating. As a result, the intestines begin to work faster. The sorbent ("Atoxil", "Activated carbon") will help speed up the process of restoring the chair.
There are many causes of frequent diarrhea in adults. Treatment in any case should be prescribed by a doctor. Do not wait for severe dehydration. Timely therapy will avoid serious complications, such as dehydration and a significant decrease in immunity.