Helminths: treatment, symptoms, diagnosis, prevention

Helminths: treatment, symptoms, diagnosis, prevention
Helminths: treatment, symptoms, diagnosis, prevention

Infection with helminths, or helminthiasis, is an infectious disease caused by human worms. Today, experts have over 350 species of helminths that can parasitize in the human body. The main place of their concentration is the intestines, but there are certain types of worms that inhabit other organs - the heart, liver, lungs, brain, etc.

General characteristics

Depending on what kind of worms parasitize in the human body, the name of the infectious disease is given. For example, if clinical studies have shown that roundworms are present, then the lesion will be called "ascariasis", etc. The common name for all worm infestations is called helminthiasis. In this case, the patient needs to find out what kind of parasites need to be overcome. Treatment methods differ depending on the type of parasites, as a result of which various medications are used.

Helminths go through certain stages of life - the egg turns into a larva, it grows into a mature individual, which, in turn, lays eggs and, having completed the cyclelife, dies, while dead worms, toxins, waste products of their vital activity poison the internal environment of the body and are gradually excreted.

There are some other features of parasites - some of them in the cycle of larvae or eggs develop in soil, water or in the body of an animal, fish. And the final stage reside in the human body. There are other types of helminths that lay eggs in the human gastrointestinal tract, but the final period of life passes outside the human body. For this reason, several types of helminth lesions may be present in the diagnosis.

Infection, depending on the location, type of parasite, has a different severity of the course - from latent and sluggish to fatal. Infection occurs through many channels, for example, through poorly washed vegetables and fruits, dirty hands, scratches on the skin or through insect bites. According to WHO, cases of infection with helminths have the same frequency as the incidence of the population of any country with influenza, SARS. The level of infection is not affected by the standard of living, the statistics for all countries are approximately the same.

helminths in humans treatment
helminths in humans treatment


It is not always possible to determine by obvious signs that helminths have settled in the body. Symptoms are often absent or their manifestations are delayed for several months, some types of infection appear almost immediately after the invasion. For example, ascariasis is detected on the second or third day, and filariasis is diagnosed only after 6 months or after 1.5 years.

Signs of helminthiasis:

  • Permanent skin rashes accompanied by itching.
  • General or local swelling.
  • Fever.
  • Increase in a certain group of lymph nodes.
  • Persistent or recurrent pain in muscles, joints.
  • Cough of non-cold origin, pain in the chest, periodic attacks of suffocation.
  • Acute abdominal pain, nausea, upset stool, vomiting.

A disease without proper treatment goes into an acute phase, the lesion spreads not only to organs, but also to body systems. In such cases, doctors prescribe an analysis for helminths.

Symptoms of serious body damage:

  • Impaired hemostasis.
  • Meningoencephalitis.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Myocarditis of allergic origin.
  • Hepatitis.

After a thorough examination of a patient with helminthiasis, an increase in the affected organs is observed, they can be the liver, spleen (hepatosplenomegaly), a blood test will show elevated eosinophils, and an imbalance of proteins (dysproteinemia) will be revealed.

Manifestations of common types of helminthiasis

Chronic lesion has its own symptoms, the clinical picture varies depending on the organ in which the helminths have spread. Treatment is prescribed after determining which type of worm the parasite belongs to. A single spread of small worms will not show any symptoms, while large specimens will show a full range of signs as they grow.

helminth symptoms
helminth symptoms

Mostcommonly diagnosed types of helminthiasis are as follows:

  • Intestinal. Signs are nausea, abdominal pain. If the intestines are affected by roundworms, then as the population grows, obstruction, obstructive jaundice will be observed, pancreatitis is also diagnosed. Enterobiasis of massive invasion is manifested by severe perianal itching in the morning and evening hours.
  • Liver lesions (opisthorchiasis, fascioliasis, etc.) are manifested by chronic forms of hepatitis, pancreatitis, neurological disorders.
  • Blood lesions (ankylostomiasis) primarily show iron deficiency anemia. With advanced forms, vascular bleeding is observed, caused by the destruction of the walls of the blood lines.
  • Cestodoses (hymenolipedosis, teniarinhoz, teniasis, etc.). A clear sign of damage is a deficiency of vitamin B 12 (a form of anemia). Patients may occasionally observe parasites in the stool or worms moving across the surface of the skin.
  • Toxocariasis is characterized by pulmonary and abdominal syndromes, CNS disorders are observed, an increase in eosinophils in a clinical blood test, eyes are affected.
  • Some types of helminthiasis go on for a long time without symptoms. Reproducing, parasites undermine the immune system, foci of suppuration are formed, worms lay cysts with eggs, rupture of an abscess or masonry can cause pleurisy, anaphylactic shock and other serious consequences for the body.


Studies for helminth lesions are quite complex and are divided into groups:

  • Morphological - researchtissue biopsies. Methods allow you to identify parasites that live in tissues.
  • General clinical, serological, immunological analysis for helminths (blood, feces, urine, ultrasound of internal organs with suspected invasion, ELISA, tomography, etc.). Research is used to diagnose helminthiasis in organ tissues.
  • Parasitological research methods give the most informative picture of the patient's condition, allow you to identify worms, eggs and larvae in biological fluids (bile, urine, blood, vomit, gastric juice, etc.). This type of research is used most often and allows you to quickly determine the type of worm.

If during the first analysis the specialist failed to establish the type of parasite, then additional studies are assigned according to a certain scheme. The patient is prescribed the delivery of biological fluids (excluding bile, the contents of the duodenum 12) three times in three or four days. The break between repeated studies is due to the need to find helminth eggs, which the adult parasite lays with a certain frequency.

helminths treatment
helminths treatment

When prescribing this or that parasitological analysis, the doctor is guided by suspicions. If the signs of the disease indicate an intestinal lesion, then feces are handed over for research, if liver invasion is suspected, then for research it is necessary to donate bile, the contents of the duodenum 12. Gradually, the method of exclusion reveals the affected organ and the type of helminth.

Blood test

Blood tests are prescribed in cases where there are traces in the fecesno parasites were found, but other signs clearly indicate a helminthic invasion. Blood tests prescribed as a helminth test are very accurate and show the presence of antibodies produced by the immune system against foreign objects, which are worms.

The immune system itself cannot destroy worms, they are large, but antibodies are absolute markers of helminthiasis. To date, the following types of parasites are detected in laboratories:

  • Ascaris, Trichinella.
  • Toxocars, opisthorchis.
  • Echinococcus, strongyloids.

To get a true test for helminths, you must adhere to certain rules for donating blood:

  • Blood on an empty stomach, better in the morning.
  • The patient is allowed to drink only non-carbonated water (one day before the analysis and on the day of delivery).
  • Fatty, s alty, fried, spicy foods and foods must be excluded from the menu 4-5 days before the procedure.
  • Exclude taking all medications (if there is no threat to he alth and life).

There are three options in the conclusion of the laboratory:

  • Negative (no helminthiasis).
  • Positive (there is an invasion, the type of parasite is indicated).
  • Adjacent (requires repeat after 14 days).

Fecal analysis

This type of study is the most frequently ordered. It is carried out three times with an interval between delivery of 3 or 4 days. This approach provides accurate data and identifies helminths in different life cycles. Feces for helminths are taken to a specializedlaboratory.

The main condition for obtaining an accurate result is that the biomaterial must be fresh, the shelf life is no more than 24 hours. Before collecting the analysis, hygiene procedures are excluded.

analysis for helminths
analysis for helminths

Principles of Therapy

The main goal of treatment is the complete destruction of parasites and the prevention of re-infection. Medicines for helminths have a detrimental effect on worms at any stage of their life cycle. In addition to the main treatment, the doctor prescribes a number of drugs, the action of which is aimed at restoring he althy intestinal microflora, improving the internal environment of the body, restoring immunity, etc.

Often side complication of helminthiasis are allergic reactions. For their relief, antihistamines are prescribed ("Suprastin", "Parlazin", "Erius", "Tsetrin", etc.). In case of poisoning with the waste products of worms, the patient is prescribed intravenous glucose to neutralize and remove toxins, as well as taking ascorbic acid, vitamins, etc. The specialist conducts complex therapy, eliminating the complications resulting from invasion and the helminths themselves.

Treatment aimed at eradicating parasites involves the use of strong medications. It is recommended to take them simultaneously with sorbents and antihistamines, this group of medications is started 3 or 5 days before the start of therapy and continues for another 5 days after the end of taking anthelmintic drugs.

The treatment plan also includes probiotics. They are prescribed together with sorbents and antihistamines. During the treatment period, the patient is transferred to a sparing diet, the menu includes products that are easily absorbed by the body - sour-milk, water soups, cereals, herbal teas and infusions.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to carry out a general cleaning - thoroughly wash the living quarters and household items with soapy water. Underwear and bed linen must be ironed with a hot iron and changed daily for fresh during the entire duration of therapy.

drugs for helminthiasis
drugs for helminthiasis


The destruction of worms in the internal environment of a person is carried out with the help of antiparasitic drugs with high toxicity. The action of each of the drugs used is aimed at the destruction of only one type of worms. Preparations for helminths are classified depending on the type of parasites on which they are designed:

  • Against nematodes in the intestine - "Piperazine", "Albendazole", "Levamisole", etc.
  • Against non-intestinal nematodes - Ivermectin, Albendazole, etc.
  • Anthelmintic drugs of the cestodes class (for the gastrointestinal tract) - "Niclosamide".
  • Anthelminthics of the cestodes class (not intestinal) - "Albendazole".
  • Against intestinal trematodes - "Perchlorethylene".
  • Against trematodes of any other location - "Bithionol" and "Chloxide".

In case of invasion by several speciesworms are prescribed preparations for broad-spectrum helminths, the active ingredients of which are:

  • "Mebendazole" - capillariasis, ascariasis, taeniasis, trichuriasis, multiple nematoses, taeniasis, echinococcosis, etc.
  • "Albendazole" - enterobiasis, cysticercosis, necatoriasis, ascariasis, capillariasis, toxocariasis, echinococcosis, strongyloidiasis, etc.
  • "Praziquantel" - opisthorchiasis, schistosomiasis, metagonimiasis, cestodosis, hymenolepiasis, clonorchiasis, etc.
  • "Levamisole" - necatorosis, enterobiasis, trichostrongylosis, ascariasis, trichuriasis, etc.

Pharmaceutical companies produce a wide range of helminth remedies under different names. The doctor prescribes prescriptions depending on the diagnosis in complex therapy. Experts strongly do not recommend self-medication. All medications for helminths are highly toxic, they should be taken under the supervision of a doctor who monitors the body's reactions.

drugs for helminths
drugs for helminths

Pharmacological companies produce such pills for helminths:

  • "Gelmordol-VM", "Sanoxan" (active ingredient albendazole).
  • "Decaris" (active substance levamisole).
  • "Vermox", "Vormin" (active substance mebendazole).
  • "Biltricid", "Azinox" (active ingredient praziquantel).

Helminth tablets are produced by many companies, both domestic and foreign. For the doctor's taskincludes the collection of complete information about the disease, comorbidities, the degree of invasion and the determination of an effective drug to combat parasites. For each individual person, an individual treatment program is selected based on the results of the tests.

Traditional medicine

For centuries, traditional medicine has de alt with the issue of how to remove helminths, a large number of recipes have been developed. To use them recklessly is no less dangerous than pharmaceuticals, you should consult a doctor before starting therapy.

Helminths in adults can be treated with such folk methods:

  • Pumpkin Seeds – Eat a handful of fresh, unroasted seeds on an empty stomach. After 2-3 hours, you need to give an enema.
  • Pumpkin seed paste - 100 grams of peeled seeds are ground with 100 milliliters of boiled water, then you need to add 2 tbsp. l natural honey. The resulting paste is placed in a jar, stored in the refrigerator. Application - eat on an empty stomach 3 tablespoons with an interval of 1 hour for 3 hours. The next step is to take a laxative, after 2 hours they give an enema.
  • Raw beetroot juice drunk on an empty stomach (1 tbsp) removes helminths in humans. Treatment with this method lasts 7 days.
  • Grated carrots or carrot juice, taken on an empty stomach, also destroy helminths. Treatment is carried out within 7-14 days.

Don't use all the recipes at the same time. First you need to undergo a diagnosis, and only after finding out the type of parasite, you can select a treatment, including fromtraditional medicine recipes.


Helminthiasis is a parasitic disease, it is treated by an infectious disease specialist. A referral to this specialist is obtained from a general practitioner at the place of residence. If the parasites are localized in various internal organs, then it is necessary to consult doctors of specialized speci alties - a cardiologist, an ophthalmologist, a neurologist, etc.

Prophylaxis of helminths is based on the observance of hygiene rules. One of the main requirements is the use of clean water in everyday life, frequent washing of hands, careful processing of vegetables and fruits, etc. If there are pets in the house, periodic prophylaxis should be carried out for them through vaccination, deworming.

worm prevention
worm prevention

When cooking, it is necessary to adhere to a certain temperature regime for the preparation of meat and fish products. The most dangerous dish is considered to be a variety of sushi made from raw fish, which may contain helminths. Treatment and prevention of helminthiasis for lovers of raw animal products should be carried out regularly.

Constant attention to he alth should be shown in such cases:

  • Frequent or constant contact with animals.
  • Visit exotic countries.
  • Working with the earth.
  • The stay of the child in the children's team.
  • Fishing, hunting.

Family members are recommended twice a year to carry out drug prophylaxis to expel worms. Treatment is with broad spectrumspectrum of action, which include albendazole. The prophylactic regimen is prescribed by a specialist depending on age, body weight, sensitivity to the drug, the presence of contraindications, concomitant diseases, etc.
