Laryngitis: treatment at home and folk remedies. How to return the voice with laryngitis?

Laryngitis: treatment at home and folk remedies. How to return the voice with laryngitis?
Laryngitis: treatment at home and folk remedies. How to return the voice with laryngitis?

Everyone knows that in autumn and spring, existing chronic diseases worsen, and the likelihood of getting a cold or flu increases. If you do not pay due attention to the treatment of even the most seemingly common cold, then you can get complications in the form of laryngitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, and so on. In the fight against such ailments, medications are excellent, which should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor, but traditional medicine should not be discounted. In this article, we will consider such an ailment as laryngitis, the treatment at home of which is quite possible and very effective.

laryngitis home treatment
laryngitis home treatment

What is this disease?

Before considering traditional medicine recipes, let's find out what this disease is. As mentioned above, most often laryngitisis the result of an untreated cold. Smokers and people with weak immunity are also susceptible to this disease. If you have a sore throat, it hurts to swallow, your voice has disappeared or it has become hoarse, then this is laryngitis. Treatment at home involves the use of different methods, but it is better to approach the problem in a comprehensive manner. So, if you have an inflamed mucous membrane of the larynx, you can try all the methods below and choose the most suitable and effective one for yourself.

folk treatment of laryngitis
folk treatment of laryngitis

Starting to gargle

If you do not know how to get your voice back with laryngitis, but want to do it as quickly as possible, start with regular rinses. They are of great help even in the chronic course of the disease. The most common and affordable remedy for laryngitis is soda. It is enough to dilute only one teaspoon of this substance in a glass of warm water. It is desirable to perform the procedure at least 5 times a day, and more is possible. And do not think that this is a remedy for laryngitis in adults, it is recommended to use it for children, of course, if they already know how to gargle. The pain will go away much faster and the voice will return if you alternate procedures with soda with rinses with sea s alt, decoctions of herbs (chamomile, sage, nettle).

The advantage of such procedures is not only in the naturalness and availability of the components used, but also in efficiency. You can, for example, gargle a sore throat with juice from beets or potatoes. To do this, just take a vegetable, grind it on a grater, squeeze the juice, and dilute the resulting liquid with water. The medicine is ready!

remedy for laryngitis
remedy for laryngitis

Starting inhalations

Laryngitis can be overcome not only by rinsing. Treatment at home involves the use of inhalations. Why are they effective? When you inhale the vapor, the medicine you are using is deposited in small droplets on the diseased ligaments. Today, many people use special inhalers or nebulizers for this purpose, but this will not be as effective as regular steam inhalation. And all because only drugs or saline are poured into electrical appliances, and they cannot boast of the naturalness of their components.

It is better at home to use dishes with a narrow neck or the most ordinary teapot. Remember that you can start the procedure only 10 minutes after the water boils, otherwise you risk only complicating the situation.

folk remedy for laryngitis
folk remedy for laryngitis

Which inhalations are effective for laryngitis?

And here soda comes to the rescue. This substance is very good at fighting such an ailment as laryngitis. Treatment at home will be simple and affordable. So, take just a small spoonful of this substance, dilute it in a glass of water. Here you have a solution for inhalation, which will not only return the voice, but also contribute to the discharge of sputum, soothe sore ligaments. For the treatment of a chronic illness, do inhalations with such mineral alkaline water as, for example, Borjomi, Essentuki or Narzan.

Herbalinhalation. Use the same decoctions that you prepared for rinsing (with chamomile, sage, calamus, etc.). Don't forget about the effectiveness of essential oils. Add a few drops to the solution. For these purposes, menthol or eucalyptus oil is ideal. The duration of inhalation for this ailment should not be more than 10 minutes, and it is recommended to carry it out three times a day.

Honey for laryngitis

This is not only a very tasty product, but an excellent folk remedy for laryngitis. Its effectiveness has been proven over the years, it is enough to use honey inside for the treatment of many diseases, but it is better to dissolve it. However, you can combine such a product with other ingredients for greater effectiveness.

  1. Mix two parts honey with one part lemon juice. Take one teaspoon every 30 minutes. In a few days you will forget about laryngitis.
  2. Take a glass of carrot juice (made from fresh vegetables) and add 2-3 tablespoons of honey to it. Take a large spoonful every 2-3 hours.

It is recommended to drink tea or milk with this product at night, after which it is necessary to wrap the throat.

remedy for laryngitis in adults
remedy for laryngitis in adults

Grandma's recipes

Methods that have been tested by more than one generation are the most effective. According to the first recipe, immediately before going to bed, it is necessary to thoroughly rub the feet with turpentine. Then it is recommended to put on warm socks (preferably made of wool) and drink a cup of very hot tea with 5-8 drops of the same turpentine. Howpeople who have tested this method on themselves assure that in 1-2 days there will be no trace of laryngitis.

According to the second recipe, you need to take 100 ml of ordinary vegetable oil, add one egg white and beat well. Take this miracle remedy three times a day, but be sure to drink in small sips.

Fuck will return the voice

Folk treatment of laryngitis is a mass of ways not only to eliminate the pain in the throat, but also to return the voice. This recipe is designed to help in this very quickly. Take the horseradish, peel it, cut off a piece the size of a walnut, chop it, add 150 ml of hot water to it. Cover this mixture with a lid and leave it for 20-30 minutes. After that, add a little sugar there and mix. The solution must be taken every hour, one teaspoon, while swallowing it very slowly, dissolving in the mouth.

how to get voice back with laryngitis
how to get voice back with laryngitis

Some more recipes

  1. Take a medium-sized onion, chop it on a grater, and put the resulting slurry in 0.5 liters of just boiled milk. Immediately remove the dishes from the heat, do not let the whole mixture boil. Cool, strain. Drink half of the product warm at night, and take the second in the morning, preheated. Repeat the procedure for 3-4 days.
  2. The most delicious remedy for laryngitis is oranges. A few pieces a day will give not only a huge dose of vitamins, but also serve as an excellent prophylactic.
  3. If you like to take baths, then this method is just for you. Buy chamomile inflorescences at the pharmacy(400 g), fill them with 10 liters of freshly boiled water, let it brew for about an hour. Now pour this medicinal decoction into the filled bath. The vapors of chamomile you inhale will perfectly cope not only with a cold, but also with its consequences.
  4. If you lost your voice and began to worry about coughing, be sure to try making a decoction of cabbage leaves. For this procedure, take a few leaves, rinse them well and boil them until they become very soft and begin to fall apart. Eat the finished drug in small portions 3 times a day, and drink the same decoction.

We hope that all these recipes will be effective for you, and you will be able to forget about laryngitis in 2-3 days. He alth to you!
