One of the most common diseases of our time is intestinal upset. Mild cases can also be treated at home. True, it often manifests itself as a symptom of infectious or viral diseases. In this case, special antibacterial drugs can not be dispensed with. It is not recommended to use antibiotics in this case, as they are one of the causes of intestinal upset.
What else can cause this disease? Most often, this is poor-quality nutrition, overeating, smoking, drinking alcohol and certain drugs

drugs. Intestinal disorders can also appear from a sedentary lifestyle, stress, as a complication after past illnesses, or from infections that have entered the intestines.
This disease, otherwise called "dysbacteriosis", occurs even in young children. It is manifested by bloating, flatulence, pain, nausea and vomiting. But its most basic symptom is diarrhea orconstipation, or their alternation. Most often, it is with diarrhea that they say that the patient has an intestinal disorder. It is desirable to start its treatment as early as possible.

The main danger of diarrhea is dehydration. Therefore, the use of a large amount of liquid, better than herbal decoctions, is necessary for intestinal upset. Medicines that only relieve the symptoms of diarrhea, such as Lopedium or Smekta, can be used, but they are not the main treatment for it. To remove pathogenic microorganisms from the intestines, use any adsorbents. For example, activated charcoal, medicines "Enterosgel", "Polysorb", "Polypefan" and others.
It is important not only to remove diarrhea, but also to establish normal microflora in the intestines. To do this, there are many drugs that normalize the balance of intestinal microorganisms. If the disease is mild and without fever, then you can be treated at home. But be sure to drink a course of one of these drugs: Linex, Hilak Forte, Bifiform, Bifidumbacterin.

In many people, against the background of erratic eating, intestinal upset very often occurs. Treatment in such cases mainly consists in following a strict diet that excludes canned foods, smoked meats, pickles, confectionery and foods containing flavors and flavor enhancers. Good for diarrhearice porridge on the water, steam cutlets, crackers. From drinks, jelly, blueberry decoction or strong tea are especially recommended.
In many infectious diseases, one of the symptoms is also an upset bowel. Treatment in this case is prescribed by a doctor, and it depends on the type of pathogen. Most often, these are drugs "Ftalazol", "Levomitsitin" or "Biseptol". But even in this case, adsorbing and antidiarrheal medicines, as well as medicines that normalize the intestinal microflora, are necessarily prescribed.
How else to treat an upset bowel? Of the folk remedies, decoctions of herbs are best known: oak bark, buckthorn, chamomile or calendula, calamus root, blueberries or bird cherry. Diarrhea is well treated with a decoction of walnut partitions or dried shells of chicken stomachs. And with flatulence, a decoction of cumin or dill seed helps.