Bad smell in the mouth can appear for various reasons. However, in any case, you need to understand what this means: there is some kind of inflammation in the body. Basically it is always a sign of some kind of disease.
Because of what?
Of the more harmless causes of smell, one can note the banal non-compliance with personal hygiene. Because bacteria begin to multiply in the mouth, as well as the substances processed by them, bad breath can appear. This problem is very easy to fix. It is enough just to constantly look after your mouth, then unpleasant odors will disappear.

However, there are more important and dangerous reasons. For example, if an acidic smell is formed, then this may indicate problems with the stomach. Especially when it comes to the presence of gastritis. Do not forget that it is a harbinger of an ulcer. That is why the sour smell appears.
Rotten taste may indicate that the patient has problems with the intestines. The most dangerous and alarming symptom is the sharp smell of acetone from the mouth. It should be noted that the reason for thisThere may be different factors. Consider the most common among them.
When a person has diabetes, changes occur in the body. For example, if we are talking about the first type, then the pancreas stops producing insulin, which is necessary in order for glucose to be absorbed. In the second type, the described substance is produced by the body in the right amount, while glucose is well broken down, but the cells do not absorb it. It should be noted that in both of these cases, glucose is retained in the lymph. It comes out of a person only with urine. Because of this, the cells are left without replenishment of glucose. Therefore, they are hungry.

In order to make up for the losses, the body begins to intensively process certain substances, namely fats and proteins. Because of this, acetone begins to be released, as well as ketones. They begin to accumulate in the lymph and poison enters the body. As a result, a person develops weakness, dizziness, as well as the smell of acetone from the mouth. The reasons are quite obvious. At the same time, this substance can smell not only from the oral cavity, but also from the skin and urine. Therefore, if a person smells of acetone, you should immediately contact an endocrinologist and take the appropriate tests. Indeed, in order to carry out treatment and obtain effective results, it is necessary to detect in time that a person has diabetes mellitus.
Eating problems
Acetone can manifest itself even if a person simply does not eat right. Whenthere is a breakdown of fats and proteins, acetone is produced, therefore, if the patient consumes fatty protein food excessively, then the digestive system cannot cope with its processing. As a result, ketones accumulate in the body. Because of this, the smell of acetone from the mouth occurs. With a diet prescribed by a nutritionist, you can get rid of these symptoms.

Diet and fasting
Sometimes, with some diseases, therapeutic fasting may be prescribed. However, when a person goes on a strict diet, his cells begin to suffer from energy starvation. Such actions cause a strong shock in the body. Accordingly, in order to replenish its reserves, it begins to process fats and proteins. That is why the level of ketones in the blood jumps sharply. A similar effect can occur when a person is on a carbohydrate-free diet. Due to the fact that the amount of carbohydrates is sharply reduced, the body makes up for the lack of energy from fats and proteins. With such a diet, a person tries to appease his feeling of hunger and begins to eat meat food. It is this change in diet that causes the smell of acetone from the mouth.
Kidney infections
Ketones in the blood can also appear in the presence of diseases of the biliary tract, as well as kidneys. If some changes occur in the latter, then not only the metabolic functions change, but also the metabolism of fats. Because of this, an excess of ketones is formed in the blood. They also accumulate in the urine, which is why urine smells exactly like ammonia.
Similara symptom may appear with neurosis or dystrophy. The first disease can develop independently, and can also be accompanied by such serious infectious diseases as tuberculosis. Therefore, if swelling, pain in the lower back, and painful urination appear along with an unpleasant odor, you should consult a doctor. He will order tests. And if treatment is started on time, more dangerous complications will not appear.
Thyroid disorders
Very many are interested in what the smell of acetone from the mouth means. It can appear due to problems with the thyroid gland. The most common disease is thyrotoxicosis. It is accompanied by an increase in the secretion of certain hormones. In a person, in addition to bad breath, one can also notice a frequent heartbeat, sweating and severe irritability. If we consider outwardly noticeable symptoms, then tremors may appear, as well as problems with dry hair and skin. There are no problems with appetite, but these people quickly lose weight. They have problems with the digestive tract. Because of this, the process of splitting proteins and fats is disrupted, respectively, toxic substances accumulate in the blood.
If a person has a suspicion of developing such a disease, you need to contact an endocrinologist. An examination will be scheduled. Accordingly, the sooner this disease is calculated, the easier it will be to cure it.
As is clear from the above, the smell of acetone from the mouth always indicates that a person has problems with the breakdown of carbohydrates, his body uses only fats and proteins. Whereinrather serious diseases can also serve as a cause.
Baby problems
Doctors have noticed that bad breath in children is a fairly common problem. 20% of babies have such a problem, and at different ages. The main reasons should be called chronic stress, any tension, problems with the pancreas. Improper nutrition also affects. If a child has changed kindergarten, school, or moved somewhere, then he has nervous tension. It is because of this that the level of acetone produced in the body may increase.
It should also be noted that the smell of acetone from the mouth of a child can indicate that his intestines are disturbed. Probably infection with worms, dysbacteriosis and so on. If a child has an inflamed throat, nose or ear, and an acute respiratory illness is also observed, then acetone may also smell from the mouth.
When it comes to babies, parents need to be especially careful. Most often, this smell occurs when there is an imbalance in the intestines or stomach. This may be due to the mother's milk being too fatty for the baby. Especially this symptom is manifested at the beginning of feeding. You should always notice the fat content of sour cream, cottage cheese and yogurt. They are very dangerous. One fact should be noted: with diabetes, the smell of acetone from the mouth can almost always occur.
Also, the smell appears in children who are sick with inflammation of the kidneys, liver, and so on. In children, such a symptom as the smell of acetone from the mouth is very dangerous. This is due to the fact thatketones quickly poison the child's body. This syndrome is accompanied by severe vomiting.
This smell can occur in the presence of inflammation of the teeth or gums. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the he alth of the baby. If the child suddenly began to smell of acetone from the mouth, you should immediately call the pediatrician, who will prescribe an examination. As a rule, this is a blood test, a sugar test. Treatment should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor, because the smell of acetone from the mouth of a child is a symptom or already the result of a serious problem.
The smell of an adult
The causes of bad breath are the same in adults and children. The difference lies only in the factors that provoke them. Most often, as has already been found out, a similar smell from the oral cavity occurs due to diabetes. Sometimes a strong smell of acetone from the mouth helps to get rid of developing inflammation in time. Unlike children, an adult is easier to adapt to any adverse conditions. It should be noted that if ketone compounds accumulate in the body for too long, this leads to the fact that the human body begins to actively show symptoms of various hidden diseases that were previously inactive.

Smell after alcohol
It should be noted: the smell of acetone from the mouth in an adult can also occur after taking alcohol. The reason is that the body is trying to eliminate alcohol toxins, which an outsider can smell like the smell of acetone. This indicates that the patient isthe acid-base balance in the body is shifting.
It should also be noted that a decrease in the functional abilities of the liver can manifest itself as a similar symptom. Therefore, if you constantly smell of acetone from the mouth after alcohol, you should consult a doctor.
Odor at temperature
It should be noted that the smell of acetone from the mouth of an adult at a temperature is a natural reaction. When a person has an increase in temperature, metabolic processes and, accordingly, chemical reactions are disturbed. In this case, a very large amount of glucose and brown fat is released. When an excess of acetone in their compounds occurs in the body, a child or an adult experiences nausea and vomiting. Ketones are not excreted through the kidneys, they begin to exit through the lungs, so the breath begins to smell like acetone. At the same time, experts recommend drinking plenty of fluids. After the person recovers, the smell disappears. If it remains even after recovery, you should consult a doctor.

Traditional medicine treatment
After clarifying the question of what disease causes the smell of acetone from the mouth, it is necessary to choose a method of treatment. Often people do not go to the doctor, but prefer to use traditional medicine. You need to understand that they give results only with complex treatment, but there are still some herbs that will get rid of the symptoms. You can prepare compote or juice using sea buckthorn and cranberries. A decoction ofwild rose. These berries will strengthen the immune system, normalize the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract. It should be noted that there is no specific method for treating bad breath. It is necessary to direct all therapy to get rid of the causes of this manifestation. This is what will get rid of unpleasant symptoms.
The centaury is often used. It is used in the presence of gastritis, digestive disorders, bouts of vomiting, and so on. It is also drunk with diabetes. It is necessary to prepare a hot infusion. You should use two teaspoons of centaury, pour them with boiling water and let it brew for at least five to six minutes. You can take this infusion during the first day.
Medical treatment
Acetone breath odor should be treated as soon as this syndrome has appeared. Often prescribe "Regidron". It is necessary to dilute the package with a liter of warm water and take it into account that about 10 ml is needed per 1 kg of mass. At the same time, this is done either every hour, or every time after a person vomits. If you use only the therapeutic dose, then there will be no side effects. This drug is used for acetonemic syndrome. Most often it develops in children. Thanks to this medicine, you can restore the water-electrolyte balance.

If you do not want to take this drug, you can replace it with sweet tea or a decoction of dried fruits. They will also help restore balance in the body. If a person has the smell of acetone from the mouth, then to check the contentthis substance, you can use special strips for urine. If there is some serious problem that caused such a smell in the mouth, then acetone will also be present in the urine.
Preventive measures
If a person has the smell of acetone from the mouth in the morning or in the evening, he needs to follow the daily routine, sleep at least 8 hours, be out in the fresh air quite often, exercise, but without strong intensity. Also every day you need to take water procedures. Overheating of the body, nervous situations should be avoided. You need to eat right. The doctor may recommend special remedies such as appetite stimulants, vitamins, sedatives, and so on. If a person has a similar syndrome again, then you need to regularly perform preventive therapy for the underlying disease, which caused the smell of acetone from the mouth.

Most often, with acetonemic syndrome, the prognosis is favorable. It should be noted that if all the problems began in childhood, then, as a rule, they disappear by a more mature period. If you immediately turn to a specialist and draw up a competent treatment strategy, fully comply with it, then over time this disease will never bother you again.
The smell of acetone from the mouth is a signal to a person that there are any problems in the body. In this case, the symptoms must be responded to. There is no need to postpone a visit to the doctor, hoping that it will pass by itself. Skilleda specialist will be able to find out the cause of such a syndrome and understand why this happens. If you know the reasons, you can easily eliminate the smell of acetone from your mouth without any consequences for your body. The main thing is to see a doctor in time.