Chronic enteritis is an inflammatory disease of the small intestine, which is accompanied by a disorder of the digestive function, a persistent violation of defecation. Coping with the chronic form of the disease with standard drugs is often difficult. Therefore, having identified the symptoms, the treatment of chronic enteritis in adults, doctors and patients themselves are trying to supplement the use of folk remedies.

Chronic enteritis is a long sluggish inflammatory process that affects the mucous membranes of the small intestine. This state develops against the background of:
- Acute inflammation of the intestines and duodenum. Weakened immunity can be the first and main reason for the formation of a persistent chronic disease. Therefore, doctors recommend that people with reduced body resistance take less risk: eat right, avoid crowded places if possible (especially during an exacerbation of seasonal diseases), spend a lot of time outdoors, and so on.
- Impact of bacterial, viral, fungal agents. Poorly washed fruits and vegetablesunfiltered boiled water, violation of sanitary standards can cause various infections to enter the body. They, in turn, quickly attaching to the walls of the stomach and intestines, become provocateurs of the inflammatory process.
- Poisoning by household and industrial poisons. Mercury, lead, and other chemicals found in household chemicals and factories can cause chronic enteritis and some other diseases that are not amenable to definitive treatment.

Symptoms of chronic enteritis in the acute stage manifest themselves as follows:
- There is paroxysmal pain around the navel. Food, getting into the stomach, is mixed and split into simpler components. Then it passes into the intestine along with gastric juice for easier absorption. It is at the moment when the microparticles of products and aggressive alkali touch the damaged areas of the smooth epithelium (mucous membrane) that unpleasant, stabbing and cutting pains occur.
- Increased flatulence, nausea, impaired defecation. Since the damaged intestinal walls cannot fully cope with their task - the absorption of nutrients and the release of unnecessary residues, there is a gradual accumulation of toxic substances and their decay. This leads to further development of inflammation, as well as the appearance of multiple symptoms of indigestion.
- Psycho-emotional retardation, declineforces. Due to the fact that nutrients are poorly absorbed, the patient constantly feels drowsiness, weakness, and general malaise. In the most advanced cases, there is a breakdown, anemia.
Degrees of severity
Enteritis, like any other disease, is divided into several types and has a certain degree of severity, which characterizes the depth of damage to a particular body function.
There are three main degrees of severity, which will be discussed below.
1st degree of chronic enteritis is manifested by local symptoms of indigestion. The patient has: heartburn, increased gas formation, loosening of the stool, heaviness after eating, discomfort in the abdomen (navel area). There may also be weight loss up to and including 5 kg.
2nd degree CE - in addition to the above phenomena, the patient experiences: difficulty defecation, pain during bowel movements, nausea in the morning. Weight loss in the second stage can be significant, and most often it is combined with a general weakening, the development of iron deficiency anemia.
3rd degree - impurities of pus or blood are observed in the feces, intestinal peristalsis is disturbed, beneficial microelements are not absorbed at all. The patient has persistent pain in the navel, extending to the groin or lower back. The general condition is greatly weakened, on the verge of exhaustion. In addition to signs of anemia, mild dehydration can be detected.

Exacerbation of chronic enteritis occurs against the background of seasonal infectious viral diseases, malnutrition, non-compliance with doctor's recommendations, prolonged exposure to adverse environmental factors.
Most often, the period of resumption of the inflammatory process begins with a minor indigestion and ends with emergency hospitalization in the gastroenterology department of a district hospital.
To reliably diagnose the first signs of the resumption of chronic enteritis in adults, it is enough to evaluate:
- Defecation quality. Regular stools of a homogeneous consistency indicate the normal functioning of the intestines. Frequent diarrhea or constipation, on the contrary, can serve as the first signals for seeking medical help from a specialized specialist.
- The process of assimilation of food. If you follow the diet and other prescriptions issued by the doctor, there should be no problems with the assimilation of food. But in the event that the appointment was violated, or even with proper nutrition, there are observed: bloating, constant heaviness in the stomach, discomfort after eating, and so on - it is worth re-examination.
- General condition. A sharp decrease in performance, combined with frequent bouts of heartburn, are a reliable sign of an exacerbation of chronic enteritis. To prevent a relapse, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Becausediseases of the gastrointestinal tract are similar to each other, it is possible to differentiate them only through laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods.
Lab tests include:
- Complete blood count. In patients with chronic enteritis, there is a sharp decrease in the amount of iron, signs of an anemic state (hemoglobin less than 100 units).
- Common urinalysis. Significant changes in the readings are not observed, however, the specific gravity and density of the test material is significantly below the norm.
- Biochemical blood test. The study of the levels of ASAT and ALAT, other enzymes shows a persistent violation of the digestive processes.
- Coprogram. Feces may contain traces of undigested food, large amounts of starch, fiber and bacteria.
Hardware and screening diagnostic methods:
- Study of intestinal motility and peristalsis by introducing a probe. This study is carried out in order to determine the cause of stool retention or incontinence (which is quite possible in the case of a running inflammatory process).
- Determination of the rate of absorption and digestion of food. A certain amount of nutrients is injected into the patient through a probe, after which the general characteristics of their absorption and further excretion from the body are determined.

Medicated treatment
Treatment of chronic enteritis in adults with medicines should be carried out in one complex with a strict diet. By and large, the drug method is not aimed at eliminating the disease itself, but at alleviating the symptoms.
The most basic stage of treatment is the fight against dysbacteriosis, namely the colonization of the intestinal microflora with beneficial bacteria. Such means are probiotics, which actively fight harmful bacteria.
Adsorbents are great helpers in reducing diarrhea and removing toxins from the body. These drugs produce a gentle cleansing of the intestines. They also help with bloating by removing excess gases.
The intake of enzymes for the pancreas is often prescribed, since its functions are often violated during enteritis. With acute symptoms of enteritis, inpatient observation is indispensable.
If the disease is severe, then special steroid hormones are used to reduce inflammation in the intestines.
Also, anabolic steroids can serve as an additional component. They contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes in the body, carrying out a better and faster restoration of the intestinal microflora.

The most popular herbs that help to cope with inflammation are considered to be:
- marsh calamus root;
- birch buds;
- Aralia Manchurian root;
- sandy immortelle flowers;
- blood red hawthorn flowers;
- valerian root;
- leaves of the three-leaf watch;
- grass oregano;
- St. John's wort
- flowerscalendula officinalis;
- nettle leaves;
- flowers of linden heart-shaped;
- dandelion root;
- peppermint leaves;
- tansy flowers;
- plantain leaves;
- five-lobed motherwort flowers;
- common yarrow;
- dill seeds;
- horsetail grass;
- common hop cones;
- grass of a series of tripartite;
- large celandine;
- brown rose hips.
Infusions and decoctions are made from them.

In the diet of a patient with chronic enteritis, soups on vegetable broth should be included, light fat-free meat or fish broth is allowed. Vegetables must be well rubbed and boiled. Porridge should be cooked mainly in water or add a little milk. It is also allowed to include cheese, kefir and other fermented milk products in the diet. It is better to rub fruits finely and make jelly out of them.
It is allowed to eat vegetables - potatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, cabbage, beets, carrots. If greens are added, then it should be finely chopped. Vegetables can be stewed or boiled.
It is also allowed to include some meat products in the diet, preferably low-fat poultry, but you can also turkey, beef, rabbit. Without skin. Meat dishes should be boiled or baked in the oven. You can do the same with lean fish.
Diet for chronic enteritis limits pastries and productsfrom flour, if you want sweet, then it is allowed to use honey, jam, marshmallows and marshmallows are also allowed.
Here is an approximate daily diet for a person who has enteritis:
- Breakfast: you can eat a boiled egg (preferably soft-boiled), porridge (mainly oatmeal), drink tea.
- Lunch: meat broth, steamed cutlets, drink jelly.
- Dinner: fish and vegetable salad, tea. An hour before bedtime, you can drink a glass of fresh (1-2 day old) kefir.
The main thing is to remember that adequate treatment, diet and daily routine are prescribed by a doctor. In no case should you self-medicate.