Almost all people are familiar with the problem of flatulence, or bloating. However, not everyone knows what factors cause discomfort. But in order to find out how to treat bloating, it is necessary to understand the mechanism of occurrence. What is flatulence and how to deal with it?
Bloating, or flatulence, is an accumulation of gases in the intestines that occur as a result of a disruption in the digestive system. A swollen abdomen can be accompanied by diarrhea, which significantly impairs a person's quality of life. In most cases, unpleasant symptoms can be eliminated at home, but it is much more difficult to diagnose and treat the causes of bloating and gas formation.

Symptoms of pathology
Bloating can significantly impair the quality of life as a person begins to experience the following symptoms:
- abdominal pain that can be described as bursting;
- increase in the size of the abdomen;
- frequent nasty burping;
- breaking stool;
- loss of appetite;
- nausea with bouts of vomiting if flatulence is caused by an intestinal infection;
- unnatural breath odor;

- irritability, mood swings;
- increase in body temperature;
- joint aches;
- dizziness.
In newborns, bloating is accompanied by loud continuous crying, colic, sleep and appetite disturbances.
Causes of occurrence
This pathology affects all people, regardless of age and gender. It is necessary to know the prerequisites and causes of bloating and gas formation (treatment in this case will be most effective). Flatulence can occur as a result of the following processes:
- Fermentation of underdigested food occurs when you eat a large amount of fatty, fried, s alty food that the stomach is not able to fully digest. Undigested food begins to rot, releasing gas bubbles that irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines.
- Eating incompatible foods. Everyone knows that some food combinations, such as milk and s alted fish, have a laxative effect. Such extreme combinations should be avoided.
- Fast food on the go provokes the ingestion of air bubbles along with food. They accumulate in the lower intestines, causing abdominal heaviness, cramps and flatulence.
- Pregnancy. In this case, the uterus, which increases in size, compressesintestines, which contributes to the difficult passage of gases. As a result, bloating, unpleasant belching, and diarrhea can form.

- Hormonal disorders. During periods such as menstruation, ovulation, lactation or puberty, intestinal fermentation is disrupted. All this provokes excessive gas formation in the intestines and stomach.
- Taking certain medications. Antibiotics, anesthetics and hormonal drugs are especially guilty of side effects in the form of flatulence.
- Bad habits such as smoking and drinking large amounts of alcoholic beverages. This can cause flatulence, especially if you smoke and drink on an empty stomach.
The causes of bloating in adults and their treatment are varied, it is only important to understand the true prerequisites for the appearance of excessive gas formation. Normally, a person releases gases up to 18 times a day. If at the same time they have a sharp unpleasant smell of rotten eggs, then we are talking about flatulence.
Problem after eating
The causes of bloating and gas (and their subsequent treatment) are not always associated with he alth problems or physiological processes. They can occur as a result of a violation of the microflora due to the use of certain foods. Treatment for bloating after meals is not required, but you need to limit the use of certain foods:
- buns, white bread (especially warm);
- legumes (peas, beans, lentils);
- nightshade(eggplant, tomatoes, sweet pepper, pear);
- dairy products;
- carbonated drinks.

In addition to eating certain foods, increased gas formation can occur when talking and laughing while eating. Thus, air bubbles enter the intestines, which provoke the appearance of pain in the navel, heaviness in the abdomen, shortness of breath, constipation.
Flatulence with constipation
Often, bloating (of which the treatment is quite fast) is complicated by problems with the stool. To alleviate the condition, you can take the following measures:
- Diversify your diet with low-fiber foods. Boiled potatoes, onions, carrots, chicken fillet are good for bowel function.
- With the permission of the attending physician, you can take probiotics, which normalize the intestinal flora and improve the functioning of the stomach.
- An active lifestyle has a positive effect on peristalsis. Both outdoor walks and moderate exercise will do.
In addition, with constipation with flatulence, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids - the daily norm is about 1.5-2 liters of pure water.
Bloating in women
Despite the fact that everyone is affected by this problem, regardless of gender, women may have their own reasons for flatulence. It may be accompanied by the following symptoms:
- Dull pain in the lower abdomen, which indicates a rush of blood to the ovaries.
- Fasting more than usual.
- Excessive sweating, mood swings.
- Drawing feeling in the lumbar region.

The treatment of bloating in women will not give the desired result, as flatulence associated with the monthly cycle cannot be controlled. You can slightly improve the condition by taking carminative drugs. Also, nutritionists recommend during this period to reduce the consumption of foods that can cause fermentation in the intestines.
Other causes of flatulence
In addition to hormonal changes and natural female causes for flatulence, there may be other causes of gas or bloating that may need treatment:
- Chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract or cardiovascular system. Pathologies of the liver, gallbladder, intestines negatively affect the production of enzymes, resulting in increased gas production.
- During awakening and change of position (from lying to sitting or standing), the intestines begin to move the accumulated gases to the lower sections, which causes a large accumulation of air and bloating. This condition is not a pathology, but only a feature of the work of a particular organism.
- Genetic predisposition. Hereditary flatulence can occur if a set of genes is transmitted from one of the relatives suffering from increased gas formation. This is also a feature of the body, however, taking certain medications can alleviate the condition.
- Too intense exerciseprovoke saturation of the blood with air that does not have time to exit through the nose. In this case, excess gas is looking for an exit through the intestines. The same condition can occur in stressful situations, when a person begins to quickly inhale the air.
- The intake of cough syrups also provokes flatulence. This is due to the high sugar content that causes this delicate problem.
If there is regular bloating and gas formation, the causes and treatment should be determined by the attending physician as soon as possible.
Diagnostic Methods
Before you start treating bloating, you need to understand what caused it. For this, a number of studies are assigned:
- General and biochemical blood test, which helps to learn about the processes occurring in the body.
- Complete urinalysis.
- Coprogram - analysis of digestive waste in order to study the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Sowing feces for dysbacteriosis.
- Fecal lipidogram, which studies the amount of adipose tissue in waste products. If it is too much, then it is necessary to review the diet and examine the digestive organs.
- Ultrasound diagnosis of the abdominal organs.
- Colonoscopy - examination of the intestines using a colonoscope (a device with a flashlight and a camera at the end), which gives a visual picture of the state of the organs.
- Irrigoscopy - examination of the rectum using an X-ray machine with the introduction of a contrast agent into its cavity.

Methods for researching the causes of bloating in adults and treatment are prescribed by the doctor based on the patient's complaints.
Medicines for flatulence
Treatment of bloating (gas) can be prescribed by the attending physician after examination and finding out the causes of the pathology. The following medications are commonly used:
- "Mezim Forte" copes with bloating when overeating, helps to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
- "Espumizan" is a powerful carminative that helps get rid of the accumulation of excess gases. It can be used even by pregnant women who are familiar with the problem of flatulence.
- "Smecta" relaxes the muscles of the intestine during spasm and helps to remove excess gases. It is also used for indigestion associated with increased gas formation.
- Activated charcoal is an excellent sorbent that removes toxins from the body. Although proven effective, it has the side effects of constipation and dehydration.
- "Polysorb" is a milder analogue of activated carbon, which has virtually no side effects.
- "Enterosgel" helps to extinguish foci of bloating, provoked by putrefactive processes, neutralizes harmful bacteria and removes undigested food from the body.

It is not recommended to self-select the treatment of bloating in adults, ashow to influence the root cause, not the effect.
Folk remedies
Since the causes and treatment of bloating and gas formation in most cases are associated with improper bowel function, these problems can be solved with the help of folk remedies. Dill, its seeds and tinctures are often used. The advantage is that it can be taken even by infants. However, this is not the only method. How to treat bloating at home?
- Decoction of pumpkin seeds helps to relax intestinal motility and remove excess air. The disadvantages of the method include the possibility of indigestion.
- The usual black or green tea can be replaced with herbal drinks based on chamomile and sage.
- Sesame decoction is also used, but it has a specific taste, so it is not suitable for everyone.
- To normalize the balance of intestinal microflora, lemon-ginger tea is used. It neutralizes the action of putrefactive bacteria that provoke flatulence.
- Celery is a universal remedy for cleansing the intestines from toxins and harmful microorganisms. It can be consumed in any form: fried, boiled, stewed, fresh. In addition, its unusual taste can be a highlight in any dish.
- Infusion of cumin seeds helps not only with excessive formation of gases in the intestines, but also with diarrhea.
- Carrot-apple salad can help relieve the unpleasant symptoms of heaviness in the stomach.
- Effective fresh pumpkin juice. It must be consumed 0.5 cups before eachmeal.
- Potato juice reduces the formation of gas in the intestines. It is consumed every morning for 0.5 cups on an empty stomach.
- Gymnastic exercises to smooth the muscles of the intestine will help get rid of the problem without the use of drugs. Making them is not at all difficult - just stretch in different directions and lightly massage the stomach in a clockwise direction.

Treating bloating and gas at home with traditional methods has its advantages, as it can be used even during pregnancy.
Preventive measures
Treatment of bloating and gas can be avoided by following these guidelines:
- You should not eat dairy products in the evenings, as they provoke fermentation. In this way, the causes and treatment of bloating after eating can be avoided.
- It is not recommended to carry out heavy strength training after 18.00, as they are a provocateur of flatulence. Active sports should be carried out in the daytime or in the morning. In the evening, only walking or leisurely swimming is allowed.
- Don't drastically change your diet, unless your doctor insists on it (for example, during an exacerbation of chronic diseases). New foods should be introduced into the diet gradually, replacing old ones.
- If bloating is suspected, treatment should not be self-administered. You need to visit a doctor to find out if this condition is normal orthis is a consequence of pathological processes in the body.
- Frequent problems with flatulence or stools can signal an overload of the gallbladder. In this case, it is necessary to minimize the amount of fatty foods consumed. It is better to replace them with dairy products.
If bloating is regular, then this is a good reason to visit a gastroenterologist. It will help to find the true causes of discomfort.
Bloating as a symptom of disease
Increased gas formation can occur not only as a result of improper diet or lifestyle, but also be a sign of pathology:
- Intestinal adenocarcinoma - cancer of the rectum.
- Adenomatous polyp is a benign growth in the stomach or intestines.
- Alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver.
- Antral gastritis.
- Atherosclerosis.
- Intestinal atony - dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Femoral hernia - the exit of intestinal loops outside the abdominal cavity.
In addition, excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines can be a signal that the body is affected by helminths. This often happens after contact with animals, as well as in young children. It is important to seek medical help in a timely manner in order to determine the cause of increased gas formation and eradicate it.