Diseases and conditions 2024, October

First aid for a compression fracture of the spine. Methods of diagnosis and treatment

First aid for a compression fracture of the spine. Methods of diagnosis and treatment

The human back is able to withstand a sufficiently large load, however, in the presence of such traumatic factors as a fall from a height, a strong blow, heavy lifting or a decrease in bone density, serious mechanical damage can occur, which often results in a compression fracture of the spine

Arthrosis of the spine: diagnosis, symptoms and treatment

Arthrosis of the spine: diagnosis, symptoms and treatment

Arthrosis of the spine, or spondyloarthrosis, is a dystrophic change in the intra-articular cartilage. The disease most often affects the elderly, whose spinal column wears out and loses elasticity

Symptoms of atopic dermatitis. Causal factors and treatment

Symptoms of atopic dermatitis. Causal factors and treatment

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic relapsing disease caused by allergic genesis. Previously, it was known as Besnier's prurigo, now another name is often used: common, disseminated or diffuse neurodermatitis. Symptoms of atopic dermatitis depend on the course of the disease, on the characteristics of its manifestation in different age periods

Causes and symptoms of atopic dermatitis in children

Causes and symptoms of atopic dermatitis in children

Statistics show that almost 12% of the world's population suffers from this disease. So what are the causes of atopic dermatitis in children? What are the main symptoms? What methods of treatment of the disease exist? Many parents are interested in this information

Gierke's disease: causes, symptoms, treatment

Gierke's disease: causes, symptoms, treatment

Glycogenosis type 1 was first described in 1929 by Gierke. The disease occurs in one case out of two hundred thousand newborns. Pathology affects both boys and girls equally

Muscle hypotrophy: causes, symptoms, treatment, drugs

Muscle hypotrophy: causes, symptoms, treatment, drugs

Muscle hypotrophy is a type of dystrophy that occurs as a result of a complex metabolic disorder in the body. The pathological condition develops due to a lack of vitamins, minerals and nutrients in the muscle tissues necessary for their normal functioning

Tick-borne rickettsiosis: treatment, causes, symptoms

Tick-borne rickettsiosis: treatment, causes, symptoms

Tick-borne rickettsiosis is a transmissible infectious disease. The disease is characterized by damage to the skin, vascular system and brain. To prevent the development of infection, it is necessary to observe preventive measures

Violation of fat metabolism in the body: symptoms, degrees, treatment

Violation of fat metabolism in the body: symptoms, degrees, treatment

Violation of fat metabolism in the body can occur for a variety of reasons. A similar problem can provoke many diseases, which is why if dangerous symptoms occur, you need to visit a doctor for diagnosis and treatment

Folliculitis of the scalp: causes, symptoms, treatment

Folliculitis of the scalp: causes, symptoms, treatment

Folliculitis is a pustular infectious disease. Such a pathological process is provoked by bacterial, viral or fungal agents. Occurs on the outside of the head in the hair follicle, sometimes it can penetrate much deeper

Hyperplastic gastritis - what is it?

Hyperplastic gastritis - what is it?

The concept of "hyperplastic gastritis" in medicine means a special lesion of the mucosa, expressed in its thickening, hypertrophy. Over time, it can lead to the formation of polyps or cysts in the stomach. Often the named pathology is referred to as precancerous conditions. We will tell you more about it later in the article

Adenoids: symptoms in adults, causes and treatment with medication and folk remedies

Adenoids: symptoms in adults, causes and treatment with medication and folk remedies

For a long time it was believed that adenoids grow only in childhood. Today, doctors state that pathology occurs not only in children. Increasingly, this condition is diagnosed in the adult population

The thymus gland is enlarged in a baby: what to do?

The thymus gland is enlarged in a baby: what to do?

In medical science, this organ is called the thymus. It is located in the chest, somewhat adjacent to its upper part. It is an actively blood-supplied striated organ, which consists of two lobes. The laying of the thymus begins in the middle of the first trimester of pregnancy, and its maximum formation occurs in the first year of human life

Kidney carbuncle: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Kidney carbuncle: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

What is kidney carbuncle? How does this disease manifest itself, why does it develop at all? We will answer these and other questions regarding the mentioned pathology in the materials of the article under consideration

Nosocomial pneumonia: pathogens, treatment and prevention

Nosocomial pneumonia: pathogens, treatment and prevention

Nosocomial pneumonia is an acute infectious process that occurs in the body under the influence of the active vital activity of pathogenic bacteria. The characteristic features of the disease is the defeat of the respiratory tract of the pulmonary department with the internal accumulation of a large volume of fluid. The exudate subsequently seeps through the cells and penetrates into the renal tissue

Pyelonephritis in newborns: causes, symptoms and treatment

Pyelonephritis in newborns: causes, symptoms and treatment

Pyelonephritis in newborns is a very dangerous disease, as it can lead to serious complications. It is important to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis and subsequent treatment in a timely manner, as this will prevent the transition of the disease to the chronic stage

Pyelonephritis: consequences and complications, causes and treatment of the disease

Pyelonephritis: consequences and complications, causes and treatment of the disease

Pyelonephritis is a non-specific infectious kidney disease activated by various microorganisms. Patients suffering from acute and chronic pyelonephritis account for approximately 2/3 of all urological patients. Inflammation can take place in an acute or chronic form, affect one or both kidneys

Rash on tongue and body: causes

Rash on tongue and body: causes

Very often a rash appears on the tongue of a child and an adult. Definitely, this is a manifestation of some kind of disease. Why a rash appears on the tongue and body and how to treat it, read the article

Nutrition after appendicitis surgery: menu, recipes list of products

Nutrition after appendicitis surgery: menu, recipes list of products

After removing the appendix, you need to carefully monitor your diet. If you do not adhere to a diet compiled by a doctor, then you can cause serious harm to your he alth. Therefore, it is important to follow the rules of nutrition

Red pimples on the tongue: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Red pimples on the tongue: causes, symptoms and treatment features

A person's he alth can be determined by the state and appearance of the tongue. The presence of even minor pathological changes in it are considered symptoms of diseases of the oral cavity and internal organs. Often there are red pimples on the tongue. Often they lead to pain and discomfort. It is more difficult for a person to chew food and talk. The causes and treatment of this phenomenon are described in the article

What is the difference between the symptoms and treatment of food poisoning and indigestion

What is the difference between the symptoms and treatment of food poisoning and indigestion

Food poisoning is often confused with indigestion. But the difference between them is enormous, since the first malaise with untimely help can lead to death, and the second only causes anxiety and deterioration of well-being. The symptoms and treatment of food poisoning are very different from a normal GI disorder. What is the difference? Read more

Heartburn: treatment and causes

Heartburn: treatment and causes

Heartburn is a condition in which fluid from the stomach enters the esophagus (reflux). This fluid can cause inflammation and damage to the lining of the esophagus, although most patients do not show visible signs of inflammation

How to deal with heartburn at home with folk remedies?

How to deal with heartburn at home with folk remedies?

Heartburn is an unpleasant phenomenon that causes considerable discomfort. It occurs when gastric juice enters the esophagus, may be a symptom of certain diseases. How to deal with heartburn with the help of folk remedies, you will learn from this material

Shin fracture: types, treatment, rehabilitation and consequences

Shin fracture: types, treatment, rehabilitation and consequences

Modern life sets a high pace, and often people do not notice the danger. A shin fracture can happen at any time, so you need to know how to provide first aid and quickly recover from an injury

Causes, symptoms and treatment of alveolitis

Causes, symptoms and treatment of alveolitis

Despite the fact that the development of modern medicine in recent years has moved far forward, there are many little-studied diseases. One of them is pulmonary alveolitis

Ankle fracture: with and without displacement

Ankle fracture: with and without displacement

Because the ankles have to bear all the weight of the body, they have a hard time. In addition, this part of the leg is not protected by anything other than the skin. Any impact to this area or an accidental fall can result in a fracture of the outer ankle or the inner (lateral) ankle

Acute gingivitis: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Acute gingivitis: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Diseases of the oral cavity have recently become more common. This is due to the fact that many people do not observe personal hygiene and do not visit the dentist. One of the most common diseases today is acute gingivitis

Protracted pneumonia: causes, effective treatments, rehabilitation after illness

Protracted pneumonia: causes, effective treatments, rehabilitation after illness

The main role in the development of the disease belongs to a decrease in the body's immune response, which includes changes from peculiar and non-specific conditions of protection: a decrease in the activity of T- and B-lymphocytes, a decrease in the synthesis of interferons, containment of complement and phagocytosis, a violation of the activity of macrophages

Flat feet. Reasons for development. Prevention of flat feet

Flat feet. Reasons for development. Prevention of flat feet

In the process of human evolution, the foot has acquired a rather unique design. In the normal state, this part of the skeleton has two arches: transverse (between the finger bases) and longitudinal (along the inner surface)

Pain in the foot when stepped on: causes and treatments

Pain in the foot when stepped on: causes and treatments

Why is there pain in the foot when stepping on? Possible causes and treatments for this pathological condition will be presented below

Transverse flatfoot: photos, symptoms and treatment

Transverse flatfoot: photos, symptoms and treatment

Transverse flatfoot is a flattening of the foot, in which it is in contact with the floor. This pathology occurs with weak muscles. A similar problem can appear if there are ailments of an acquired or congenital nature. Pathology is diagnosed most often in 30-50 years

Streptococcal infection in a child on the skin

Streptococcal infection in a child on the skin

Today, streptococcal infection in a child is a fairly common and common disease, but not all adults understand what it is connected with and how to deal with it. In this article, we will consider the causes, symptoms, and methods of treating this pathology in children of different age categories

Bilateral sinusitis: symptoms and treatment

Bilateral sinusitis: symptoms and treatment

A runny nose in most people is associated with something unpleasant. but not fatal. There is even a proverb: "If a runny nose is treated, then it will pass in seven days. And if not treated, then in a week." This statement reflects the attitude of people to the common cold. However, it is not as harmless as it seems. If it does not go away for a long time or significantly complicates breathing, then sinusitis can be suspected in a person

Salpingoophoritis: treatment, symptoms and consequences

Salpingoophoritis: treatment, symptoms and consequences

Salpingoophoritis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes. It does not arise by itself, but due to the influence of provoking factors. How does this happen? What symptoms indicate the presence of this disease? How is the diagnosis carried out? Can it be cured and what is needed for this? This and much more needs to be said now

Chronic sinusitis: symptoms and treatment in adults and children

Chronic sinusitis: symptoms and treatment in adults and children

Symptoms of sinusitis often develop in patients after suffering colds. Especially often this complication occurs in cases where the treatment of infection has not been given due attention. This disease is extremely common these days. In otorhinolaryngology, sinusitis is called inflammation of the sinuses, which are located in the region of the nasal wings and upper jaw. They are called "maxillary sinuses", hence the name of the disease

Pneumonia: treatment, symptoms and consequences

Pneumonia: treatment, symptoms and consequences

Pneumonia is an acute infectious disease with inflammation of various structures of the lower respiratory tract - bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli. This common disease often threatens people's lives. In modern medicine, a large number of new effective antibacterial agents have been developed, but despite this, in terms of the frequency of deaths, pneumonia ranks first among infectious diseases. Therefore, the treatment of pneumonia must be approached very thoroughly and seriously

Elbow bursitis: home treatment with folk remedies and drugs

Elbow bursitis: home treatment with folk remedies and drugs

This is a disease that occurs when an inflammatory process develops in the synovial sac. At the initial stages of the development of the disease, the patient does not feel discomfort and any other symptoms. Over time, bursitis develops and, in the absence of adequate therapy, can provoke a complete disability in the patient

CHD in a child: causes, symptoms, treatment

CHD in a child: causes, symptoms, treatment

Congenital heart disease (CHD) is an anatomical change in the heart, its vessels and valves that develop in utero. According to statistics, such a pathology occurs in 0.8-1.2% of all newborns. CHD in a child is one of the most common causes of death under the age of 1 year

Vomiting, fever and diarrhea in a 2 year old child. How to alleviate his condition, what to do?

Vomiting, fever and diarrhea in a 2 year old child. How to alleviate his condition, what to do?

Vomiting and diarrhea in a child are always symptoms of a disease. And in such cases, parents of young children are especially worried, who cannot explain what else, besides the named manifestations of the disease, worries them. But it is especially dangerous that vomiting and diarrhea in a child of 2 years old cause severe dehydration of the baby’s body, and the wrong actions of parents can lead to a deterioration in his condition

Flickering arrhythmia of the heart. Symptoms and treatment

Flickering arrhythmia of the heart. Symptoms and treatment

In this article we will talk about how the treatment of atrial fibrillation occurs, as well as what are its main symptoms

Why do people get carpal tunnel syndrome?

Why do people get carpal tunnel syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a pathology that is associated with a change in the structure of the carpal tunnel (the disease is also called carpal tunnel syndrome) and damage to the median nerve