Rash on the legs is a problem that requires specialist advice. Small pimples not only spoil the appearance, but also indicate the development of pathological processes in the body. In addition, a secondary infection may join the inflamed areas. Longer and more expensive treatment will be required.
The reaction of the body to certain stimuli often manifests itself in the form of a rash. It is possible that small pimples in the shin area are a banal allergy. It should be analyzed why inflammation could occur. A rash on the legs in the form of red spots can form upon contact with synthetic materials. It can be tights or tight pants. Inflammation often develops in people who wear non-breathable clothing. Fashionable leggings and trousers made of latex-like fabric today often lead to skin irritation.

Rash on the legs may also indicate the development of a food allergy. This problem is especially common in children of the first years of life. Allergies often occur in breastfed babies if the mother has eatenprohibited product. It is recommended to refuse citrus fruits, nuts, chocolate, coffee, honey.
Allergies on the legs can also develop in representatives of some professions. These may be factory workers with increased vibration. Also, allergies can develop in people who come into daily contact with dust or chemicals.
Initially, you need to find out what leads to the development of unpleasant symptoms and limit contact with the allergen - some people even have to change their profession. It is necessary to wear shoes and clothes exclusively from natural materials. You will also have to give up certain foods.
To eliminate the manifestations of allergies, it is enough to take an antihistamine. If the red rash on the legs does not go away, it is possible that a secondary infection has already joined. In this case, you should seek additional advice from a doctor. Often, when the rash on the legs itches, Fenistil helps relieve itching. However, before using it, it is also recommended to consult a specialist.
Rash on the arms and legs may appear with this disease. Unpleasant symptoms develop due to the ingestion of a scabies mite under the skin. It is believed that people who do not follow the rules of personal hygiene are susceptible to the pathological process. But in fact, anyone can get scabies. Pathogenic microflora is present in public transport, on the door handles of shops, etc.

Most often the first symptomsdiseases appear on the palms. And after a few days, the rash spreads to other parts of the body. What does a rash on legs look like? Small red dots are present on the lower leg, in the interdigital zone, on the feet. Scabies are visible on the skin - these are the tracks of the tick. A characteristic symptom of this disease is severe itching, which intensifies at night.
Due to heavy scratching, the skin becomes inflamed. Often, a secondary infection also joins. Therapy of a complex form of scabies is carried out in a hospital.
Treatment of scabies
The treatment regimen for each patient is selected individually, depending on the form of the disease, as well as individual characteristics. Regardless of whether the rash is located on the legs or throughout the body, all areas must be treated. Washing and change of bed linen is carried out only after full recovery. Contact with water increases the risk of spreading infection.

The most popular drug used for scabies is Benzyl Benzoate. The medicine is available in the form of an emulsion. In a child, a rash on the legs and arms is also treated using this remedy. It has low toxicity and high efficiency.
Initially, the arms are processed, then the legs, then the entire torso except for the scalp. Each area should take at least two minutes to process. Particular care should be taken to rub the drug into the area of the largest accumulation of rashes. With the right therapy, in twoweeks manage to completely overcome the disease.
This is a skin disease of a neurogenic-allergic nature. As a rule, the pathology has a chronic course, and if you do not pay due attention to therapy, you will often encounter relapses.
Rash on the legs with neurodermatitis can appear for several reasons. Often people with vegetative-vascular dystonia suffer from pathology. Patients may also have a genetic predisposition. The general condition of the nervous system is of great importance. So, emotional people are more susceptible to the development of the pathological process.

Most often you have to deal with a limited form of neurodermatitis. The disease has another name - Vidal's lichen. If rashes appeared not only on the legs, but throughout the body, then we are talking about a diffuse form of the pathological process.
How to distinguish neurodermatitis from other similar pathologies? Only a dermatologist can make an accurate diagnosis. But there are clear symptoms that define this disease. The patient is disturbed by small itchy red plaques. The patient stops sleeping normally at night, combs the rash. Often a secondary infection joins.
Treatment of neurodermatitis
It is worthwhile to understand that it will not be possible to completely cure the disease. However, with the right therapy, a stable remission can be achieved. A rash in an adult on the legs and other areas will disappear if he adheres to the doctor's clear recommendations. First of all, it is necessary to establish an emotional atmosphere,avoid stress. The state of the immune system is also of great importance. If other chronic diseases are present, they should also be treated.
A patient suffering from neurodermatitis is shown a special diet. Foods that can cause an allergic reaction should be avoided.

Drug therapy is aimed at eliminating the external symptoms of inflammation. Special creams and ointments are used to help relieve redness and itching ("Fenistil"). Physiotherapeutic procedures, such as cryomassage, inductothermy, magnetotherapy, electrosleep, etc., also help to speed up the process of restoring the state of the epidermis.
Viral infection
Many infectious diseases are accompanied by a rash on the legs. Types of inflamed areas can be very different. The pathological process manifests itself in the form of small pimples or large red spots.
Chickenpox is a common viral disease. The main symptom of this disease are watery rashes all over the body, including on the legs. Most often, the disease develops in childhood. However, adults can also experience chickenpox. Moreover, patients older than 12 years of age are more difficult to tolerate this disease.
Measles is another acute viral illness that causes a rash. The virus enters the body through airborne droplets. In addition to the rash, the patient complains of fever, symptoms of general intoxication. A dry cough may also be present. Similar symptoms mayobserved in scarlet fever.

Rubella usually starts with fever and headache. However, within a few days, a rash appears on the body. By the way, in this case, the inflamed elements are often localized only on the arms and legs.
Any viral disease requires careful therapy using special drugs. Folk methods are not enough here. In no case should you self-medicate. If the pathological process develops in a child under one year old, in most cases he is hospitalized. Only a mild form of the disease can be treated at home.
The patient is prescribed antiviral drugs, as well as anti-inflammatory creams and ointments. Be sure to use means that normalize body temperature, relieve symptoms of general intoxication. For this purpose, Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Panadol, etc. are widely used.

In addition to traditional treatment, folk remedies can also be used. A decoction based on chamomile helps to relieve inflammation well. Two tablespoons of dry raw materials (you can buy it at a pharmacy) are poured with a liter of boiling water and boiled over low heat for 15 minutes. Then the product is cooled, filtered and used to treat the affected areas.
The disease is often diagnosed in young children. One of the symptoms is a rash on the legs. Red dots are the result of the rapid multiplication of pathogenic bacteria. The inflamed elements begin to peel off andfester, causing itching and pain. Infection, as a rule, occurs by contact-household way. Weak children, as well as babies living in poor social conditions, are more at risk of getting sick.
The incubation period of the disease lasts up to 10 days. You can suspect the disease if red spots of irregular shape appear on the child's legs. Within a few days, the inflamed areas are transformed into purulent-bubble elements. As a rule, such bubbles quickly open. After complete recovery, no traces remain. However, with a complex form of the disease, a deeper lesion can be observed - the growth layer of the skin is affected. Improper therapy can lead to scarring.
The general condition of the child is usually not disturbed. The baby may experience discomfort, but the body temperature does not rise.
Treatment of streptoderma
If the inflamed areas are local in nature and the baby's condition does not suffer, local preparations are enough. Depending on the age of the child, his individual characteristics, antibacterial creams and ointments are prescribed. With reduced immunity, additional vitamins and physiotherapy can be prescribed to the patient.
For the period of treatment, the patient must avoid contact with water in order to avoid the spread of infection. He althy skin is treated with cotton swabs soaked in water or chamomile decoction.
Rash on the legs can be present in various diseases. The patient can only guess what pathology he had to face. An accurate diagnosis will be made by a doctor. In no case should you self-medicate. Wrong actions will lead to complications. In this case, longer therapy will be required.