Inguinal ligament sprain: treatment, symptoms, possible causes, diagnostic tests, medical supervision and recovery period

Inguinal ligament sprain: treatment, symptoms, possible causes, diagnostic tests, medical supervision and recovery period
Inguinal ligament sprain: treatment, symptoms, possible causes, diagnostic tests, medical supervision and recovery period

In the article, we will consider the treatment of sprained inguinal ligaments.

This pathology is a violation of the integrity of the connective tissue fibers that hold the thigh muscles to the lower parts of the skeleton. Thanks to such a muscular frame, a person can walk, change the direction of movement.

what to do with stretching
what to do with stretching

In addition, this area contains nerve endings and blood vessels. Therefore, such a pathological condition as a sprain of the groin should be treated immediately. If this is not done, but the muscles are re-injured, the pain syndrome will develop even with minor loads. In the tissues, the development of dystrophic changes begins, lameness will appear, which in the future will be quite difficult to eliminate, and sometimes this phenomenon remains with a person for life. However, this is only possible in extremely rare cases. Inguinal ligament sprain is treatablesuccessful.

Reasons for the development of this pathology

Sprains of similar localization most often occur in athletes. Although this phenomenon is often found in everyday life, especially during the performance of physical work. The risk group includes people who lead a passive lifestyle.

The list of the main factors that can lead to the development of inguinal sprains (in ICD-10 - T14.3) includes:

  • falling from a height;
  • quick execution of movements (in this case, they overstrain and stretch the inguinal ligaments to the limit);
  • sharp turns on one leg;
  • lymphadenitis (inflammatory process in the lymph nodes in the groin area);
  • diseases of the connective tissue that provoke a violation of its physiological integrity;
  • excessive physical activity (in this case, there is a strong contraction of the muscles of the peritoneum, stretching the inguinal ligaments);
  • weak ligamentous apparatus;
  • pathology of the hip joint: arthritis, osteoarthritis, infection or inflammation in the joint;
  • hereditary tendency to dislocations and sprains.
inguinal ligament sprain in women
inguinal ligament sprain in women

This is not a complete list of factors that can cause a groin sprain. However, these reasons are the most common. If appropriate action is not taken, a hernia may develop.

Symptoms of inguinal sprains in men and women

Stretching the ligamentous system of the inguinal region cannot go unnoticed. Canhighlight the following symptoms of this pathological condition:

  • pronounced crunch or crackling at the time of injury;
  • bright pain syndrome, which can have a different character (pulling, aching, sharp pains), but it is local and does not spread to other parts of the body;
  • swelling and swelling at the site of injury to the ligaments;
  • hematoma may occur as a result of rupture of blood vessels;
  • appearance of tightness in the groin area after a certain time after stretching;
  • the phenomenon of local hyperthermia in the affected area, since the development of the inflammatory process occurs here.
mcb sprain of inguinal ligaments
mcb sprain of inguinal ligaments

Other symptoms of sprained inguinal ligaments

There may also be other symptoms: large bruises, increased swelling, limited mobility.

Symptomatics of sprains in the inguinal ligaments in women and men are somewhat different. In men, pain during stretching of this category of muscles can be given to the genitals, most often to the testicles. In women, the pain syndrome is located in the perineum and may radiate to the anus.

Groin sprain degree

Sprain of this localization has several degrees of difficulty:

  • First degree, which is characterized by minor damage to the ligaments, mild discomfort in the affected area, no limitation of motor function.
  • Second degree, which is characterized by mild sorenessand a slight limitation in movement, while there may be slight swelling and blueness of the skin.
  • Third degree, in which there is intense pain during movement and at rest. Muscle spasms, swelling, and bruising may also occur.

Symptoms of inguinal sprains in women and men should not go unnoticed.

sprained inguinal ligaments symptoms in women
sprained inguinal ligaments symptoms in women

Diagnostic measures

Before proceeding with therapeutic procedures to eliminate such a pathological condition, it is necessary to undergo a diagnostic examination, in which specialists will determine the type and degree of damage, its form, and establish the presence of concomitant complications. It is necessary to contact a traumatologist for the treatment of sprained inguinal ligaments.

Features of first aid for sprains

With this pathology of the inguinal ligaments, first aid should be provided:

  1. Apply a cold compress to the damaged area - this will reduce the severity of swelling, prevent complications, and reduce pain. In this case, the patient should lie down, and a roller should be placed under the buttocks.
  2. Fix the lower limb, immobilize it. To do this, it is recommended to use a tight bandage using an elastic bandage.
  3. It is also recommended to use special orthopedic devices to reduce the load on the leg: a cane or a crutch.

Timely medical care for sprainsin the groin area will reduce the likelihood of complications, as well as speed up the healing process. In the future, it is necessary to carry out appropriate therapy, which the doctor will prescribe.

Diagnosis includes:

  • X-rays, which are only required for injuries or fractures.
  • MRI or CT - techniques that allow you to see the structure of damaged tissue in layers and determine the type of therapy, determine the further development of the pathological process.
  • Ultrasound, which allows you to see concomitant pathologies of muscle or ligament damage.
sprained inguinal ligaments symptoms in men
sprained inguinal ligaments symptoms in men

Inguinal sprain treatment

After the diagnosis is made, drug therapy should be started. Stretching of the inguinal ligaments of mild or moderate degree is easily stopped by medical and physiotherapeutic methods. Treatment involves the use of such drugs:

  • analgesics that help relieve pain quickly;
  • anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs that eliminate unpleasant symptoms (pills, ointments with a warming effect);
  • anti-inflammatory hormonal drugs that are used in the most difficult situations when other drugs do not provide the expected effect;

Therapy for inguinal ligament sprains (in ICD-10 - T14.3) should be carried out against the background of absolute rest of the limb. In this case, the duration of this period is at least a week. Every few hours on the damaged areaice is put on. At this time, the patient is recommended to wear bandages, orthoses. Athletes need to refrain from training for a while.

what to do with sprained inguinal ligaments
what to do with sprained inguinal ligaments

Physiotherapeutic treatment can give a very positive result, which contributes to the gradual restoration of damaged inguinal ligaments, not only when stretched, but even if the patient is diagnosed with a rupture or dislocation. In any case, the patient should be constantly under medical supervision, which will reduce the likelihood of negative consequences.

Treatment for a groin sprain should be comprehensive.

Restoration process

When the patient's condition returns to normal, it is necessary to start therapeutic rehabilitation exercises, which will speed up the rehabilitation process and restore the mobility of the hip joint. However, all specialized exercises should be performed with the utmost care, since any careless movement can lead to pain and complicate the healing process.

You can perform such exercises not only in special institutions, but also at home. If this is done at home, the patient is advised to strictly follow all the recommendations of doctors. The recovery period lasts for different times, which directly depends on the degree of complexity of the sprain in the groin.

Prevention of this pathology

However, damage to the ligaments of the groin can be prevented. For this, somepreventive rules:

  • before doing any physical activity, you should definitely do a warm-up;
  • you need to live actively - ride a bike, walk more often;
  • most cases of groin sprains occur in men due to their lower flexibility than women, so men need to be careful when exercising;
  • follow a proper diet so that the body receives the necessary carbohydrates.
sprain of inguinal ligaments mkb 10
sprain of inguinal ligaments mkb 10

Sprain in the groin. As a rule, it is accompanied by a microfracture of the fibers. At the same time, a person experiences quite severe pain and sometimes loses the ability to move. It is desirable to prevent the occurrence of such a condition, however, if this was not possible, its treatment should be correct and timely.

We covered what to do for a sprained groin.
