Bull tapeworms: diagnosis and treatment

Bull tapeworms: diagnosis and treatment
Bull tapeworms: diagnosis and treatment

Beef tapeworm is considered the largest helminth, which consists of detachable segments that have the ability to move independently through the body. Bull tapeworms can live in the human intestine for up to 18 years and grow to a length of more than 10 meters. As a rule, infection with bovine tapeworm is manifested by a disorder in the functioning of the nervous system, allergic reactions, unstable stools, indigestion and abdominal pain.

bull tapeworms
bull tapeworms


Diagnosing a bovine tapeworm is not difficult, because fragments of the parasite are visible in the feces with the naked eye. Microscopic examination clearly shows numerous mature eggs of the bovine tapeworm. At the first suspicion of the presence of such uninvited guests in the body, you should immediately contact an infectious disease specialist or a parasitologist, and if they are not there, a therapist.


If a diagnosis of "parasite infestation" is made, treatment with Prozikvanten or Niclosamide is prescribed, which have the ability to reduce the resistance of the bovine tapeworm to gastric juice, after which it and its larvae die. Therapy should be continued until all bovinetapeworm, larva and eggs.

bull tapeworm larva
bull tapeworm larva

Surgical treatments

Tapes are treated with surgery if:

• It is not possible to use anthelmintic drugs in those infected whose infection has reached important organs, and there is a risk of inflammation and necrosis.

• Worms or parts of their bodies stuck in the pancreas or bile ducts.

• Tapeworm infection occurred in case of appendicitis.

• In cases of neurocysticercosis and cysticercosis.

• There are maggots in the eyes.

Recently, the use of bioresonance therapy has been especially popular. In this case, the destruction of parasites occurs through the action of electromagnetic waves. Everyone also likes this technique because after it there are no unpleasant sensations or side effects.

Prevention and symptoms

Everyone should know that bovine tapeworms can enter the body very quickly, and then it is quite difficult to remove them: it can take several years. Remember to wash your hands regularly and roast meat.

bovine tapeworm eggs
bovine tapeworm eggs

The main signs of the disease to look out for are pain in the lower abdomen, irregular stools, constant insomnia, and loss of appetite. Moreover, the sick immediately begin to lose weight for no apparent reason, suffer from bouts of nausea and vomiting.

Risk group

The risk group includes lovers of stroganina, raw minced meat, steak with blood, as well aspeople who do not follow basic hygiene rules and have direct contact with raw meat.


Beef tapeworms can exist in the human body for more than a decade, because their larvae develop in all possible organs, which often causes attacks of appendicitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis and other diseases of the abdominal cavity. There is a violation of the integrity of the abdominal walls, because the tapeworm sticks to them with its suckers, releases toxins, which negatively affects the work of all organs and systems.
