Chronic inflammatory disease of the skin with allergic reactions is called atopic dermatitis. The definition of "atopic" is assigned because various unusual reactions occur to ordinary stimuli, which under normal conditions should not cause inflammation. Most often, the disease manifests itself in the first year of a child's life.

Atopic dermatitis has many different symptoms. However, there are clear signs by which it can be distinguished from other skin diseases. In most cases, the symptoms depend on the child's age.
- In children under two years of age, foci of dermatitis occur on the cheeks, the outer surface of the hands, neck, and legs. Manifestations appear in the form of red spots, blisters, accompanied by itching. The kid constantly itches, appetite and sleep are disturbed, irritability appears. The disease is also known as"diathesis".
- After two years, the foci of the disease are located in other places: on the bends of the elbows and knees, on the back of the hands, feet, neck and behind the ears. The skin in these places itches. From constant scratching, it becomes covered with crusts and thickens. Erosion and cracks are not uncommon.
- In older age, starting from the age of 12, foci of inflammation occur in the decollete, on the face, on the hands, elbows and knee bends. Peeling appears, the skin of the affected areas thickens, elasticity decreases. All symptoms are accompanied by intense itching. Often a secondary bacterial or viral infection joins atopic dermatitis.

Atopic dermatitis in a child: treatment
Therapy of the disease implies an integrated approach and includes special skin care, diet and the use of medications.
- The first step is to identify the allergen that causes atopic dermatitis in a child. Treatment takes a long time. It is necessary to eliminate contact with the causative factor, draw up a specific diet menu, get rid of helminthic invasion.
- It is important to carry out care and local treatment of the skin. Use hormonal and non-hormonal ointments and creams that reduce itching and inflammation. In the remission phase, special cosmetics should be used to keep the skin in good condition.
Drugs for Atopic Dermatitis Diagnosis
The child has treatmentshould be carried out in strict accordance with the doctor's prescriptions. The following groups of drugs are commonly used:
- adsorbents;
- antiallergic;
- hormonal (glucocorticoids);
- antifungal;
- anti-inflammatory;
- antibiotics;
- immunomodulators;
- enzyme preparations.

Atopic dermatitis in a child. Home treatment
Not all herbs can be used for this skin ailment. In sick children, rashes may increase due to their use. However, some methods of herbal medicine can significantly alleviate the condition of the child.
- Baths from infusion of birch buds: a tablespoon of raw materials per 200 grams of boiling water. Infuse for a couple of hours, strain and add to a bath of water.
- Bathing in water with an infusion of nettle, burdock root, violet herb, yarrow. 120 grams of herbs are taken per liter of boiling water.
- Starch baths help well against itching: dilute 40-50 grams of the substance with hot water, add when bathing.
- An ointment based on vegetable oil and propolis has a healing effect on a disease such as atopic dermatitis in children. Feedback on the use of traditional medicine is mostly positive. With the help of herbs and plant-based ointments, you can alleviate the condition of the patient and relieve itching.
Diet for sickness
The diet of a child with atopic dermatitis should be hypoallergenic. Necessaryeliminate the products that cause the reaction. Sometimes this requires allergy testing. If the disease occurs in a child who is breastfed, then the mother's diet should be adjusted.