Symptom of an enlarged thyroid gland. Causes of an enlarged thyroid gland, treatment

Symptom of an enlarged thyroid gland. Causes of an enlarged thyroid gland, treatment
Symptom of an enlarged thyroid gland. Causes of an enlarged thyroid gland, treatment

Not all people annually undergo preventive examinations by an endocrinologist. But often this is the only way to identify problems in time and start treating them. Of course, there are a number of signs that you can suspect that something is wrong, but often people simply do not pay attention to them.


Enlarged thyroid symptom
Enlarged thyroid symptom

It is important to know what may indicate possible problems, which symptom of an enlarged thyroid gland should be paid attention to first. So, at home, you can only try to probe this organ. It is located in the neck, just behind the thyroid cartilage, which moves during swallowing.

If you place your hand so that the thumb is to the left of the cartilage, and the other 4 to the right, you can feel the formation, which has a soft texture. This is the organ we need. To understand if there is an increase in the proportions of the thyroid gland, you need to know what size it should be. So, normally, it is as long as the extreme phalanx of the thumb - the one on which the nail is located. if youseems to be larger, it is best to make an appointment with an endocrinologist who can conduct a professional examination.

During the self-test, you can evaluate its density and check for knots. Ideally, it is soft and elastic. In other cases, you must definitely see a doctor. Such a symptom of an enlarged thyroid gland cannot be ignored. After all, its dense structure may indicate oncology. It is also important to ensure that it moves with the thyroid cartilage during swallowing.

Pay attention to soreness. Normally, with a manual examination of the gland, only discomfort should be present. In all other cases, a visit to the doctor becomes mandatory.

Reasons for increase

Causes of an enlarged thyroid gland
Causes of an enlarged thyroid gland

Having figured out which symptom of an enlarged thyroid gland should not be ignored, it is also important to understand what led to problems. So, first of all, the doctor conducts a survey of the patient, clarifying whether he has a genetic predisposition. But, in addition to heredity, there are other reasons. Enlargement of the thyroid gland may be due to a violation of the mechanism of iodine absorption or with too low intake of this trace element in the body.

Goiter can also be formed as a result of excessive irradiation of the neck or head. Sometimes the causes of problems lie in an excessive number of stresses, prolonged depression, and nervous breakdowns. Lead to the appearance of goiter and hormonal disruptions in the body.

Varieties of goiter

Thyroida photo
Thyroida photo

Depending on the clinical picture, doctors distinguish several stages. At grade 0, thyroid problems are not detected on a manual examination. She is of normal size without any formations.

A grade 1 enlargement of the thyroid gland is characterized by minor changes that can be felt. But the shape of the neck is not changed, no deformations can be seen with the naked eye.

2 stage is characterized by a noticeable increase in the body, which leads to the appearance of bulges on the skin. The neck is deformed. It is impossible not to notice a goiter of the 2nd degree.

Also, experts distinguish diffuse and nodal changes. In the first case, the iron increases evenly. Diffuse goiter is also divided into toxic and non-toxic. The nodular form of the disease is characterized by a limited area of enlargement of the gland. There is also a mixed type of goiter. There are signs of both diffuse and nodular enlargement.

Classification of problems

As a result of the examination, the endocrinologist must not only establish the degree of thyroid enlargement, but also identify a euthyroid, hypothyroid or hyperthyroid state. The symptoms of goiter will depend on the changes that have occurred with the specified organ.

The euthyroid increase usually goes unnoticed by patients. People usually don't complain about anything. But in such patients, disturbances in the work of the cardiovascular system, signs of myocardial pathologies are noted. There may also be problems with metabolic processes.

Hyperthyroidgoiter is less common. But it is worth noting that such an increase in the thyroid gland in women is diagnosed more often than in men. Patients may complain of periodic shortness of breath, palpitations, sweating. Also, with this form of the disease, trembling of the fingers is noted.

Hypothyroid goiter has a number of clinical signs, but they may not appear in the early stages. In more advanced forms, diagnosis is quite simple. Patients have a somewhat puffy face, dry skin, pale skin. There is also increased hair loss.

Symptoms of euthyroid gland enlargement

Degrees of enlargement of the thyroid gland
Degrees of enlargement of the thyroid gland

Clinical manifestations of the disease will directly depend on which form has developed. For example, euthyroid goiter does not manifest itself in any way. Even a blood test for thyroid hormones does not allow it to be diagnosed. Most often, such an increase looks like a noticeable cosmetic defect. The thyroid gland is clearly visible on the neck. Photos of people with this disease are most common. The increase can be so great that the gland compresses the vessels, reduces the lumen of the trachea, esophagus. In this case, the person may complain of difficulty breathing and swallowing.

Signs of hyperthyroiditis and hypothyroiditis

Detailed questioning of the patient and collection of complaints allows the endocrinologist to establish a preliminary diagnosis. So, hyperthyroid goiter is characterized by hyperfunction of the thyroid gland. Patients in most cases complain of bulging eyes, tachycardia, increased pressure, acceleration of metabolic processes,increased appetite.

Hypothyroid goiter manifests differently. Even increased drowsiness is a symptom of an enlarged thyroid gland. In addition, the disease is manifested by hypotension, hair loss, a feeling of dry mouth, some lethargy, flatulence, and constipation. Often, patients are diagnosed with anemia based on test results. Some even have hearing loss. This may be due to swelling of the Eustachian tube.

Purpose of the gland

Thyroid enlargement, symptoms, treatment
Thyroid enlargement, symptoms, treatment

It is important to understand that thyroid diseases affect the work of the whole organism as a whole. So, this organ is responsible for the normal, stable functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. It also controls protein synthesis, which takes place at the cellular level, the consumption of phosphates, calcium and oxygen. In order to prevent problems in time, you need to know how an enlarged thyroid gland manifests itself. Symptoms (treatment should be aimed at correcting the work of the specified organ) can be varied. They differ depending on the type of disease.

In cases where the thyroid gland stops working normally, weight changes, problems with the mental and energy state are observed. Thus, if not diagnosed in time, the disease can lead to obesity, serious heart failure, hair loss, sexual dysfunction and other he alth problems.

Importance of treatment

If an endocrinologist notices even one symptom of an enlarged thyroid gland, he will most likely send you toanalyses. In this case, it is necessary to surrender the main hormones responsible for its work. Also, the doctor can send for an ultrasound examination of this gland. With the help of blood tests, you can determine how much the level of hormones responsible for its work has changed. And ultrasound allows you to accurately determine the stage of goiter, to identify even small nodules.

After the final diagnosis, do not try to self-medicate and in any case do not refuse hormone therapy. In most cases, only with its help you can reduce the load on the thyroid gland. The prescribed hormones can fill the needs of the body and thereby improve its work. But you need to take them regularly. Periodically, the endocrinologist will recommend retaking tests. This is necessary to correct the dosage of hormones. In addition, treatment may be aimed at eliminating the causes that led to violations.

Therapy Methods

Enlargement of the thyroid gland 1 degree
Enlargement of the thyroid gland 1 degree

To choose the right treatment, you need to know what exactly affected the changes, to identify the causes. Enlargement of the thyroid gland requires not only the competent prescription of drugs, the selection of the right dosage of hormonal drugs, but also a lifestyle correction.

If a doctor talks about treatment that can eliminate the causes of problems, then you need to be prepared to change your diet and a number of habits. It is important to increase your activity, strive to change your metabolism.

Endemic goiter appears in most cases due to insufficient intake of iodine in the body. ATin this case, doctors may prescribe appropriate drugs, for example, it may be the remedy "Iodomarin".

But when a hyperthyroid goiter appears, it is necessary to correct the functioning of the thyroid gland so that it produces less hormones. These drugs are called thyreostatic. These can be medicines "Tyrozol", "Metizol", "Mercazolil". The active ingredient in them is thiamazole. Also, the doctor may prescribe the remedy "Propicil". In it, the active substance is called propylthiouracil. Treatment with such drugs can last 1-1.5 years, depending on the degree of thyroid enlargement.

Hypothyroid goiter requires a different approach to treatment. Thyroxine is needed to normalize the condition. The most famous remedy that can restore the level of this hormone in the body is "L-thyroxine". It is also important to use vitamin complexes. Vitamins of groups B, A, C must be supplied to the body in sufficient quantities. If the disease is accompanied by anemia, then iron preparations are prescribed.


In some cases, the goiter is so enlarged that it can compress the internal organs, pinch the arteries, trachea and esophagus. Also, sometimes a growing thyroid gland can cause cosmetic defects. The photo gives a clear idea of how much this organ can be enlarged. So, some have egg-sized enlargements in the neck area.

In such situations, conservative therapy is unlikely to be appropriate. True, in some situations, the surgeon's knife can be replaced with radiation therapy.

Problems in children

Thyroid enlargement in children
Thyroid enlargement in children

Thyroid problems can start at any age. But in babies, they cause a number of problems that cannot be corrected later. Thus, an increase in the thyroid gland in children can adversely affect both the mental and physical development of the crumbs. Also, it is this organ that is responsible for metabolic processes, the state of immunity, and the work of the heart.

There are a number of symptoms that may suggest that the child has problems in the field of endocrinology. It is better to go to the doctor if the baby became lethargic, unusual allergic reactions began to appear, and infectious diseases became more frequent. The skin may be dry, but in some cases it becomes moist, edematous. Short stature is also a clear sign of problems. It is also desirable to get an endocrinologist's consultation if, according to the tests, the doctor diagnoses anemia in the crumbs.

Only a pediatric specialist should treat babies. They may do a manual test, recommend a hormone test, or go for an ultrasound. Only a pediatric endocrinologist can interpret all the results, taking into account the age of the child and the clinical picture that he saw during the examination.
