A person is not usually inclined to admire his nose, although he deserves it in the first place. More often people overly criticize this part of the face and dream of changing it. Did you know that the nose is a real decoration of a person and an irreplaceable organ. Doctors have already carried out successful experiments on transplantation of many organs, but the nose has not yet become one of them.
Anatomical structure
The nose is made up of cartilage. But this is only its tip, the third part. More than 2/3 of the nose is hidden inside and has a very complex structure. It consists of 14 bones:
- 5 paired (maxillary, palatine, lacrimal and nasal, 2 turbinates).
- 4 unpaired (vomer and sphenoid bones, frontal and ethmoid).
The outer cartilage adjoins the bone. The nose is divided by a septum, it naturally has a natural curvature. The left side of our sense of smell is more sensitive to smells.

The nasal cavity has the shape of an elongated canal in the front of the skull. Its beginning is the nostrils, and the end is the choanae. This isopenings that connect the nose to the nasopharynx.
Most of the organ is occupied by the nasal passages - there are 3 floors. They communicate with the cavities in the walls of the skull - the sinuses. There are four pairs of them:
- The Gaimorovs.
- Frontal.
- Wedge-shaped.
- Cells of the lattice labyrinth.
Normally they are filled with air. If inflammation occurs, edema develops in them, mucus accumulates, which can provoke a purulent process.
The structure of the mucosa
The inner surface of the nose is covered with a very sensitive mucous membrane. Therefore, any blows to this area of \u200b\u200bthe face are so painful. The mucosa is always moist and warm, it has a lot of blood vessels.
The inside of the nostrils are covered with short stiff hairs (vibris) that sometimes peep out in older people. The hairs have a protective function - they trap large particles that enter the nose.
If they miss something, the sticky slime that foreign particles stick to will be another barrier.
The mucous membrane has 2 zones - respiratory and olfactory. The latter is located in the upper part of the nasal cavity. It contains 12 million olfactory receptor cells, the number of which decreases with age.
In general, a person is able to catch 10,000 smells. What the nose is not able to catch can become deadly to humans, such as natural gas or carbon monoxide.

You need to know that the sense of smell is directly related to the memory center of the brain. Newborn babies smellmuch sharper than adults. But already in the first year of life, this ability is halved.
The respiratory part of the mucosa is covered with ciliated epithelium with many cilia that make specific movements that prevent the penetration of pathogenic particles. The nose is a real protective biological filter. There are many lymph nodes in its mucosa, which supply white blood cells that destroy bacteria. The nasal mucosa must always remain moist. When it is dry, a person gets sick.
Nose growth
It is believed that the nose grows and takes its shape by the age of 10. Then it grows slowly: in women up to 17 years, in men - up to 19. Under the influence of gravity with age, this organ begins to sag a little, lengthen. This is due to the breakdown of elastin and collagen in the skin, indicating the onset of old age.
However, Swiss scientists prove that this organ grows throughout life, although this is not so noticeable. For this, 2500 different noses were examined and it was found that, for example, at 97 years old it is 8 mm longer than at 30 years old.
The nose is, first of all, a tool for ventilation of the lungs. It is he who provides rhythmic deep breathing, on which even the state of the psyche depends. With excitement, breathing becomes uneven, superficial, quickens. To calm down, it is always recommended to breathe deeply rhythmically. Then the normal rhythm of the vital activity of the cells of the body is restored.
Calm breathing alkalizes the body. This is useful. Intense and frequent inhalations-exhalations cause hyperventilation of the lungs. It's bad forhe alth, because blood acidification occurs. Acidosis destroys cell membranes and vessel walls, and can lead to stroke. Breath holding also works. Thus, the nose is not only a thermoregulator in maintaining a stable temperature regime, but also a participant in the body's bioenergetic regime.
This is well known to yogis. In their treatises, the breath of one right nostril is called "solar", and the breath of one left nostril is called "lunar".
Through the right nostril, the body warms up, but with the duration of such breathing, acidosis may occur. When breathing only through the left body, the body cools and the alkaline resource of the blood increases. Alternate breathing of this kind can regulate acid-base balance.
A person cannot live without oxygen, but the lungs are not capable of taking it directly. First, the air should warm up optimally, be cleaned of dust and harmful impurities, and be humidified.

All these tasks are performed by the nose. Why doesn't mouth breathing give oxygen saturation even if the mouth is opened wide? Because only when air passes through the nose, the alveoli fully open, and oxygen enters the blood.
In the process of inhalation, in the short period of time when the air passes through the nose, it is warmed and moistened. The delicate lung tissue can be protected in this way.
In some cases, the timbre of the voice also depends on the nose - it is determined by the structure of the nasal sinuses. When they are inflamed and edematous, a person has a gundos.
What gives connectionnose with memory
If some spirits are associated with pleasant emotions, the signal goes to the limbic system, which connects emotions with events. Memory becomes sharper.
Have you ever noticed how animals sniff each other with their noses when they meet? The fact is that in the sinuses of the nose in humans and animals accumulated pheromones that cause sexual attraction.
Cold nose symptom
Sometimes people complain about a constantly cold nose - both in the heat and in the cold, even indoors. When freezing or being in the frost on the street - this is a common occurrence. In other cases, such a condition may indicate some pathologies or conditions of the body.
Leave this unattended. A cold nose is a sign of he althy cats and dogs, but not a person. His organ of smell and the bridge of his nose should be warm. Violation of thermoregulation, namely peripheral circulation, is the most common cause of a cold nose in humans.
Pathologies with a cold nose
The process of thermoregulation is controlled by the hypothalamus, which is often compared to an on-board computer. Throughout the body there are very sensitive thermoreceptors that capture even the smallest fluctuations in the temperature of the external environment and transmit a signal to the hypothalamus. This organ controls the increase or decrease in heat transfer, so the temperature in the body is constant and normally ranges from 36.4 to 37 ° C. If this chain is disturbed, a decrease in temperature occurs. A person's nose, hands, ears, cheeks begin to freeze first.
Disrupted workhypothalamus can make heat loss critical, catabolism can slow down to a lethal mark. Failures are noted in the cardiac and endocrine systems, with blood diseases and other pathologies.
Another reason for a cold nose in humans is laziness and physical inactivity among modern residents of megacities, as well as low stress resistance. The combination of impaired circulation and stress disrupts thermoregulation.
Cardiovascular disease
Complaint about a cold nose seems to many ridiculous or not worthy of attention. However, the causes of a cold nose in an adult will not cause laughter at all on closer examination. If the nose freezes, it means that the body gives off heat, but cannot produce enough of it on its own.
Why does a person have a cold nose? The reasons may be in heart disease, pulmonary, renal, as these pathologies lead to high blood pressure. Then blood circulation in the organ of smell, brain, vessels and limbs is disturbed.

Cold nose in 82% of cases is a malfunction of the cardiovascular system and a sign of myocardial hypoxia. It usually occurs in the elderly, smokers, neurasthenics. Hypotension is no less harmful.
Acute hypotension and myocardial dysfunction are always combined. Hypoxia disrupts gas exchange in tissues. It prevents normal redox reactions from occurring that would maintain normal temperatures. The result is hypoxia. If there is little oxygen, there is no formationheat.
Raynaud's disease
Why does a person diagnosed with Raynaud's disease always have a cold nose? Because it affects the surface capillaries. A cold nose may be a harbinger of this. Raynaud's disease can be provoked by constant hypothermia, rheumatism, stress, endocrinopathies.
Vegetovascular dystonia
The cause of a cold nose in a person can be a violation in the autonomic system. Vegetation is always secondary and becomes a consequence:
- Depression.
- Hypertension.
- IHD.
- Endocrine disorders.
Due to stress, narrowing of peripheral vessels occurs with impaired blood supply, the nose becomes cold. The causes of a cold tip of the nose in humans are a lack of blood circulation. Respiratory disorders also join this, as less oxygen is supplied, so the body temperature becomes lower.
With diabetes, thermoregulation is always disturbed, which also causes a person's nose to get cold. Fluctuations in blood sugar adversely affect the work of the hypothalamus, the thermal balance with the external environment suffers. This can also cause a cold nose in a person. In addition, diabetes reduces the elasticity of blood vessels, so the peripheral circulation is disturbed.

The patient has not only thirst, but also a constant feeling of cold. Biochemical processes in the body with DM slow down with the release of heat, cold extremities and nose are frequent companions of thispathology.
Why is a person's nose cold with thyroid dysfunction? The point is in violation of lipid metabolism, because of which the muscles begin to be replaced by adipose tissue. Normal contraction of muscle fibers usually produces heat - this is contractile thermogenesis. Remember, to keep warm in the cold, you need to jump or run a little. Nose so warm impossible. If heat is not generated in the required volume, the surface capillaries constrict.
Impaired circulation - the causes of a constantly cold nose in humans. That is why, even entering a warm room, a person cannot warm up for a long time.
It is also important that in hypothyroidism, thyroid hormones are produced less than normal, and they are regulators and controllers of energy production in the body. Therefore, there are chills, a feeling of constant fatigue, dry skin, brittle hair and nails.
Muscles weaken, weight increases, general lethargy is observed. Therefore, a person is always cold. Why is a person's nose always cold? The reason may be hormonal failure.
Hormone deficiency can be caused not only by gland hypofunction, but also by AIT disease (autoimmune thyroiditis). Less commonly, the cause may be the complete removal of the thyroid gland.
Reaction to cold
Why is a person's nose cold? When ears, nose, arms and legs freeze in the cold, this is the norm, but only up to a certain limit. If from cold the vessels are narrowed more than the permissible limits, blood circulation is sharply disturbed. In this case, frostbitten skin turns white, there is a feeling of numbness. No movements, such as rubbing, give an effect.
If at the same time you were able to restore normal blood flow, the blood rushes sharply, there is pain, pulsation, tingling in the affected areas. Why does the nose get cold in the cold? At a low temperature of the external environment, the body drives the blood to the vital organs in order to fully work - this is the acquisition of evolution. Protruding parts of the body in the cold are the worst supplied with blood.
We must not forget that the cartilaginous tissue of the nose is devoid of fat, so nothing protects it from the cold. You need to be able to distinguish when the nose becomes cold temporarily, and when it is already a pathology. If you are shivering a lot, feeling very tired, losing coordination in space, this indicates that you urgently need to look for a warm place.
Cold viruses love cold noses
This was proved by scientists from Yale University, USA, who conducted the following experiment. Observations of rhinoviruses, which are the causative agents of acute respiratory viral infections, showed that at body temperature (36-37 ° C) they are less active. And the temperature in the cold nose of 33 ° C causes their noticeable liveliness. Therefore, people are more likely to get sick in cold weather. Due to the “love” of viruses for relatively cool temperatures, they do not penetrate further than the nose, for example, into the lungs. The temperature is too high for them.

Cold nose in a person is a sign of severe stress. Problems at home or at work can cause this condition. Research has shown whatThe stronger the stress, the colder the person's nose. Its temperature drops by a whole degree (when compared with other parts of the body).
The mechanism of occurrence of this phenomenon is the same as in frost. Stress disrupts many body systems. At the same time, the function of keeping the olfactory organ warm, one might say, fades into the background. Therefore, the tip of the nose becomes cold.
Fatigue indicator
Many people know what an indicator is. What relation can it have to the organ of smell? Research scientists have shown that a cold nose in humans can occur with excessive intellectual stress. In this case, the blood drains to the cerebral cortex. Again, it is not enough to heat the nose.

This indicates the need for rest after overloading the body. Scientists even recommend using a cold nose in an adult as a marker for assessing the degree of fatigue in some professions - air traffic controllers, pilots, doctors in intensive care units. Representatives of these professions are under enormous pressure. To relax, it is useful for them to do a massage and rhythmic deep breaths.
How to improve blood circulation and warm the nose? First you need to get rid of hypodynamia. Pills alone, combined with lying on the couch, will not do any good. It is necessary to regularly do wellness exercises, if possible, visit the pool, take a contrast shower.
Massage, rubbing, warm baths give good results. Before going to bed, it is recommended to take a walk in the fresh air.(about an hour), regardless of weather conditions.
Of course, if there is a hurricane or a downpour outside, you need to stay at home. If you are generally he althy, but just cold, then in a short time you will definitely warm up without problems. You just need to enter a warm room. The predominance of the tone of the sympathetic nervous system over the parasympathetic one is also not very scary. This condition is not life-threatening for the patient.
Heart and Frost
Swedish scientists have long proven that sub-zero temperatures increase the risk of heart attacks and heart attacks by 10%. This is now being confirmed by scientists in the US, Germany, Japan, Norway and Korea.
The fact is that in winter, when heated in rooms, the oxygen content is often reduced, so the heart experiences a lack of it. When a person suffering from heart failure goes outside and inhales cold air, there is a sharp release of norepinephrine. This speeds up the pulse, increases the pressure, and the spasm binds the blood vessels. Blood clotting factors are also activated, which can cause separation or clot formation.
Influenza increases the risk of cardiovascular complications. Therefore, in winter, sitting warm, do not forget about ventilation in order to prevent a state of hypoxia for the body.
If you're out in the cold, don't breathe through your mouth. Only regular nasal breathing is allowed. In severe frosts, cover your nose with a scarf or balaclava (ski mask).
In the presence of chronic pathologies in the cold, it is better to avoid physical exertion, such as running, cleaning snow, and so on. Only slow walks are possible. Cardiacs taking nitrates outdoors should always carry a nitrospray with them to give themselves first aid in case of a heart attack.
Warming from the cold
Alcohol is considered by some to be the 1 helper. However, this "medicine" in the vast majority of cases worsens the situation.
Experts recommend making a warm compress for warming. Wet a washcloth with hot water and apply it to your nose until it warms up. Drinking hot tea is good for warming up.
If the tests showed no he alth problems, then why does the nose get cold? One of the reasons is the so-called untrained vessels. To change this, you need hardening and gymnastics.
Cold rubdowns, contrast showers are useful. Exercise should be done one hour before meals or 2 hours after. At the same time, the vessels will strengthen, the blood flow rate will normalize, and immunity will increase.