Valgus foot in a child: diagnosis or sentence

Valgus foot in a child: diagnosis or sentence
Valgus foot in a child: diagnosis or sentence

Valgus foot in a child is not as rare as it might seem. At the moment when the baby is trying to take the first steps, relaxed ligaments may not withstand the load of body weight.

valgus foot in a child
valgus foot in a child

The result of this is:

- flattening of the longitudinal arches of the feet;

- curvature of the axis of the foot;

- deviation of the calcaneus and fingers to the outside of the foot;

- "rolling" the middle of the foot inward.

If you combine the child's feet and look at them from above, they will resemble the letter "X". In another way they are called X-shaped feet.

Age at which foot valgus is detected

Rarely, but it happens that a flat-valgus foot in a child is congenital, and it can be detected immediately after birth or during a preventive examination by an orthopedist. But often, parents begin to notice such a pathology only at the time when their child begins to take the first steps. In this case, the child does not stand on the entire foot, but only on its inner side.

flat valgus foot in a child
flat valgus foot in a child

Danger of pathology

If treatment startedin a timely manner, then the valgus foot in the child does not threaten him with anything. Regular performance of special exercises will strengthen the ligamentous-muscular apparatus, and the position of the child's legs will normalize. But in the case when no treatment is carried out, there is a possibility of developing extremely unpleasant consequences. Namely, the development of valgus deformity of the legs in the knee and ankle joints. This will inevitably lead to violations of posture and the incorrect position of the pelvic bones. Later, pain begins to develop when walking and in the joints, and the process of walking is difficult.

How is valgus foot treated in a child

Treatment of this pathology is carried out by an orthopedist with an indispensable consultation with a neurologist.

Therapeutic exercise

This is the main part of the treatment of flat-valgus foot. It is one of the most difficult, because it is quite difficult to teach a baby to do exercises regularly every day. With greater willingness, the baby will do the exercises if the parents arrange the classes in a playful way. Parents will have to try and come up with a variety of games so that the child has an interest, then the results will be achieved much faster.

valgus foot in a child treatment
valgus foot in a child treatment

Massage and physiotherapy

The doctor prescribes these types of therapy for valgus foot disease in a child individually, because there is a possibility of contraindications.

Orthopedic shoes

Wearing such shoes should be mandatory if a child has a hallux valgus diagnosis. Orthopedic shoes help preventprogression of leg deformity. However, it is not recommended to constantly wear such shoes, because the legs need training and rest.


• During pregnancy, a woman should definitely visit a gynecologist regularly and follow all his recommendations in order to reduce the risk of developing such a pathology in a child.

• You should not force things and try to put the baby on his feet until 7-8 months.

• Be sure to carry out planned prevention of rickets, which can become a source of weakness of the musculoskeletal system.

• Attend preventive check-ups at the clinic in a timely manner.

• The first shoes for a child should be purchased taking into account the presence of an arch support.
