Treatment of the spinal cord is performed after the diagnosis and determination of the provoking factor. It is the central organ of the nervous system and is involved in many functions.
It is localized in the spinal canal and the roots of nerve endings depart from it. His diseases lead to disruption of the functioning of the anatomical structure and the occurrence of an intense pain syndrome. The origin of the pathological process may be different, however, the symptoms of the lesion are usually similar in all cases of the course of the disease.
Basic classification of diseases
Various problems in the area of the spinal cord are divided into several types according to the peculiarities of the course of the pathological process, which provokes damage to the tissue of this organ. There are such types of this pathology:
- injuries;
- tumors;
- myelopathy;
- infections;
- inflammatory processes;
- vascular lesions;
- combined violations.

All these pathologies have their own specific symptoms, and diagnosis is required to determine the disease.
Among the most common injuries, it is necessary to single out a compression fracture, which is formed as a result of increased pressure on individual fragments of the spine, changing and destroying it. This occurs mainly as a result of falling on the lower limbs.
Among the provoking factors of the compression of the spine, age-related osteoporosis and changes in the state of the intervertebral discs should be distinguished. A natural cause of a compression fracture is a deterioration in bone density, which leads to a significant deterioration in the ongoing processes. At the initial stage of spinal deformity, there are changes in the discs located between the vertebrae. This causes their fragments to dry out, causing cracks and then cracks.
When a compression fracture is formed, several bone fragments are formed that affect the nerve endings, which leads to their numbness and a decrease in muscle strength. At the same time, due to the squeezing of the vessels, the process of blood circulation of the base of the affected organ is disturbed. This can cause the development of paresthesia or even sciatica. In the case of an extensive lesion, such a pathology can lead to paralysis.
Treatment involves surgery, wearing a corset, massage and exercise therapy. Physical therapy may also be required.
In addition, a bruise is a traumatic lesion. This can happen if you fall orother types of injury. Treatment of spinal cord injury is carried out with the help of medications, physiotherapy techniques. In case of a particularly severe lesion, an operation is required.
Inflammatory processes
Inflammation mainly occurs during the course of myelitis. This syndrome develops over several days or weeks. Often the cause of its occurrence is a viral infection. With the course of myelitis, a person complains of pain in the back and weakness in the muscles, which is growing very quickly. In addition, asymmetric paresthesias in the legs are often observed.

Among the main risk factors for the development of myelitis, it is necessary to highlight a decrease in immunity and hypothermia. The development of inflammation can provoke:
- infections;
- injuries;
- radiotherapy;
- toxic poisoning;
- administering some vaccines.
This disease is characterized by acute and subacute course. At the same time, general signs of inflammation are observed, in particular, such as rapid and constant fatigue, a slight increase in temperature, a feeling of weakness, pain and aching muscles, and headaches.
Cerebrospinal fluid is taken for diagnosis. The nature of the damage and the evaluation of the nerve structures can be obtained by performing tomography. Treatment of myelitis of the spinal cord is selected taking into account the provoking factor. For this, therapeutic methods such as:
- with non-infectious course -glucocorticosteroids;
- with bacterial - antibiotics;
- muscle relaxants;
- diuretics;
- analgesics;
- vitamins.
In case of violation of the excretory function, bladder catheterization is performed, and the skin is necessarily lubricated with various ointments to prevent the development of complications. The rehabilitation program, which includes a specially selected exercise therapy course and massage sessions, is very important. Full recovery may take several years.
Inflammatory processes should also include arachnoiditis. This is a disease in which there is a lesion in the arachnoid membrane. The reasons for this may be previously transferred various acute and chronic intoxications, diseases of the nasal sinuses. When carrying out treatment, it is initially necessary to eliminate the source of infection. For this, antibiotics, metabolic and pathogenetic therapy are prescribed.
Paracarcinomatous and radiation myelopathy are considered diseases that are quite difficult to distinguish. During the tomography, there is a strong swelling of the brain, the treatment of which is carried out with the help of radiation therapy.
Necrotic myelopathy during an exacerbation affects several parts of the spine at once. The reason for this is the strong growth of neoplasms, which are additionally accompanied by the course of the inflammatory process. Patients may be paralyzed, and many other disorders are possible.
Transverse myelopathy develops as a result of the flow of trophicviolations and it is associated with a gradual atrophy of all tissues of the affected organ. In addition, toxic effects or ischemic manifestations can provoke the disease. In particular, osteomyelitis, tuberculosis, oncological diseases, and diabetes can provoke the development of such a pathology.
Infectious diseases
Infectious diseases are quite common. It should be noted that viral pathologies of the spinal cord are accompanied by various, rather specific types of myelitis. The most widespread is poliomyelitis, which affects the gray matter.
The cause of viral damage can also be herpes zoster, HIV, lymphotropic virus. Treatment of the spinal cord in this case must be comprehensive and timely in order to prevent the development of complications.
Tumors can be located directly on the surface or even inside the organ itself. The rate of occurrence of the first signs of the disease largely depends on the progression of the neoplasm, as well as the degree of sensitivity of the patient to painful manifestations. Treatment of a spinal cord tumor is very difficult. Many neoplasms are incurable and lead to the death of the patient.
Neoplasms develop mainly in middle-aged people. This is a whole group of diseases that differ in localization, the nature of the lesion and the type of neoplasm. Treatment must be carried out at the initial stages of occurrence, since the consequences of the course of this pathology can be very serious. A person is at risk of disability or evenfatal outcome. The danger of neoplasms lies in the fact that they develop rather slowly and often the symptoms resemble other diseases. With timely treatment of a spinal cord tumor by surgical removal, the prognosis is quite favorable.
The most malignant are extradural neoplasms. They are characterized by a high growth rate and a destructive effect on the spine. They grow from the hard tissues of the meninges or from the vertebral bodies themselves. The most effective method of treating spinal cord tumors is considered to be only surgical intervention. Conservative therapy may cause some improvement and promote remission, however, they are often incomplete and short-lived.
Additionally, doctors use X-ray therapy, which allows you to somewhat restrain the growth of the tumor, and also contributes to a faster decrease in existing neurological signs.
Kist belongs to a separate group. These are some kind of cavities completely filled with cerebrospinal fluid. With the growth of the neoplasm, the patient experiences quite severe pain due to compression of the nerve endings, and neurological signs are also observed. A cyst can form in absolutely any part of the spine. They can be congenital or acquired, which occur under the influence of trauma, excessive physical exertion, as well as various infectious diseases.
Treatment of a spinal cord cyst can be performed even with the help of conservative methods, especially if a neoplasm is detected oninitial stage. Therapy implies adherence to a stationary regimen, the use of medications, as well as limiting physical activity.
In advanced stages of a spinal cord cyst, treatment involves surgical removal. The success of the operation depends largely on the type and location of the neoplasm. Often a laminectomy with excision of the tumor is prescribed. This allows you to eliminate significant compression and normalize your well-being.
Treatment of spinal cord cancer after removal of a neoplasm implies radiation and chemotherapy after removal. In many cases, it is impossible to completely get rid of such a problem due to the presence of metastases. During the operation, the doctor tries to save as much tissue as possible so as not to disrupt the function of this organ.
Vascular pathologies
Diseases of the vessels of the spinal cord are provoked by disorders in the vascular system. They can develop when crushed. In addition, such a violation can occur with various kinds of congenital pathologies and abnormalities. There are cases when the cause of vascular diseases and pathologies is the irregular structure of capillaries, as well as a violation of the venous bed. Such deviations for several years may not manifest themselves at all and progress in different ways.
Treatment is prescribed very carefully and only after a complete diagnosis. Incorrectly chosen methods can provoke a deterioration in well-being. In some cases, the disease begins quiteprogress quickly.
In addition to the conservative treatment of diseases of the spinal cord, an operation is sometimes required to restore blood circulation in the affected area.

If the examination revealed acute disorders in the vessels and the circulatory system, then urgent treatment is required under strict medical supervision. In the case of untimely therapy, quite serious deviations and complications can occur. Among vascular diseases, it is necessary to single out lesions of the vascular system that feeds the spine, in particular, such as thrombosis, hemangioma, and squeezing. Clinical manifestations of such pathologies are due to various kinds of ischemic symptoms.
The cause of a heart attack in this organ is often a rather severe circulatory disorder, resulting in a serious disruption in the functioning of this organ, since blood flows through it with great difficulty. A similar manifestation can be observed in absolutely any person. A heart attack develops in the department that is most affected. The cause of its occurrence can be an infectious lesion or even a minor injury. Treatment of spinal cord stroke is mainly symptomatic.
Chronic pathologies
Spondylosis is a chronic disease of the spine that provokes changes in the intervertebral disc, which provokes compression of nerve endings and the spinal cord. A similar disease provokes the formation of osteophytes, which lead tonarrowing of the spinal canal and intervertebral foramen. Pathology develops as a result of age-related malnutrition of the spine, overloads and injuries. The main symptom is pain, which can provoke sleep disturbance. In addition, there may be some limitation of mobility.
Treatment of the spinal cord in this case is complex, aimed at slowing down the development of pathology, as well as reducing symptoms. The complex of activities includes massage, warming up, physiotherapy exercises, the use of folk remedies.
Lumbar stenosis is a narrowing of the central spinal canal, which causes compression of this organ. An anomaly in the development of the vertebrae, as well as injuries, can provoke such a pathology. Among the provoking factors, it is necessary to highlight:
- herniated disc;
- osteophytes;
- new growths;
- disk protrusion.
Treatment of the spinal cord involves the use of conservative techniques, and if necessary, surgery is performed.
Combined violations
Combined pathologies and disorders of a non-traumatic nature occur mainly with a lack of vitamin B12. The essence of the formation of this disease is that there is a complex lesion of this organ.
Patients have a combination of paraparesis, ataxia, and many other pathological processes. The disease proceeds very slowly, therefore, with the timely detection of a violation and the complex treatment of the spinal cord, it is possible toachieve good results and prevent complications.
Main symptoms
Symptoms that occur when the brain is damaged directly depend on which part of this organ the lesion is located. In addition to specific signs, there are similar manifestations, among which it is worth highlighting such as:
- decrease in muscle tone;
- paralysis;
- reducing the sensitivity of the affected area;
- violation of tissue trophism;
- complete loss of sensitivity;
- pain when squeezing the affected organ.
It is worth noting that the symptoms of the lesion are observed mainly on the side opposite to the localization of the focus of pathology. This is due to the fact that the nerve endings are located crosswise. If such a clinic occurs, treatment of the spinal cord should be started immediately to prevent the development of complications.
Diagnosis of neurological pathologies is based on a visual examination and a functional examination of the patient. This requires tests for the sensitivity of the skin, motor functions of the limbs. In addition, a very thorough history taking is required.
For diagnostics, X-ray methods of examination and ultrasound diagnostics are used. Based on this, a specialist can obtain data on the state of the vessels that feed the spinal cord and the speed of blood flow.
To determine the source of damage to this organ, its features and dimensions, tomography is required. AfterTo do this, the doctor fills out a special questionnaire regarding the frequency of pain. This will allow you to fully assess the patient's condition and choose the treatment for spinal cord injury.
Features of therapy
Depending on the characteristics of spinal cord injury, treatment is selected separately for each patient. Therapy can be conservative or carried out by surgical intervention. In this case, the operation is often performed with mechanical damage to this organ, as well as in the presence of a neoplasm that does not affect the deep structures of the spinal cord.

Some foreign clinics treat the spinal cord with stem cells. This technique gives a very good result, helps to eliminate existing disorders and restore the functionality of the affected organ.
In combination with conservative methods, it is recommended to additionally carry out alternative treatment of the spinal cord. However, this necessarily requires the consultation of the attending doctor, as they can provoke a deterioration in well-being.
Conservative Therapy
Drug therapy for many diseases of the spinal cord is performed in exactly the same way as with the defeat of nerve endings. Means are used that belong to such pharmacological groups as:
- analgesics;
- ganglioblockers;
- correctors of psycho-emotional disorders;
- means that normalize tissue trophism.

In addition, the patient is prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures, which mainly include mud applications, electrophoresis, massage. Also, many recommend treating the spinal cord with folk remedies, however, if there are no contraindications. If it is impossible to perform the operation for some reason, then chemotherapy and radiation therapy are required.
In spinal cord edema, the treatment is mainly surgical. Surgery is also required if conservative therapy fails. This technique allows you to restore the integrity of this organ in case of traumatic injuries.

The organ is put in place, sewn together, and then the patient is put on strict bed rest. After removal of the tumor, the duration of the patient's stay in bed is reduced, since many operable neoplasms are located directly on the surface of this organ. Accordingly, such an operation is considered the least traumatic.
In case of a spinal cord stroke, treatment is aimed at normalizing well-being, therefore, mainly drug therapy is used, as well as traditional medicine.
Preventive measures are very important, as they help prevent the occurrence of diseases of the spinal cord. As part of prevention, it is very important to correctly select the mode of work and rest, to avoid sports that can harm the body.

In addition, it is recommended to take multivitamin complexes and carry out activities aimed at strengthening immunity.
Reviews on the treatment of various diseases and pathologies of this organ are mostly the most positive. Foreign clinics, where surgeries are performed using modern techniques, and innovative programs for speedy rehabilitation have been developed, deserve good feedback.
Some patients say that even with the most severe injuries, stem cell therapy helps well, as this technique helps to restore the functioning of the damaged organ. According to patient reviews, drug therapy has a good result in vascular pathologies.