Caesarean section: reviews and more

Caesarean section: reviews and more
Caesarean section: reviews and more

Twenty to thirty years ago, a cesarean delivery was something out of the ordinary. Today, more and more women are resorting to this method. Some women in labor have serious problems that threaten the life of a mother or baby, while others have only a fear of natural childbirth that causes a caesarean section. The testimonials from women who have gone through both natural childbirth and childbirth by surgical intervention are more than enticing.

Advantages and disadvantages of caesarean section

caesarean section reviews
caesarean section reviews

Of course, a woman who gave birth in this way will be able to avoid such unpleasant consequences as tears and, consequently, stitches in the perineum. But these seams can cause discomfort much longer than the seam on the stomach. In addition, many mothers are afraid of problems inintimate life after the birth of a child in a natural way and do a caesarean section. Reviews of operated women are not always positive. After all, the human factor cannot be ruled out. On television, you can see a lot of terrible programs in which they talk about how objects forgotten in the abdominal cavity (scissors, scalpels or napkins) led to death after a caesarean section. These reviews, however, are isolated, and you should not pay attention to conversations of this nature. Of course, if you're having an emergency C-section, the feedback from others isn't something you should be thinking about first. Such surgical interventions have much more serious drawbacks:

  • the baby is not ready for birth, forcible removal becomes a shock for him;
  • chiropractors also have a lot more complaints about "cesarean babies" than naturally born babies;
  • mommy is at risk of infection;
  • even spinal or epidural anesthesia is a serious test for the body, and general anesthesia is not even worth talking about.

Elective caesarean section. Terms of the operation

caesarean section postoperative period
caesarean section postoperative period

As a rule, indications for surgical intervention arise long before the expected date of birth, and the woman in labor has time to decide on the maternity hospital and, most importantly, the doctor. The obstetrician, having examined the woman, will say when she should go to the hospital so that there is timeobserve her, as well as pass all the tests necessary for the operation. Today, doctors are trying to bring the date of caesarean delivery as close as possible to the date of natural childbirth, i.e. in the antenatal department, the doctor daily monitors the condition of the woman (looks for dilatation, the presence of internal edema, monitors the onset of forerunners of childbirth), after which he sets the date for the birth of a new life.

planned caesarean section
planned caesarean section

Caesarean section. Postoperative period

A woman stays in the postpartum ward for at least a week. Every day, the nurse performs the processing and dressing of the seam. In case of any complications, the mother will immediately be examined by a doctor. The postoperative period is quite easy, and in order to reduce pain, you need to use a postoperative bandage. It is postoperative, not postpartum. Their difference is that the first fits tightly and fixes the entire abdomen from the groin to the ribs, while the second simply supports the uterus.

Remember, no matter how your child is born, the pain of breakups and contractions or surgery is soon forgotten, and only the boundless happiness of motherhood remains!
