Gynecological diseases occur in women regardless of their age. This is due to poor ecology, various sexual infections or injuries received during abortions or childbirth. Basically, various pathologies occur on the cervix. And very often the only way to prevent more serious problems is surgery.
Until recently, various pathologies of the genital area could be cured only by cauterization or other painful manipulations. In modern medicine, radio wave coagulation of the cervix is successfully used - a quick and painless operation that is performed even on nulliparous girls.
Exposure to high frequency radiation
Radio wave therapy is one of the safest treatments for most cervical pathologies. Areas of tissues and cells under the influencewaves evaporate without being cut or burned. Pathological formations simply disperse under the influence of powerful radio wave radiation. When tissues evaporate, low-temperature steam is released, which contributes to the coagulation (soldering) of blood vessels and cells.
This process is very fast and absolutely painless. Radio wave coagulation of the cervix does not damage he althy tissues and eliminates postoperative complications. Several processes are observed at the incision site: a high-frequency beam simultaneously disinfects the wound and blocks bleeding. Postoperative recovery is fast, with no scarring or changes in the shape of the cervix.
Who is the operation shown to?
This unique method is highly effective and is indicated for women of all ages with gynecological problems, as well as for girls planning a pregnancy in the future.

Radio wave coagulation of the cervix is recommended for the following pathologies:
- erosion;
- Bartholin gland cyst;
- dysplasia;
- chronic cervicitis;
- warts, polyps, papillomas;
- cervical leukoplakia.
The radio wave beam is the best tool for performing a biopsy procedure for suspected uterine cancer pathologies.
Radio wave coagulation of cervical erosion
With this type of diagnosis, this operation is very effective and has a favorable prognosis for a full recovery. On hitradio wave beam to the area of the uterus where the erosion is located, the damaged cells begin to evaporate, forming a dense film. Over time, the dead layer is torn off, and he althy, clean tissues remain in its place.

In the treatment of erosion, radio wave coagulation of the cervix is very often used. Reviews of doctors who performed this operation on their patients confirm its effectiveness. After the procedure, cut tissue is completely absent, which eliminates the formation of scars, thus minimizing complications of an infectious nature.
Before the procedure, the patient must undergo a complete examination by a gynecologist. A number of studies include:
- examination on a gynecological chair in the office;
- analysis of a cytological smear;
- examination for urogenital infections;
- detailed blood count.
If any infection (mycoplasma, chlamydia, herpes) is detected, appropriate treatment is carried out, and at the end of it, cervical tissue is examined by biopsy.

After examining the body, a woman should come to the doctor's office from the 5th to the 14th day of her menstrual cycle. The vaginal area and the area that will be affected by the radio wave beam are treated with an antiseptic, local or general anesthesia is applied. Then the affected tissues are coagulated or excised with a special device.
After the operation, the womandoes not require hospitalization. She can go home after receiving the necessary medical advice.
Operations options
Any manipulations on the cervix are carried out strictly at the beginning of the menstrual cycle. The duration of the procedure and the power of radio waves depend on the severity and characteristics of the disease.
Coagulation for background diseases is carried out immediately after the introduction of an anesthetic into the cervical region. The duration of the procedure is up to five minutes.
When pathologies of a precancerous nature, such as condyloma or uterine dysplasia, are detected, the affected tissues are removed. The procedure takes up to 10 minutes. At the end of her operation, a small clot removed during the operation is sent for research.

Despite the availability and effectiveness of the procedure, radio wave coagulation of the cervix is not possible in the presence of:
- high body temperature;
- genital infections;
- pregnancy;
- mental illness;
- menstruation;
- chronic or acute pelvic ailments;
- metal implants in the body;
- malignant tumors.
Benefits of Therapy
Coagulation of the cervix by radio wave method is one of the best operations to get rid of various pathologies.

This technique has the following advantages:
- procedure completelypainless;
- radio waves accurately process damaged cells without affecting he althy tissue;
- wounds heal quickly without scarring;
- the method does not have a negative effect on the genital area, which allows it to be successfully used in the treatment of pathologies in young girls and women planning a second pregnancy;
- bleeding is completely excluded;
- after surgery, the wound does not require additional treatment with healing drugs;
- after coagulation of the cervix, its deformation has never been observed;
- during the operation, radio waves produce a sterilizing effect that excludes infection;
- in the postoperative period, the risk of swelling or inflammation is minimized.
Recommendations after radio wave coagulation
For two years, every six months, a woman should be examined by her doctor. Usually, after the procedure, vaginal suppositories are prescribed by a specialist for regeneration and complete restoration of the normal vaginal environment.

After the procedure, for 14 days it is not recommended to swim in any open water, visit the pool, sauna. A woman should avoid too hot baths, heavy exercise or active sports.
Complete sexual rest is recommended for a month or two. Douching may be prescribed by a doctor as additional restorative procedures. The use of tampons in thisperiod prohibited.
Radio wave coagulation of the cervix: consequences
On the first day after the operation, pulling pains resembling menstrual pain are possible. In this case, the doctor may prescribe pain medication. Spotting bleeding appears 7 days after the day when radio wave coagulation of the cervix was performed.
Discharges are usually not abundant, bloody, they can last for 20-25 days. At this time, it is necessary to undergo treatment with the use of suppositories prescribed by the doctor.
Be vigilant
After the end of the discharge, menstruation begins, which may be characterized by more profusion than usual. If the bleeding is intense, there are clots and severe pain, you need to urgently call a doctor.

It should also alert if the body temperature rises sharply or 3 weeks after the operation, discharge with an unpleasant odor begins. If such symptoms are found, a woman should immediately contact a doctor.
Possible Complications
Most of the women had a favorable postoperative and recovery period. Complications were observed in 1% of the operated patients in the form of bleeding, a sharp narrowing of the uterine canals or infection.
Today, the most gentle and effective method to eliminate a number of diseases of the genital area is radio wave coagulation of the cervix. Feedback from women who underwent this operation was positive. The process is fast, without hospitalization and inpatient treatment.
Some patients have experienced decreased fertility. Such changes could occur if a significant portion of the uterus was removed during the procedure or coagulation was performed repeatedly.
Also, after the operation, violations of the density and properties of the natural vaginal mucus are possible. In this case, the doctor prescribes additional treatment and re-examination.