Calcification in the mammary gland: what is it? Diagnostics, treatment

Calcification in the mammary gland: what is it? Diagnostics, treatment
Calcification in the mammary gland: what is it? Diagnostics, treatment

Many women, having found any tightness, discomfort or pain in their breasts, go to the doctor, who prescribes a series of tests. But some formations, such as calcifications, are asymptomatic. They can only be detected by radiography or mammology. In the article, we will learn what calcifications in the mammary gland are and the treatment that is used to eliminate them.

Determination of calcifications

Calcifications in the mammary gland are calcium s alts that have been deposited in place of altered or dead tissues. This feature cannot be determined by palpation. Reliable information is obtained through mammography.

The presence of calcifications in itself is not a diagnosis, but a symptom that can indicate both the physiological characteristics of a woman and the development of a cancerous tumor. But it should be noted that the presence of formations is a sign of oncology in only 20 percent of cases.

After confirming the presence of calcifications in the breast, the doctor sends the woman for an additional examination.

Types of calcifications

Types of calcifications
Types of calcifications

Since the distribution of calcium s alts in the mammary gland occurs in different ways, experts distinguish several types, depending on their localization. Knowing the type of calcifications, one can name the reason that provoked these changes:

  • Lobular. In most cases, they are benign and localized in the glandular tissue. May occur due to mastopathy, metabolic disorders and adenosis. A cyst with calcifications in the mammary gland is also a consequence of a benign process. So don't worry too much. On mammography, small calcifications in the breast look like a bowl, but when viewed from the side, they have the shape of a crescent. This type of disease very rarely degenerates into malignant tumors, and therefore does not require in-depth special treatment.
  • Ductal. Formed in the milk ducts. This type is divided into two subspecies: Plasmacytic. When diagnosed, calcifications in the mammary gland look worm-like or dotted. Formed due to mastitis or ectasia. Intraductal. In this case, small calcifications in the chest have a heterogeneous structure and their pattern is similar to snake skin. This type is very dangerous, as it can talk about the malignant nature of the pathology. Additional tests are needed, including biopsies.
  • Stromal. Their location occurs outside the glandular tissue. They can form in the blood vessels of the breast, fatty cysts, skin. This type is easy to diagnose, since the calcifications in this case are quite large. Can form with lipoma,adenoma, atherosclerosis. If the formations are small and very scattered, it is recommended to conduct a biopsy in order to exclude the malignant nature of the pathology. In other cases, the presence of this type of calcification does not pose a threat to a woman.

Other features

Calcifications in the mammary gland also differ in the form of distribution and the number of formations:

  • Regional. If located in the same share.
  • Linear. Arrangement in a straight line.
  • Segmental. Are in one slice.
  • Diffuse. Randomly scattered all over the chest.
  • Grouped. In this case, the formations are formed into groups with a diameter not exceeding 1 centimeter.

You can also highlight single calcifications in the mammary gland, which, as a rule, speak of a benign process. Multiple, however, can be a symptom of malignant processes in the body.

Based on practice, the large size of the formations indicates a benign character. But if small deposits of calcium s alts are found in large quantities, there is a high probability of the formation of malignant tumors.


Elderly woman
Elderly woman

The main causes of calcification in the mammary gland are inflammatory processes. Also, experts highlight:

  • menopause;
  • an excess of vitamin D and calcium in the body;
  • lactostasis and mastitis;
  • wrong metabolism;
  • cysts;
  • diseases of a benign nature;
  • cancer.

It is worth noting that the occurrence of pathology due to a malignant tumor occurs in 15-20% of cases. In the rest, with timely treatment, they do not cause complications.


Unfortunately, the formation of calcification in the breast in a woman is asymptomatic. It is very rare to feel small seals. This is obtained if the calcifications are large or located very close to the surface of the skin. But this happens extremely rarely. Basically, a woman does not feel any discomfort. This is the danger of pathology, because in some cases calcification can lead to breast cancer.

Diagnosis of disease

Mammography procedure
Mammography procedure

The main method used to diagnose calcification is mammography. During the procedure, which is performed by a mammologist, the shape of calcifications, their location in the breast tissues, and size are considered. This is necessary in order to correctly determine the cause of the pathology in the future and make an accurate diagnosis. Sometimes additional examinations are required. These can be the following procedures:

  • Ultrasound diagnosis of the breast. But with ultrasound of the mammary glands, calcifications can not always be detected.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Biopsy of damaged tissues. Performed when a malignant tumor is suspected.
  • A blood test for biochemistry, hormones and tumor markers is also used for diagnosis.

Treatment of calcifications

Woman at the reception at the mammologist
Woman at the reception at the mammologist

Ifcalcifications were found in the mammary glands, treatment in some cases may not be required. It will be sufficient to undergo a planned mammography procedure. And how to treat calcifications in the mammary gland when benign processes are found in it? Recall that the deposits of calcium s alts in the tissues of the breast is not an independent disease, but only a concomitant process of more serious pathologies. Therefore, treatment is prescribed individually, depending on the reasons that contributed to the appearance of formations.

In cases of benign tumors, hormonal and anti-inflammatory therapy, a special diet in which s alt intake is minimized, and breast massage are prescribed. Vitamin complexes with a low calcium content may also be prescribed. Homeopathic (for example, "Mastadinone") and folk remedies are widely used.

How to treat breast calcifications if the results of mammography indicate the likelihood of malignancy? In this case, the woman is urgently sent to an oncologist who conducts all the necessary tests and, based on their results, prescribes the optimal treatment. Chemotherapy, surgical removal, and radiation exposure may be applied.

Folk treatments

It is usually impossible to cure calcifications with folk remedies. But with the help of certain foods and herbs, you can adjust the water-s alt balance in the body and increase the absorption of calcium. Excess s alts will be excreted from the body naturally.

To herbs that will help inthis include:

  • lavender;
  • St. John's wort;
  • calendula;
  • rose hips and juniper;
  • valerian;
  • flowers of elderberry and chamomile.

If you experience side effects or allergies, you should consult your doctor, as an overdose is possible if the infusions are used incorrectly.

Diet for calcifications

Diet in the presence of calcifications in the mammary gland is aimed at eliminating foods that provoke the accumulation of s alts. These include:

  • cheeses;
  • sweets;
  • wheat and oatmeal;
  • legumes;
  • yeast.

You also need to limit the consumption of s alty, fatty and fried foods. It is recommended to drink more water.

Surgical treatment

Woman is sad
Woman is sad

As a rule, surgery is not used to treat calcifications, since he althy breast tissue can be affected during the operation. But there are situations in which this procedure is necessary. These include:

  • malignant tumor;
  • nodular mastopathy;
  • fibroadenoma.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia. After the procedure, pain will be present, so painkillers can be applied. Antibiotics are also prescribed during the week.


The use of preventive measures will help, if not avoid, then reduce the risk of calcification in the mammary glands. To measures that can prevent this pathology,include:

  • Scheduled visits to the mammologist.
  • Recommended periodic biochemical analysis of blood and blood for hormones. This is especially true for women who have entered the menopause phase.
  • Control over calcium intake. When choosing vitamin complexes, you need to dwell on preparations that contain a reduced amount of vitamin D3 and calcium. It is also worth noting that taking this kind of vitamins should not last more than three months. Then you need to take a break.
  • Since the concentration of vitamin D in the body increases the effect of ultraviolet rays on it, you should stop going to the solarium. Use sunscreen when in the sun.
  • Also important in the prevention of calcification are a he althy lifestyle and proper nutrition.


woman at the doctor
woman at the doctor

What will be the prognosis after the detection of calcifications depends on the cause that provoked them. If the appearance of formations is associated with benign processes, the prognosis is generally favorable.

When cancer is suspected, the timing of the visit to the doctor will be of great importance. The earlier the disease is diagnosed, the more likely a woman is to recover.


woman at the doctor
woman at the doctor

Always remember that any disease is much easier to treat in its earliest stages. If you find a seal in your chest, even if it is not painful, you should contact as soon as possiblemammologist, who will prescribe the appropriate tests. When identifying calcification, you do not need to wind yourself up and panic. Most of the causes are benign and do not pose a threat to women's he alth. With early diagnosis of malignant tumors, the probability of a positive result from treatment increases significantly.

But since calcifications in the vast majority of cases are found only on mammography or sometimes with ultrasound diagnostics, do not neglect preventive measures and planned visits to the mammologist.
