The correct position of the fetus is longitudinal

The correct position of the fetus is longitudinal
The correct position of the fetus is longitudinal

Determining the position of the fetus (longitudinal or transverse) depends on how the pregnancy will proceed in the future and how the doctor will conduct the birth. The longitudinal position of the fetus is the norm. It occurs in most cases with a normal pregnancy. Other positions are abnormal and are obtained due to any abnormalities in the physiology of the mother.

The position of the fetus is longitudinal when the imaginary axis of the body of the unborn child, passing from the back of the head to the coccyx along the spine, is located longitudinally to the imaginary axis of the future mother's uterus. The axis of the uterus is a line running along its entire length from top to bottom. If these axes intersect and form an angle of ninety degrees, then this position is considered transverse. In the case where the angle is other than ninety degrees, the position is called oblique.

longitudinal position of the fetus
longitudinal position of the fetus

In order to make it more clear what the longitudinal position of the fetus looks like, the photos are placed below. If in the first two trimesters of pregnancy the unborn child has not taken a longitudinal position, then there is no reason for concern yet. fin althe position it occupies in recent months, and until then it can repeatedly change it due to the fact that its dimensions allow it to easily swim and roll over in the amniotic fluid. In recent months, he will be in the same position, as his growth will no longer allow him to move freely inside his mother.

As a rule, the longitudinal position of the fetus indicates that childbirth should take place naturally without surgical intervention, but not in all cases. In addition to the position for determining how the birth will take place, the presentation of the baby is also very important, that is, how it lies inside the uterus relative to the exit. If the baby's head is pointing down - this is head presentation, it occurs in most cases with the normal course of pregnancy. If the baby lies to the exit with the buttocks, such a presentation is called pelvic presentation, and this is already an indication for a caesarean section, since the fetus will not be able to pass through the birth canal on its own and may suffocate when the water breaks.

fetal position longitudinal
fetal position longitudinal

Doctors usually determine at a glance which position of the fetus (longitudinal or transverse) and which presentation. It is rather difficult for inexperienced expectant mothers to do this, so it is better to trust the results of an ultrasound examination. But you can still try. The first way to determine is to take a stethoscope and listen to where the heart of the unborn baby is beating. But this way is too subjective. The second is to lie on your back and see where two elevations appeared, which should be the headand baby's buttocks. Then you need to alternately lightly press on these elevations. If the elevation is the head, then it should disappear, and then return to its place. If the baby's ass is under the dais, then it will not go anywhere.

longitudinal position of the fetus photo
longitudinal position of the fetus photo

Of course, all mothers want to have the correct position of the fetus - longitudinal. To be 100% sure, it is important to remember that there is nothing more accurate than the result of an ultrasound examination, and self-determination of the position of the child inside may be unreliable.
