Vacuum termination of pregnancy: terms and reviews

Vacuum termination of pregnancy: terms and reviews
Vacuum termination of pregnancy: terms and reviews

Disappointing medical statistics indicate that one in five pregnancies ends in an abortion. For abortion, women choose the safest methods. But if the desired result is still not achieved, then one has to resort to surgical intervention. Today's article will tell you about how long a vacuum abortion is done. You will learn about the nuances of this manipulation and will be able to read the reviews.

Vacuum abortion

This technique is widely used in all medical institutions. Along with medical abortion, vacuum aspiration is recognized as less traumatic and relatively safe. However, there is a risk that parts of the ovum will remain in the uterine cavity.

vacuum termination of pregnancy
vacuum termination of pregnancy

Vacuum abortion is performed only within the walls of the hospital. Before this, the patient needs to undergo an examination and pass some tests. Manipulation is carried out using a special device - vacuum suction.

Timing of the procedure

If you are offered a vacuum abortion, gestational agesmall. It is impossible to say with accuracy until which week the procedure is carried out. Many clinics set their own restrictions. Information differs in different sources. Some states that a mini-abortion is allowed up to 5 weeks of pregnancy. Others talk about eight weeks. Experienced specialists are able to manipulate up to 12 weeks. There is evidence that, with an appropriately sized cannula, vacuum termination of pregnancy can be performed up to 15 weeks.

vacuum termination of pregnancy
vacuum termination of pregnancy

Despite this, many medical institutions adhere to the 8-week deadline. It is up to this period that there is still no strong connection between the fetal egg and the wall of the uterus. And this means that the result of the manipulation will be successful in almost all cases.

Indications and contraindications

To make a vacuum termination of pregnancy, the woman's consent is required. This is the main indication for abortion. Also, manipulation is sometimes prescribed by a specialist without the initiative of the patient. The indications are as follows:

  • anomalies in the development of the fetal egg, incompatible with life;
  • the inability of a woman to give birth for he alth reasons;
  • missed pregnancy or anembryony;
  • viral diseases transferred during a dangerous period (rubella, toxoplasmosis).
vacuum abortion reviews
vacuum abortion reviews

Doctors say that there are contraindications to manipulation. They can be absolute or temporary. The latter include infections of the genital tract, clotting disordersblood, fever and colds. After eliminating these pathologies, it is quite acceptable to perform an operation if the time permits.

Complete contraindications for vacuum abortion include anomalies in the development of the uterus (presence of adhesions and septa), ectopic pregnancy, recent birth, tumors of the uterus and long gestation periods. In these situations, other methods are chosen to eliminate the ovum.

Preparing for an abortion

Vacuum termination of pregnancy requires some preparation. Every gynecologist will tell you about this. Reviews of physicians suggest that ultrasound diagnostics is mandatory before the procedure. It allows you to set the exact gestational age. Also, a woman gives smears from the vagina to study the microflora and to detect an infectious process.

How long does a vacuum abortion take?
How long does a vacuum abortion take?

In addition to the described preparation, the patient should take a blood test. The study reveals the level of platelets, the presence of antibodies to hepatitis, HIV and other diseases.

In progress

Women say that vacuum termination of pregnancy passes rather quickly. Reviews report that the manipulation lasts only 5-7 minutes. The patient is located on the gynecological chair, as well as for examination. After that, the doctor injects the cervix with anesthetics and antispasmodics.

If a woman has not given birth, the gynecologist will need to first expand the cervical canal with instruments. Patients who have given birth do not need this. When everything is ready, the cannula is inserted into the uterine cavity. Atusing his own strength, the doctor pulls out the suction handle. At this time, negative pressure is created in the cavity of the reproductive organ. The fertilized egg is detached from the wall of the uterus and sucked into the manipulator.

After an abortion: reviews of women

Patients say that mini-abortion is much easier than surgical curettage. The manipulation does not require the use of general anesthesia. Also, the injured area of the mucous membrane remains small. After vacuum interruption, there are rarely any complications with the neck. Whereas curettage can lead to damage to the cervical canal. After that, there may be problems with the subsequent bearing of the child and natural childbirth.

discharge after vacuum termination of pregnancy
discharge after vacuum termination of pregnancy

Discharge after vacuum termination of pregnancy, according to women, is not so plentiful and painful. They are, in fact, regular menstruation. And after scraping, the damaged mucous membrane bleeds. The recovery time from this operation is short. Under the supervision of doctors, the patient must remain for one or two hours. After that, the woman can return to her previous activities.

Doctors must prescribe medications after a vacuum abortion. These are broad spectrum antibiotics. They will help prevent the development of a bacterial infection and complications. Also, women are recommended drugs that cause uterine contractions and painkillers. All of them are selected individually. Some women mistakenly believe they can get bywithout the use of drugs. With such a negligent attitude towards one's he alth, complications often arise in the form of infections, inflammatory processes, delays in the mucous membrane in the uterine cavity.

vacuum abortion method
vacuum abortion method

Doctors say that after vacuum aspiration, the patient should return for an additional examination in two weeks. This is necessary to confirm a complete abortion. If parts of the membranes are found in the uterine cavity, then curettage is prescribed.

In conclusion

Vacuum abortion is a safe procedure. Its effect depends on the timing of the operation. The sooner you contact a gynecologist, the more chances that everything will go smoothly. If you want to terminate a pregnancy, then never use grandmother's recipes. They can lead to very unpleasant consequences in the future. Good luck!