The top five causes of missed periods

The top five causes of missed periods
The top five causes of missed periods

When menstruation does not come at the right time, almost every sexually mature representative of the tender half of humanity begins to quietly panic.

causes of delayed menstruation
causes of delayed menstruation

The first (and most common) among the causes of delayed menstruation is considered to be the onset of pregnancy. This is not surprising, because it is the delayed menstruation that tells the woman that the egg has been fertilized inside her. If the delay continues for 4 days, the reasons may be different, but a woman can already purchase a pregnancy test at the pharmacy and check whether a little life is really developing inside her.

Another of the most common causes of delayed menstruation is hormonal failure in a woman's body while taking birth control pills. It manifests itself in almost the same way as the onset of pregnancy, a woman

Delayed menstruation 4 days reasons
Delayed menstruation 4 days reasons

may even want to eat something spicy, and she will also experience mood swings. In the case when the delay of menstruation is 10days, the reasons may be different, but if the pregnancy test shows a negative result, it is urgent to see a doctor and make sure that pregnancy does not exist. A failure not stopped in time can lead to irreversible changes in a woman's body.

Among the causes of delayed menstruation may be an inflammatory disease of the appendages. In this case, the delay may be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, reminiscent of intestinal colic, frequent trips to the toilet "in a small way" and fever. Sometimes the inflammatory process is almost asymptomatic, and this is fraught with complications for a woman, which can lead to infertility. That is why it is important to see a doctor in the first days of a delay, regardless of whether the test showed a positive result or not.

Delayed menstruation 10 days reasons
Delayed menstruation 10 days reasons

Menstruation may not occur due to a sexually transmitted disease. In this case, if, along with the delay, a woman is worried about unpleasant vaginal discharge, itching, a pungent odor, as well as a lack of strength or headaches, she needs to immediately contact a gynecologist and pass all the necessary tests. If the delay is due to an infection, the doctor should prescribe a full course of conservative treatment.

In addition to the above reasons for delays in menstruation, there is also a delay caused by the woman's stress. Emotional shock can lead to a temporary malfunction in the body of the fairer sex, which will cause temporary ovarian dysfunction and, asconsequence, lack of menstruation.

The main advice for women who do not have periods is to immediately seek help from a gynecologist to ascertain the true causes of the problem. It is not worth conducting any research on your own (except for the test, not the definition of conception), as it is fraught with complications. It is important to establish the reason for the delay at the very beginning.
