Vaginal discharge in a woman is observed throughout her life. Their nature varies not only depending on age, but also depending on the specific day of the menstrual cycle. By mucous changes, it is possible to recognize ovulation, to determine any pathological changes in the entire reproductive female system. They are simply necessary in order to protect the genital tract from various pathogenic bacteria by creating an acidic environment there, as well as maintaining the he alth of the entire reproductive system. Below you can find the characteristics of mucus during ovulation, as well as its varieties and possible causes of changes.
Reason for selections
Every month, under the influence of female hormones in one ovary, one egg is prepared for the process of fertilization. During ovulation, this egg is released from its follicle, after whichmoves into the uterine cavity through the fallopian tube. This period is best used for conception. That is why various physiological changes occur in the woman's body, which facilitate this process and increase the likelihood of fertilization. One such change is the formation of secretions, mucus, during ovulation.

Lifting the so-called cervical mucus allows spermatozoa to penetrate the woman's uterus faster, and also creates a favorable external environment for them.
How long is the allocation
Thick transparent mucus during ovulation is only noticeable for 2-3 days. After the release of the egg, the hormone progesterone begins to be synthesized in the ovary. Under the influence of this hormone, the contents from the cervical canal become much denser. Whitish discharge is a sign of the completion of ovulation. This is where mucus comes from during ovulation.
Determination of ovulation by secretions
If a woman uses a calendar method of protection from unwanted fertilization, then the recognition of the ovulation period by secretions will help her determine the so-called dangerous days for conception. Spermatozoa are able to survive in the mucous secretions of the vagina and in the cervix for 5 days before the direct release of the oocyte, and then about the same number of days after that. These days are a favorable time for pregnancy.
Creamy-whitish dense mucus is the most liquid, viscous, elastic, taking the formegg whites. This happens directly on the day of ovulation, as well as for 5 days after it.
However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that not all mucus discharge during ovulation can be an absolute norm. Knowing the signs of pathology, a woman can suspect a disease in time, and then consult a doctor.
So, above we looked at why mucus is released during ovulation. But what should be normal? To do this, it is worth studying the characteristics of the discharge.

Slime characteristics
Secretion of mucus from the cervix is formed as a result of the peculiar work of the glands located in the cervical canal. Under the influence of estrogen hormones in the first phase of the cycle, the amount of this mucus gradually begins to increase, reaching 0.5 ml per day by the time the oocyte enters. During this period, the amount of water in it increases, which at the same time makes up at least half of the total volume of excretions. This is why watery mucus is released during ovulation.
A mixture of proteins (mucin and other peptides) and water forms a hydrogel. This hydrogel is characterized by increased elasticity and ductility. Cyclic changes in cervical secretion during ovulation is a very important factor that determines the successful entry of spermatozoa for fertilization into the uterus.
What should normal discharge be? As a rule, they are light. But you should pay attention to the fact that during ovulation, mucus with blood or slightly pinkish is also not a sign of anygynecological pathologies.
How many days does the nature of the discharge change
Immediately after the end of menstruation, the secret will be more meager, denser. Approximately 5 days before future ovulation, the mucus gradually begins to thin and become the most viscous, elastic. Just before ovulation, the cervical discharge from the thick plug turns into an "egg white", which is a transparent discharge, more elastic, which stretches well for several centimeters.
During ovulation, weak, pink mucus comes out (1, 5-2 weeks before menstruation). This happens when a mature egg leaves the follicle. At this time, the level of estrogen hormones increases, as well as a slight rejection of the internal tissues of the uterus - the endometrium. All this is accompanied by mild bleeding. These signs occur in almost a third of women, while being the absolute norm.

If a lot of pinkish mucus appeared during ovulation, it must be borne in mind that the probability of conception is somewhat reduced, because the rejected endometrium will reduce the functional surface of the uterus for implantation of a fertilized egg.
When a woman has had a baby recently, she may have pinkish discharge in case of restoration of ovulation.
In parallel with the change in the nature of mucus during ovulation, the photos of which look unaesthetic, and therefore are not included in the article, the fair sex can detect other symptoms:
- characteristicsoreness of various localization;
- basal temperature increase;
- strong sex drive;
- engorgement and pain localized in the mammary glands.
Ovulation without mucus
For many ladies, no external signs and changes in the body occur when the egg leaves the ovary. Vaginal dryness is a very common problem that interferes with normal conception. Such a sign can be caused by low levels of the hormone estrogen, as well as the individual characteristics of the woman's body.
The absence of mucus during ovulation, before or after this period, does not mean that there was no ovulation, and even more so it does not mean that infertility is developing. Although the entry of spermatozoa into the uterus is somewhat more difficult, pregnancy is still possible, especially during the "fertile window" - in the next 5 days before and after the egg leaves the ovary.
Cervical mucus characterization is one of several methods used by gynecologists to determine ovulation period. The extensibility of secretions for this was determined using special tweezers, which captured mucus from the external opening of the cervical canal and then stretched it. During ovulation, the size of the divergence of the forceps with a continuous thread of mucus should be 8-12 cm. In other periods of the cycle, it is usually no more than 4 cm.

The sensitivity of this diagnostic method for secretions normally does not exceed 50%. The same principle will apply to the home method for detecting the extensibility of cervical mucous secretions, when the fair sex of the discharge from the vagina independently stretches between the fingers. Depending on the increase in the length of the continuous mucous thread, one can roughly determine the time that will be favorable for the process of conception.
If during ovulation the resulting mucus is put on glass, dried, then under multiple magnification under a microscope, the discharge will acquire a characteristic pattern in the form of a fern leaf. This is due to the increased content of s alts and mucin (mucilaginous protein) in it, which crystallize with the formation of stripes. This diagnostic is used only in some reusable test systems to determine ovulation.
To evaluate the properties of cervical mucus, specialists use a special scoring system. This system is used in reproduction during the examination of patients suffering from infertility. Their assessment of 10 or more points is the norm, a smaller number is a sign of a pathological change.
The following characteristics are taken into account:
- Quantity: no mucus - 0; 0.1 ml of mucus - 1; 0.2 ml of mucus - 2; 0.3 ml of mucus or more - 3 points.
- Consistency of mucus: viscous, dense mucus - 0; insignificant - 1; watery mucus - 2 points.
- Crystallization of mucus: atypical mucus - 1; fern leaf pattern with branches of the 1st and 2nd orders - 2; branches on the pattern of the 3rd and 4th orders - 3 points.
- Extensibility of mucus when gripping with a forceps: extensibility up to 1 cm - 0;extensibility from 1 to 4 cm - 1; extensibility from 5 to 8 cm - 2; extensibility of 9 cm or more - 3 points.
Other indicators that affect the "quality" of discharge during ovulation:
- presence of dead immune, epithelial cells during microscopic examination;
- acidity during ovulation should be 7, 0-8, 0 (acidification of the environment will immobilize spermatozoa, it is observed in the presence of vaginal infections);
- symptom of the "pupil", which is an expansion before the phase of ovulation of the external os of the uterus up to 3 cm.
Pathological changes
What kind of mucus during ovulation is the norm, we sorted it out. However, her condition may also indicate some developing pathologies. The nature of the described discharge usually does not change in one patient for several cycles in a row. The appearance of an unusual symptom, such as very brown mucus during ovulation, is a reason to see a doctor.

Such discharges are caused by diseases of the reproductive organs of a non-inflammatory and inflammatory nature. Such intermenstrual bleeding is usually observed with uterine fibroids or endometrial polyps.
Other reasons for such an admixture of blood:
- hormonal disorders;
- polycystic ovaries;
- hypothyroidism;
- thrombocytopathy, a decrease in the number of platelets in hematological diseases;
- endometrial hyperplasia;
- side effects after taking oralcontraceptives.
Bleeding in the middle of a cycle can be a sign of cervical or uterine cancer, vaginal injury.
As for brown discharge, they are most often caused by the release of remnants of the already rejected endometrium, as well as blood after menstruation. During ovulation, the cervix softens, then it opens, which helps to cleanse the entire organ cavity of various unnecessary substances. Spotting short-term discharge during ovulation should not bother a woman if they are rare.
Dark permanent discharge can occur with the following pathologies:
- severe vascular fragility due to lack of vitamin C or routine;
- severe liver disease;
- dysbiosis, vaginal infections, candidiasis.
Sometimes brown discharge is a sign of implantation bleeding. It is caused by damage to the walls of the endometrium in the event of the introduction of an already fertilized egg into it. You can think about this probability if the last intimate contact was no later than 5 days before.
Yellow slime
Such discharges are in most cases associated with bacterial vaginosis, which is a condition when pathogenic microorganisms begin to multiply on the vaginal mucosa instead of the natural microflora, which do not cause inflammation, but lead to an unpleasant odor, itching, burning, problems with conception.

With the development of vaginosis, do not douche, use tampons. Betteruse special sanitary napkins, wash daily with plain running water.
Yellow mucus may accompany the following infections: chlamydia, candidiasis, gonorrhea. The discharge is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, itching, swelling, redness of the genital organs, a burning sensation during urination, pain during sexual contact. In case of any of the signs, a doctor's consultation is necessary.
Profuse secretion
When a woman has irregular, heavy discharge, it is also necessary to consult a doctor. These signs are not associated with ovulation and serve as a signal of gynecological diseases. In the case of the appearance of mucous bleeding during menopause, you should consult a doctor, as this may be an early signal of the oncological process.

Any woman should be able to distinguish between a normal pinkish discharge from bleeding. When in doubt, a doctor should be consulted for prompt medical attention.